The Journals
The Journals record the prelevel narrations and images from each level.
They are hyperlinked to the corresponding Field Guide pages for your convenience. We suggest
you start from the prologue of Myth: The Fallen Lords and work your way through,
but of course you don't have to.
Myth: The Fallen Lords
Wednesday August 3, Crow's Bridge
Tuesday August 5, King's Highway
Friday August 8, Otter Ferry
Monday September 15, Outskirts of Tyr
Monday September 15, Shepherd's Gate, Covenant
Friday November 7, The Plain of Scales
Wednesday November 12, Fool's Traverse, Bagrada
Friday November 14, Devil's Overlook, Bagrada
Wednesday November 19, The Barrier
Wednesday November 19, The Barrier
Sunday November 30, Outskirts of Silvermines
Sunday November 30, Foothills of the Cloudspine
Sunday December 7, Seven Gates
Tuesday May 19, The Edge of Forest Heart
Date Unknown, Inside The Tain
Date Unknown, Inside The Tain
Sunday May 23, Near Myrgard
Tuesday May 24, Myrgard
Monday June 15, The Edge of the Dire Marsh
Wednesday June 24, The South Bank of the Gjol
Thursday June 25, Near the Watcher's Camp
Monday July 20, Outside Rhi'anon
Tuesday July 21, Rhi'anon
Tuesday July 21, The Fortress
Tuesday July 21, The Great Devoid
Myth II: Soulblighter
Monday August 25, Near Willow Creek
Monday August 25, Willow Creek
Tuesday August 26, Between Tallow and Willow Creek
Tuesday September 2, Near Brayle
Tuesday September 2, The Keep
Monday September 15, Gonen's Bridge
Wednesday September 17, Plain of Scales
Tuesday September 23, Madrigal
Friday October 10, Madrigal
Sunday November 16, Near White Falls
Sunday November 30, The Ermine
Monday December 22, Thyrmir's Gorge, The Stair of Grief
Saturday January 10, Angurvadal Glacier, The Cloudspine
Sunday February 1, The Twelve Duns, South of Rhi'ornin
Thursday February 26, Outer Walls of Muirthemne
Friday February 27, Muirthemne
Monday March 2, Muirthemne
Sunday April 19, Forest Heart
Monday April 20, Inside the Tain
Tuesday April 21, Soulblighter's camp, West of the Cloudspine
Tuesday April 21, Near Soulblighter's camp, West of the Cloudspine
Thursday April 23, Lesotho Dam
Saturday April 25, South of Silvermines
Saturday April 25, The Foot of Tharsis
Monday April 27, Tharsis
Myth II: Chimera
Edge of Ruewood
Kyrand's tomb, Near Brighton
Location Unspecified
South of Fosgarach
Location Unspecified
Location Unspecified, Underground
Myth III: The Wolf Age
The Comet Returns
August 8th, 1426 A.E., The village of Yursgrad, Territory of Gower
May 23rd, 1430 A.E., At the edge of the Dire Marsh
July 16th, 1432 A.E., On the road through the forest of Talwhyn
November 19th, 1432 A.E., In the eastern Downs
April 10th, 1433 A.E., South-east of The Twelve Duns
October 4th, 1433 A.E., In the southernmost tip of Forest Heart
October 4th, 1433 A.E., In the Crypt of Mazzarin
The Tain
June 27th, 1434 A.E., On the road to Myrgard
August 1st, 1434 A.E., At the Gates of Myrgard
February 11th, 1435 A.E., The heart of the Dire Marsh
February 11th, 1435 A.E., In the dungeon of Thalor's black spire.
A Dream of Release
July 20th, 1435 A.E., The walls of Llancarfan
July 21st, 1435 A.E., 5 miles north of Llancarfan
October 12th, 1435 A.E., The temple complex at Rhi'ornin
October 30th, 1435 A.E., On the plain of Avernus
February 26th, 1439 A.E., Farm country, North of the Downs
The Soul of Iron
April 13th, 1439 A.E., The Smiths Forge, The Main Forum, Llancarfan
April 14th, 1439 A.E., night, Halls of the Spider Temple
May 28th, 1439 A.E., At the edge of the Dire Marsh, Along the Gjol river
July 17th, 1439 A.E., The Trow temple complex, Di'zeron
August 14th, 1439 A.E., The center of Rhi'anon
The Leveler
July 2nd, 1440 A.E., The ruins of the Downs
September 25th, 1440 A.E., Near the Nornpass of the Cloudspine
September 26th, 1440 A.E., Moagim's camp, the Nornpass
September 26th, 1440 A.E., The heart of the Nornpass
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