
The Ibis Crown

Now this level is just filled with interesting things, most of them images hidden in the mesh or in models, but some others as well.

The first thing you'll notice as the level begins is a nifty skull engraved on the floor. It may not be significant at all, because this is a crypt, but perhaps it has some hidd- wait a minute! Where did my units just come from? They just came out of that cave from the surface...

...but the hill the cave goes into doesn't connect to the surface! Did they teleport into the hill from another cavern above? Or does the tunnel run out under the mesh, off the level, and then up to the surface? I know this is just because of an engine limitation, but it's funky.

To your left you will find more spider imagery. The Dwarven Smiths of Muirthemne who built these caverns were spider worshippers, and seem to have put their sacreligious imagery everywhere.

IronDuke points out that you can see the text "Bungie Rules" hidden in the mesh here. It's hard so see so I've slightly enhanced it.

Thanks again to IronDuke for pointing out these next two, reported to's old Easter Eggs page by Entrail. Guess Juan Ramirez really gets a kick out of hidden messages. (These are very hard to see without enhancement, but if you want to find them they are in the far east room with the three pits of fire).

Mumbles pointed out to me on Hotline that one of the Stygian Knight passageways has "Metallica" spelled out on the mesh.

In the final room, there are some interesting murals. One seems to depict a war against the Dark, and another a truce between human armies. Dark and Light Eras? Then howcome the face below the truce scene seems to much angrier than the other face? Perhaps the Spider-gods want humans to be miserable?

In this same room, we find the Ibis Crown.

If you look to your right, you will find a magic sword hovering amongst glowing jewels.

If a Berserk picks it up, you can see that it is the sword Balmung (which reappears on the level "Twice Born"). It has a dispersal-like lightning effect, and the bearer is immune to the lightning as well.

There are also two other places filled with glowing jewels, but no artifacts in them. What was once lying here?

Lastly, there is a funny unused subtitle: "It's dark in here."

Written and compiled by Forrest.