
A Murder of Crows

This level is the entrance to the secret level, and has a number of interesting points of its own.

Soulblighter beating captured archers...

Most people don't seem to realize this, but the Deceiver can't normally bind powerful units like Shades - hence Phelot here having to be sorely wounded in order for Myrdred to turn him to his will and make him free you.

Throughout the level white Ghols like this will try to run away and taddle about your escape to Soulblighter.

So you have to make sure to block off their every exit, like this.

Otherwise fellows like this snitch here will escape, and ruin your day.

But if you're fast enough you can still intercept them... sometimes. Interestingly enough Myrdred never uses his sound "Why release me now, useless beasts, you have killed us all!" if you let him go after alerting Soulblighter; the script just breaks, instead.

These crystals are perhaps the only ones in the entire game which are not mini-Tains.

The sixth one can be found in a cave like this one.

There are four such caves, numbered on this map, and the crystal appears in higher-numbered ones depending on difficulty level.

The ones without crystals have either wights, or more friendly units in them.

The fourth cave is always smoking, no matter what is in it. How close are we to Tharsis?

Some of the friendly units you free from the caves will say they saw some wagons going north a while ago. If you go north at the end of the level, instead of the normal south, you will wind up on the secret level Limbs, Heads And Smoking Craters.

Just climb up that little hill and you're out.

Oddly enough, though the colormap doesn't indicate it, the normal exit has a steep incline as well, to prevent smearing by viewing beyond the mesh.

Written and compiled by Forrest.