
The Smiths of Muirthemne

Fear these obelisks. They may look nice but they can shoot lightning in rapid bursts that will destroy all your units.

When you first approach them they look harmless enough, but as you get close they will glow and make a menacing hum. Get much closer then that and you are toast. You will have to get past them to find what you need to exit the Tain.

The lightning towers are based on the broadcast power system used ages ago by the Power and Mana Utilities Company of Muirthemne (PaMUCoM), which is known for the embarrassing power outage during Connacht's coronation ceremony. (Too many people had their crystal balls turned on at the same time.)

If you are having trouble getting past the lightning towers:

  • Hint: The towers have 3 states: off, ready, and on.
  • Still unclear? Try sending one unit to make a tower go into the ready state and leave it there. Then go explore the rest of the level.
  • Can't figure it out still? If you approach a tower and it doesn't go into the ready state, then something must be keeping it from turning on.
  • Ok, here it is exactly: When one tower is in the ready state, the others won't activate because the glowing one is draining all the power.

You can also sneak past the first tower on the right with all your troops though you only need to send across a zerk to take care of the spiders and a dwarf.

Written and compiled by the Myth Nontoxic crew.