
The Deceiver

Ah, now we get back to business. This level has the first real easter egg since Landing at White Falls.

At the start of this level, a Journeyman interrogates a Berserk, pressing him to remember the magic words that he must say to revive the Deceiver. At the end of this level, that same Berserk totally fouls up the recital of the words, but it works anyway.

Some may not realize it, but this is in fact a recursive parody. See, in the sci-fi classic film The Day The Earth Stood Still, an alien visiting Earth eventually gets into some trouble (as usually happens when aliens visit primitive Earth), and sends his cutsey little human girlfriend to activate his giant robot with the magic passphrase "klaatu verata niktu" to save him, etc. Then, decades later in the cult classic action-fantasy-thriller Army of Darkness, which Myth seems to draw a lot of stylistic themes from, parodied TDTESS, amongst many other things.

In Army of Darkness, the main character, Ash (from Evil Dead and Evil Dead 2), has been thrust back in time by a book called the Necronomicon, and must use these same words to release the Necronomicon from its... holding-desk-thingy... out in the woods. Except Ash, in character, butchers the lines and addicentally released the Army of Darkness upon medieval Europe. Now in Myth, your Berserks must use the same words to revive the Deceiver, and the Berserks butcher them ever worse than Ash - but they still work.

And in case you were wondering, the exact misquotes used are:

  • Er... claptrap verboso... um... neckbone.
  • Um... clambake veratus... er... nicktoo?
  • Clatu... um... virtuosos nomnom.
  • E Pubis Numnum! Errr...

In Star Wars VI: Return of the Jedi, Jabba the Hut is accompanied by three skiff guards on his fated sail barge party. These surly and inept henchmen just happen to be named, Klaatu, Barada and Nikto. Coincidence, or... ?

Written and compiled by Forrest.