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Archived Posts - May 2001

May 30th


  Myth III has 12 weeks left (!)  - [ Lophan | 08:57 EST ]

It seems that Mumbo Jumbo's connection to the internet is back up, so Andrew Meggs (you know who he is and what he does) has been busy in the many Myth forums. In regards to a thread in the FutureMyth forum about the consistancy of the Myth storyline, Meggs offers this little pearl:

It's already too late! We have to be done with everything except testing, compatibility, and bug fixes in only 12 weeks, and there's no way any significant story points or characters can change now! Your cries fall on deaf ears as we scramble on to the finish! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Interesting, looks like they're coming up on the home stretch. 12 weeks huh?... can anyone figure out how to make a seven out of that?

May 27th

The Pfhorums

  Myth@Bungie.Org Forums Upgrade  - [ Forrest | 22:14 EST ]

Thanks to the hard efforts of B.org's own Claude Errera, all forums are now running on WebBBS 4.33. This means, among other things, that you can create profiles for yourselves, setting URLs and images in your sigs. Profiles also mean that people can't post under your name without your password, if you've registered in the DB by creating a profile.

There are other niceties too, such as auto-redirecting to the index after posts and other operations, wider spacing on the index for easier readability, and so on.

As an added benefit, I now have MaD AdMiN PoWeRz, meaning that I can toast any of you forum lamers lurking out there in the dark, dank mists of cyberspace. (Not that our forums have many lamers [knock on wood]).

So, register your profile, post your messages, and enjoy!

May 25th

If a game is released and no one buys it, is it still a game?

  Memorial Day RTS Poll Smash!  - [ Lophan | 08:46 EST ]

Gamespot has a poll up (surprised? didn't think so...) begging the question "Which of these real-time strategy games shown at E3 are you most excited about?"

So far, Warcraft III is leading followed by Age of Mythology (which finally got a rotatable camera) and Myth III is back in the pack at around 5% of the vote.

Go get 'em!

May 24th

I thought I was already in hell...

  TMBM tells Myth to 'Go To Hell!'  - [ Lophan | 20:46 EST ]

"TMBM wants you to go to Hell!
They Might Be Mapmakers is proud to present the release of a new multiplayer map set: 'Hell and Hell Frozen Over!'

Hell is a dark, horrid place, with strange sacrificial monuments exuding darkness, and pools of lava burning in the cracked landscape. 'Night on Bald Mountain', the classical masterpiece by Vaughn Williams, plays in the background as you wreak havoc in Hell. 'Hell Frozen Over' is an example of what Hell will be like when Pigs fly, Bush learns his ABC's, and Nader is elected President. The pools of lava are now hardened ice, and the cracked earth is now frozen solid, the once dark monuments now covered in a whirlwind of snow. Both maps are FFA, featuring traditional Myth units as well as some TMBM scenery.

Hell is available at The Mill (mill.evihcra.com) or at the TMBM website (www.tmbmcentral.net). You can visit the Hell preview page at www.tmbmcentral.net/hell/hell.htm

May 23rd


And the updates just keep on rollin'...

  Lots of Legends Updates  - [ Forrest | 15:51 EST ]

Hoo boy, a whole lotta small news today, and perhaps more to come...

First, I've added some user feedback to the Wheel of Time section in the Relics article on Allusions. Then, the Sevens article in Delusions gets a small update. I've added two easter eggs to the Field Guides for Willow Creek and The Summoner. And last but not least, I've added info on two old Myth movies (the Myth II teaser and The Making of TFL ) to the Unimplemented Features article in Relics.

Enjoy. Now maybe I should go have breakfast. It's only 1PM...

Myth III coverage from Gamespy  - [ Lophan | 09:23 EST ]

From Gamespy's E3 coverage, Nate "Lokust" Timperley wrote this article about the upcoming Myth III: The Wolf Age: a good high-level overview of the project with yet another take on how Myth III's gameplay is shaping up. Timperley also offers some background story info which may or may not be news to our readers:

One thousand years before he wore the Mantle of the Leveler and was known as Balor, Connacht was the great hero of the Wolf age. Myth 3 takes place a millenia before it's predecesors, and traces Connacht's exploits against the armies of the Myrkridia and Trow. Another familiar character, Damas, plays a big part in the storyline as Connacht's most trusted general. Myth 2 fans will probably recognize Damas under another name - Soulblighter.
A lot of positive press has come out so far on Myth III and there's still game aspects that Mumbo Jumbo has yet to address. With some of the reports of lackluster PC showings at E3, we're happy to see that our pet-project is getting the early nod.

May 22nd

Miguel, how do we love thee? Let me count the ways...

  Myth III Exclusive E3 Report  - [ Lophan | 18:44 EST ]

Our good friend Freewill, who is responsible for the Bungie Fanfests, sent us in this report about his time with the Mumbo Jumbo crew and the current status of Myth III, including new insight and a couple of photos. Interested?... have at it!

May 21st


Will zerks have hair parting on the left and right as well?

  More structural updates  - [ Forrest | 16:38 EST ]

I've updated both Relics and Delusions in Legends, keeping most of the actual data the same but presenting it in a more easily readable and navigatable format. I've also cleaned up the headers on the Journal and Field Guide indexes, such that they match. The Relics and Delusions also have matching headers, as they are paired similarly to the Journals and Field Guides. The Encyclopedia is its own deal with its own format.


Meggs on blood...  - [ Lophan | 15:44 EST ]

Myth III lead Andrew Meggs chimed in on the FutureMyth forum boards over at rampancy.net in response to concern over the lack of blood and gore in the aforementioned E3 Trailer. Those of you who like to see flowing rivers of crimson will be very happy:

So.... in the movie you see no blood on the mesh and units always gib when killed. In the version running at E3, you would have seen red blood on the mesh like Myth 2. In the version on my PC right now, you see multicolored blood that trickles down hills and pools in ditches, and units that have up to six different ways to die depending on the force and direction of the final blow. It's all about the carnage, baby!
Life just gets better and better...

May 20th

Thanks for the heads up Hika, the head up your...

  Brand new 3D Myth III Trailer  - [ Lophan | 15:38 EST ]

Turns out the Gamespot trailer is the one from earlier in the year... no biggie!

That will just make THIS NEW TRAILER all the more impressive. Special thanks to The Mill for hosting it and let me assure you: you are NOT ready!

May 19th

Point-n-click! It's that easy!

  Myth III Trailer available @ Gamespot!  - [ Lophan | 13:48 EST ]

Word has hit us that a Myth III: The Wolf Age trailer is available at Gamespot. Juding by the news coming out of Los Angeles... Myth III is turning some heads with it's enhanced 3D engine and gameplay.

Don't waste time... get it now!

Thanks Matt!

May 18th

Hype. Press. E3.

  More Myth III info from MSNBC.com  - [ Lophan | 09:57 EST ]

MSNBC.com's coverage of E3: After praising Nintendo for their 'mastery' of the game market and taking a few shots at Sony, MSNBC blasts Micro$oft's presentations for the Xbox for it's 'unimpressive showing so far.'

They do, however, give a good review of Max Payne on the PC side (can't wait to get my hands on it) and another game you might have heard of...

Max Payne will not have a multi-player mode, but it may not need one. This appears to be a strong enough game to survive on single-player interest. Another promising title in the Gathering trailer park was Myth III: The Wolf Age, a prequel to earlier Myth games.

Myth III is a Bungie-less Myth. (Bungie, the company that created Myth, was acquired by Microsoft and now devotes its full attention to Xbox.) Even so, the spirit of Bungie haunts this game along with millions of medieval monsters. And while the final results will not be in for a few months, this preliminary look suggests that Myth fans may find their game intact.

May 17th

Why are you still here?

I hope someone puts in a 'GNOP' experience...

GoD wants to make Connacht your bitch!

  Myth III In-Game Screenshots!  - [ Lophan | 19:15 EST ]

mythwolfage.com has the goods. Don't read... just go.

Myth@Borg opens 'Great Gaming Moments'  - [ Lophan | 10:54 EST ]

Announcing the opening of a new feature here at Myth@Bungie.org: Great Gaming Moments!

This is a place to share those 'moments' that you've had while playing computer or video games. It doesn't specifically have to be a 'Myth' or a 'Bungie' moment, but it does have to be something that was special to you. Read through our submissions!... you might find other have moments like your own.

Stop by and check it out!

Myth III E3 schedule announced  - [ Lophan | 10:12 EST ]

The kind gentlemen at mythwolfage.com posted the most important part of GoD's schedule of events on Friday at E3:

Friday, May 18th

12:15 PM - 12:45 PM Myth III "The Wolf Age" (MumboJumbo)

Remember, that's Pacific Time, so it won't hit us here on the 'right coast' until after 3pm. Stay tuned!

May 16th




  A Note On Forums...  - [ Forrest | 18:12 EST ]

Just a brief note, especially directed to all you Mythmasters out there, pointing out the new link at the bottom of the page Mythmaster page. Below the Films link. The Academy. That's our old strategy forum, from back when we had a strategy section. It's not gotten much use, well... ever. I'm trying to get the site cleaned up and everything organized properly, as you can tell by the "structural updates" I've been doing to Legends and Lore. This includes the Forums.

Pretty much the only productive forum currently is the Asylum, which has picked up mapmaking and Mythmastery topics as well, topics once directed to The Forge and The Academy. Hopefully we'll have a section to generate traffic in The Forge soon enough, but for now, if you have any Mythmaster posts, put them in the Academy. I'm gonna start actually monitoring those other forums now too, so no lamers allowed :-)

Have fun.

Field Guides and Structural Updates  - [ Forrest | 17:52 EST ]

Ares pointed out an interesting feature on Gate of Storms, the first real point of interest discovered on that level.

Also, I've gone through and cleaned up all the Relics and Delusions articles. Some of them had big fancy image titles, others had no titles at all, others had text titles in various different formats; I've gone through and given them all a standard text title format. I've also removed the previous/next article links from them, as the articles are really not in any particular sequential relation to eachother.

New M3 Screenshots  - [ Forrest | 15:39 EST ]

Somehow all the slackers I don't pay anything to run the news page here have totally missed the fact that there are new M3 shots up at e3.godgames.com. So, go there mb.

May 15th


  Myth Village Opens Its Doors  - [ Gawyn | 07:02 EST ]

May 15, 2001 - Myth Village is proud to announce it's grand opening. Myth Village is a new site dedicated to the Myth series of games by Bungie / Mumbo Jumbo.


This premier comes just one day before the before the start of E3. We intend to cover it completely and have an article dedicated to the show. Myth Village also has a complete collection of released images from Myth III and a writeup of the development team.

With the new sites comes new forums, a new links section, and an expanded updates page, with the addition of a list of map standards from various orders.

With the launch of Myth Village comes the absence of Myth Townhall. Started back in December of 1998 it covered the world of Myth well in the past two and half years. It is now closing it's doors to make room for Myth Village.


Infininight - Webmaster

May 14th

A present?... for me? You should'nt have. No, wait... YOU SHOULD!


  A Myth III 'present' at E3?  - [ Lophan | 16:12 EST ]

Responding to a rampancy.net forum thread on pre-release video game hype, Santa's Head chimes in with his thoughts. What is most interesting, however, is his close:

-Santa.. in route to making a lil present for y'all at E3 (and maybe one you hardcore [sic] fans can take with yas) *8)
Make of that what you will... Thursday can't get here fast enough!

Films and photos  - [ Forrest | 01:55 EST ]

The Wolfpack sends in three more films to Mythmaster Central, while a reader kindly submits a screenshot I requested to the Myth II Tutorial Field Guide.

May 13th

Poll smash!

  Vote Myth for Best Level Design!  - [ Forrest | 14:16 EST ]

New GameSpot Poll. You know what to do.

May 11th


Is that some of the 'procedural foilage' we've heard so much about?...

  Minor Structural Updates  - [ Forrest | 19:18 EST ]

I've gone through all the Journals and put the title of the game each level belongs to above the links to the next or previous pages, since it looked odd only having the first and last levels like that. So now, for example, "Seven Gates" will have links to "Myth TFL: Shadow of the Mountain" and "Myth TFL: Forest Heart", while "The Forge" will link to "Myth II: Twice Born" and "Chimera: The Healer".

I've also gone through and made sure that all of the field guides had the prev/next links at the bottom as well, as many of them (even the old TFL ones) didn't.

Also also in the TFL Field Guides, I've removed links to broken old strategy guides on other people's sites. Our own solo strategy guides will eventually be erected at Mythmaster Central.

In the same section as the broken strat links, I've replaced the "...level X of the game." phrase with "...level X of Myth: The Fallen Lords." The Myth II sections match this ("...of Myth II: Soulblighter), as will the Chimera sections ("...of Myth II: Chimera"), and eventually the Myth 3 sections ("...of Myth III: The Wolf Age).

Next up, Chimera Field Guides...

Myth III 'In-Engine' screenshot!  - [ Lophan | 09:06 EST ]

As reported at rampancy.net, it seems that the fellows at mythwolfage.com got a visit from the Myth III Screenshot Fairy last night. What they found under their digital pillow was what looks to be a screenshot from the new Myth III engine in lovingly detailed 3D. Nice!

We're under a week from the opening of E3 and it looks like everyone is getting in gear to show off their wares. Let's hope that 'Fairy' makes a couple more stops between now and then...

May 9th


  More Field Guides  - [ Forrest | 02:10 EST ]

Added "Shiver" to the Field Guide today. I know, pace has slowed down, so sue me.

UPDATE 5/10: The Myth II Field Guides are completed, and Shiver has been updated a bit. Also, I've noted on the Guides on the first and last levels of each game that the next or previous level you are preceeding to is in a different game, by a non-hyperlinked "Myth TFL", "Myth II", or "Chimera" before the level name. Enjoy!

May 8th

Myth NetBois rejoice!


  bungie.net down temporarily...  - [ Lophan | 08:46 EST ]

As reported on bungie.net, the Myth II b.net server has gone down due to a DNS failure (read: not Bungie's fault). While bad in the short term, the good news is that the online crew that cares about YOU - THE GAMER, will ressurect the Myth:TFL server as well once they get the hardware set up in Redmond:

So, once everything is up and running, it will simply be a matter of DNS propagation before you can get back online. As some of you may remember from our initial move West, this process can take anywhere from a day to a month, or longer, depending on your ISP, routers, etc. This time, however, you won't have to download a new patch, and hopefully everyone will be able to get to Bungie.net soon.
Happy days are... well, they will be here again sometime Soon(tm). Thanks Mordia and Tommy G.

Yet Another L&L Update  - [ Forrest | 02:36 EST ]

Field Guides are up to The Wall now, and the latest Delusions article has some user feedback added to the theory.

May 5th


  Yet More Legends & Mythmaster Updates  - [ Forrest | 03:44 EST ]

Field Guides up to level 19 now, "The Summoner", with some added data to "The Baron" and "With Friends Like These", and perhaps others, I've lost track with so much stuff going on. The index has also been cleaned up a bit, as has the Journal index.

And finally, a grand new Delusions article,
the Principia Mythica!

And yes, I am insane.

Addendum (I love that word): Mythmaster Central has been updated too, with a new film from Asmodeus of "With Friends Like These". Off the top of my head I think this puts him like seven films away from winning, but don't quote me on that.

Happy Cinco de Mayo. Now I must go siesta.

May 4th

TFL Server Down

'36?! Is that including me?...'

  TFL Server down, but not gone  - [ Gawyn | 21:27 EST ]

As I'm sure those of you who have tried to log on to the Myth:TFL Bungie.net server recently have discovered, it is no longer operational. Bungie.net has an article detailing that, to sum it up, the old server was 4 years old and dying (or so), and was taken down to be replaced, Soon.

Let us now shed tears of greif and let the carnage flow through TCP/IP games until we can loyally log back to Bungie.net and play our TFL games in their proper glory.

Slow news week, but do not fear!...  - [ Lophan | 13:11 EST ]

Not much in the Myth news world this week, but we are certainly looking forward to some juicy pre-E3 action this coming week. We also have some 'double-secret probation' stuff on the horizon so stay tuned.

In the meantime, check out some of the new stuff Forrest has added to the Field Guide section in Legends & Lore. We can never have enough speculation...

May 1th


  More Myth@B.org Updates  - [ Forrest | 15:12 EST ]

Both Mythmaster Central AND the Field Guides have been updated. MMC gets a new film from Asmo, and the Guides have been updated to level 11, and I've put up the Tutorial's page too.

Check 'em out!

(UPDATE: Field Guides now to level 14, and lots of changes to Gonen's Bridge, Beyond the Cloudspine, Landing at White Falls, and Through The Ermine, thanks to user contributions in email and from the Asylum).

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Myth at Bungie.org is maintained by Forrest, Lophan, Gawyn, and Pie-rat; webpage design and original Nontoxic™ site is copyright (c) 1998 by Joshstar; no portion of this website may be reprinted without explicit permission from us.