Monday February 11th 2002
Fan Creations { Gholsbane }
We at are constantly striving to bring you the best in community goodness. Thus it is with great pleasure that we bring you "Fan Creations", a collection of pages containing material contributed by the Myth community to show off their creative talents. Unfortunately, due to minor technical difficulties and our lack of submissions thus far, the section is not yet completed. However, you can speed up the process by sending in any works of art or written masterpieces you have eating up space on your hard disks.We are primarily looking for "Journal Fiction", works of fan fiction created to flesh out the backstory of Myth in the style of Bungie's gritty journal entries. All submissions will be judged by the panel and the best will go into their own section. We also welcome any other Myth-related creative material.
So, if you want to see this section go live, send in your material and expect to see it included when this gets off the ground Soon.
Well, what are you waiting for, get creative!