Monday March 26th 2001
MythWarrior released for Myth II:SB { Lophan }
After my weekend excursion driving to Atlanta for the South Regionals of the NCAA Hoops Tourney, I returned to find one glaring piece of major Myth news staring me right in the face and no mention of it on the m.b.o. pages... so here you go (courtesy and IMG):MythWarrior, an adaptation of the MechWarrior universe, has been released and is available now at The Mill. In the words of it's creator:To put it bluntly, it's beautiful and is destined to become an instant classic (IMNSHO). Get it now: you won't be disapointed! That's all. Have a nice afternoon."Mythwarrior replaces Myth's medieval units with big robots that are armed to the teeth. With 5 map variants and 1 solo level Mythwarrior has something for everyone. Or at least something for everyone who has a copy of Myth 2 and likes to blow the crap outta stuff."