Lemuridae Caveat

Welcome to Myth at Bungie.org! Part of the Bungie.org network, this site is an archive of information and fan-generated content related to the Myth series of real-time tactical computer games, including Bungie's Myth: The Fallen Lords and Myth II: Soulblighter, as well as Take-Two's Myth III: The Wolf Age.
Please also visit other key parts of the ongoing Myth fan community:
- Project Magma – The volunteer development team for the Myth engine. Visit them to download a demo of Myth for modern operating systems, or for engine updates to the full games. (For full copies of the games, you'll have to find them used.)
- Gate of Storms – The fan-operated metaserver (game lobby). Visit them to register an account for tracking your scores online. (Simply playing on there is open even to unregistered guests.)
- The Tain – A file archive home to many, many fan-created mods and enhancements for Myth's content, including numerous projects the size of full games themselves; as well as more active community forums.
Legends & Lore
Our flagship section, Legends & Lore contains:
- An archive of the Journals (pregame narration) from all three games
- Corresponding Field Guides showing the notable sights for each level
- A selection of Relics, extra sources of story information about the games
- A collection of Delusions, fan theories from our staff and readers
- And our Encyclopedia compiling all the details of the Myth world
Mythmaster Central
Taking inspiration from Marathon's Vidmaster Central, this section contains:
- An Introduction to Mythmastery
- The official Seven Laws of Mythmastery
- A comprehensive Film Archive, the centerpiece of Mythmaster Central
- Detailed Tips & Tricks on different ways to master each level
- And profiles of The Myth Masters, our most notable contributors
News Archive
Over a decade of archived news from the heyday of the Myth fandom.
Various unsorted odds and ends that don't warrant their own sections.
Our discussion forums for story, strategy, mod-making, and miscellany.