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Home of the loonies
One fine autumn day, in the year of 1999, something was about to happen. There was a large white house in the middle of the woods. The sign above the door to this house read: "Happy Acres Mental Institute." All of the inmates knew it as The Asylum.

As the clock chimed noon, a bloodcurdling scream came from the house. Duckyjo had charged through the door alongside Milk Man, Smeagol, Drunken Ghol, Blackhand, Forrest, and hundreds more horribly crazed Mythers out of the Asylum, and into Bungie.net

It's time for the world to meet the Asylum. You'd better hide.

Date: 4/22/00
Time: 6:00 PM EST
Plugins Required: AN Standard
Pass: Mauls come from Blind _____s?(i think)
Outcome: Eh...
Games/Plugins: Myth II.
Films: One.
Report: Yeah.

Asylum Night News
Brought to you by
Duckyjo and Forrest.

April 26th, 2000
Forrest says:
AsylumHL is cool, Asylum plugin needs work, we need short stories, and Asylum Night will be open to the public as of May 20th.

Films & report from the last AN are up there, if you missed them before.

April 25th, 2000
Ducky says:
After days of technical difficulties with the FTP program, Ducky can speak, and what a wonderful day it is! The Asylum Night HL is up, we've begun to address the issue of the falling Asylum, and it looks as if things will be cool, and I'm happy for the first time since this morning! LONG LIVe THE... oh never mind, I've said it enough already.

So anyway, go check out the HL server. It's great when people actually chat there. It's just damned awesome. And have fun at all costs!

April 16th, 2000
Ducky says (via Forrest):
An 25 was not too much of a success, with about only four or five people showing, but other than that, it was a success. We got at least one good film (ducky's finest achievement from Chimera), and a few interesting words put in. LONG LIVE THE ASYLUM!

(Note from Forrest: I wish I could have made it but I spent all day fux0ring with my computer's problems. Thus, AN25 officially didn't happen ;} ).

April 9th, 2000
Forrest says:
Whee! AN24 was great! Sorry I didn't post everything last night, but I'm moving and having some family problems at the same time, plus my new job, so I haven't much time to work on things like this.

Report and films are up and very good. New theories and good discussions in the report, and three vid-worthy films in our pack of seven. We only lost once! OMG! Check 'em out!

April 2nd, 2000
Ducky says:
Look at me! I'm back. Back in the 20th or 21st century (depending on how you look at it), and back at the AN homepage. I'm proud o' meself. I made it to the Asylum night last night and found lots of interesting things. We were even contacted by creatures from the future or something. Whatever. As long as we got to play Myth. LONG LIVE THE ASYLUM!

April 1st, 2401
Sbeerfg says:
Asylum Night 20875 was a success! Hosted by Nflyhzian units Qhpxlwb and Cynthr Ornere, we flew along in classic old Myth 200 which, while it once taxed our petty YHz optical machines, took literally zero processing power on today's modern temporal computers. There was even a guest appearance by First Speaker Forrest XXI near the end. Films and report are available, and the files section index, neglected for the past 401 years, has finally been updated to reflect the past 20852 games.

March 25th, 2000
Forrest says:
Firstly, a couple notes: AN21 didn't happen. Hardly anybody showed up, and only one game was played. See the forum for more info. Also, the AN17 files were never uploaded, so I just did so now.

But AN22, today, was great! We played six games and won two of them, but even when we lost, we discussed things, which is more important! Topics included the Fetch, the Spider-Gods, the Summoner, the Smiths of Muirthemne, and the relation of all of them to eachother... and the Shades on "The Watcher".

So grab the films & report, and head on over to the forum to discuss it all!

March 11th, 2000
Forrest says:
AN20 was rather unproductive. We really need to talk some more. I officially order everyone to have something story-related to discuss next week!

Anyway, the report & films are up. Get 'em. View 'em. Wear 'em out.

March 4th, 2000
Forrest says:
AN19 went fine, eventually. Tough start, and a great end for one lucky member. The rest of us stayed to play one more game and got pretty lucky ourselves, actually beating A Long Awaited Party due to some nice Dwarven jigging.

I've decided that, until anything new and interesting comes out for Myth II, we'll be starting future Asylum Nights on Bnet2 to test new versions of the plugin, and then once any new features have been tested, we'll go back to Bnet1 and have some good ol' TFL fun.

Febuary 27, 2000
Forrest says:
AN18 worked, kinda. MM and Ducky's units caused much lag and thus the occasional OOS. But we played nine working games and won four of them. We didn't talk about anything, though. We need to talk more.

Next AN is officially on TFL Bungie.net. Both Myths themselves have been added to the AN Standard.

Archived Films & Reports
The Asylum
Archived News Posts
Willy's Myth RPG Rules

Willy's Myth RPG Character Sheet

Willy's RPG Stuff (zipped)

Found anything we've missed? Got a theory that fits? Have a correction to make?
Please post it in The Asylum so others can add their ideas and thoughts.

| Index | Journal | Field Guide | Relics | Delusions | Encyclopedia | The Asylum |


Myth at Bungie.org is maintained by Forrest and Lophan; server and scripting work thanks to Claude. Webpage design and original Nontoxic™ site is copyright (c) 1998 by Joshstar. Many thanks to all those old Nontoxic™ munkies (you know who you are). No portion of this website may be reprinted without explicit permission from Bungie.org. All materials created for or submitted to this site become the property of Bungie.org, for use as they see fit.