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Seven Gates

Near Silvermines


Sunday November 30, Foothills of the Cloudspine

The enormous volcano overlooking Seven Gates is erupting for the first time in ten centuries. The tremors started late yesterday and since midnight there has been a constant rain of hot ash and fire. Even here, thirty miles away, it already feels like summer.

As if the mountain's fury were an ill omen, Rabican was encircled and crushed by the Watcher, who attacked by surprise from the west.

The survivors of this battle who have reached us speak of ribbons of fire tearing flesh from bone, and thick clouds of poison which rotted whole formations of men to pieces in moments. Our wizards were powerless to stop the carnage.

They also say that the pass of Seven Gates has become a raging river, fed by snow melting as the volcano heats the earth around it. The defenders who remained in the pass are surely drowned, and in a few days when the water is gone the pass will be open again, and undefended.

But none of this concerns us. What remains of the Silvermines garrison is less than ten minutes behind us now, determined to claim the arm. We are all too exhausted to continue running, and our scouts have chosen a hill up ahead where we can make a stand.

I've heard there are a number of our own men among those pursuing us, turned to the dark by The Deceiver. None of us look forward to meeting them in battle.


Go to the Field Guide Entry documenting this level's easter eggs and points of interest with pictures.

Mission Objective: Defend the legion's standard and baggage at the top of the hill.

Notable Quote: "Here they come!"

Note: You have invisible allies in this level.

You can get the arm out of your baggage pile and play with it if it suits your fancy

The following pregame images were not used in the game for whatever reasons.

Beta Pic
"The survivors of this battle who have reached us speak of ribbons of fire tearing flesh from bone..."


Beta Pic
"...and thick clouds of poison which rotted whole formations of men to pieces in moments. Our wizards were powerless to stop the carnage."

Hmm, poisen clouds....

Both of these are elements used in Myth II; the Fireball and Cloudkill spells cast by the Warlock unit. However, they are also elements that you would see around a volcano; rivers of fire and poison, sulfurous clounds of gas. But since the Narrator states how powerless their wizards were, chances are there was a Warlock or two there.
Before the level starts there is a cutscene with some questions.
Scene 1
Whos army is this? Certainly not ours.
Scene 2
We can also see the infamous volcanoe erupting in the background as the mysterious comet streaks across the night sky.

What? You think it's just a bunch of guys that are going to repel the fallen. Notice that there are tons of warriors in this cutscene, but how many warriors do we controll in battle? Zero. These are not our troops, but the ones turned from the light by The Deceiver. They do have an evil look in their pale, white eyes, just like the "charmed" units.

Note that there are a lot more Charmed units than we get to see in the game; warriors, journeymen, berzerks, just about every Light unit. So the forces in this cutscene are likely the main force of The Deceiver, but they never charge the hill we're defending for whatever reason.

If you win this level you see your survivors triumphant on the hill over the vanquished forces of the fallen. a number of those corpses are of your own, risen from the dead and battered right back down, or turned to the Dark Side and punished for their weakness (of course, I'm sure I couldn't resist The Deceiver either).

Victory Screen

If you lose you see a trow reclaiming the arm from your smashed pile of supplies and your standard.

Loss Screen

Fortunately, you don't usually have to fight this Trow, only on some occasions (if you go too far down the hill when the Thrall, Myrms, and Archers are following you.

Myth TFL:
Index Myth TFL:
Seven Gates

Written and compiled by the Myth Nontoxic crew.

Found anything we've missed? Got a theory that fits? Have a correction to make?
Please post it in The Asylum so others can add their ideas and thoughts.

| Index | Journal | Field Guide | Relics | Delusions | Encyclopedia | The Asylum |

Legends and Lore is really Forrest's baby, though Gholsbane probably does more work on it nowadays. It also contains a lot of work from the Myth Nontoxic days whose exact authors have been lost or forgotten. Some of these lemurs include Joshstar, Orange, Lacrymosa, and poena.dare. Original "Journal of the Legion" concept by poena.dare and Hamish Sinclair. Other authors are credited as appropriate in their individual articles.

Myth at Bungie.org is now maintained almost entirely by Gholsbane and Zandervix; Forrest is (theoretically) still around calling the shots when he can be bothered to check his email, and Claude, as always, OWNZ U. Original Nontoxic™ webpage design copyright (c) 1998 by Joshstar; updates and revisions mostly by Forrest. Many thanks to all those old Nontoxic™ munkies - you know who you are.

No portion of this website may be reprinted without explicit permission from Bungie.org, unless it is content created and submitted by you. By submitting content to this site, you grant Bungie.org the right to use it as they see fit, unless otherwise negotiated in writing.

Myth: The Fallen Lords, Myth II: Soulblighter, and all materials derived therefrom are trademarks and copyrights of Bungie Software Products Corporation (now Bungie Studios, a wholly owned subsidary of the Microsoft Corporation). We are not Bungie; we are an independantly run fan organization who Bungie has been so kind as to not sue for using their trademarked name in our domain. The Myth franchise is now owned by Take Two Interactive; Myth III: The Wolf Age is a trademark/copyright of Mumbo Jumbo, Inc., and is published by Gathering of Developers and MacSoft - none of whom are associated with us.
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