This is level seven of Myth: The Fallen Lords. |
Go to the Journal for literature and interpretation of the level. |
I guess the worst thing about having a reputation for being a
bunch of hardasses is that the Legion always finds itself where
the fighting will be ugliest. So we're up here as the first line
of defense against an attack by The Deceiver.
Remember the Myth demo? Crow's Bridge - right, I get the idea here! Whack whack, bomb the Thrall, shoot
the Soulless and you are done. I'll Dance on Your Grave Last man on the Hill on the demo Bungie.net - teams, chatting,
camping, foolish rushes and disastrous retreats. Man, this game
And then there is Bagrada. I could feel the frozen white landscape
suck the warmth from my bones. The Soulless - they are waaaaay
up on top of hills. How the hell am I supposed to deal with that?
The Myrmidons keep jumping the Archers and Dwarves while I wasn't
looking. How am I going to get through this thing?
And then Reinforcements! Ahh, the sweetest word I ever did hear.
By now I am on my fifth game and I have assembled a nice cadre
of somewhat damaged troops. I move cautiously to the smoldering
camp fire. Before long I see more Soulless, Thrall, and Myrmidons
coming down the pass at me.
A sense of expectation hangs in the air. I line up my troops and
prepare to meet the foe. But what is that drumming sound? (By
now I have a patch cord running from my Mac to my stereo system.)
And the drumming gets louder and louder and louder.
And then stops.
My Archers and Dwarves fall back and the Berserks, which will
jump the bad guys at the slightest provocation, start butchering
the Thrall. But I don't even notice because that damned drumming
sound had started up again and then, out of the snow comes into
view a Trow and I realize that I am no hardass at all.
My God! The thing was HUGE! Twice as wide as any of my units and
almost twice as tall. I couldn't even conceive that I had enough
troops to kill him. But I tried and failed.
Lining up my Archers and shooting him was a joke. With a few snaps
from his powerful legs I had no more Archers. He would wade right
into my troops and kick the Dwarves, which seemed to do more damage
to me than him. Is there no stopping him?
On my seventh try. I hadn't taken a casualty so far. I had learned
to line my troops up and keep them well ordered. I once again
advanced to the smoldering campfire.
The advance units were quickly dealt with and the Trow began pulverizing
my troops yet another time.

What a mess. Nobody could get into position to surround him. The
Berserks would just wander around not fighting. The Dwarves started
throwing cocktails into my own units! The Archers were shooting
my Warriors in the back. I knew I was doomed again.
Then, suddenly, a deep crackling sound and the Trow turned gray!
He stopped attacking my units! The Warriors kept hacking away
until the Trow was only dust and rocks. I had won the level!
And that was such a very sweet moment. One that I remember fondly
from time to time.
I will never forget the day I killed my first Trow.
Level Origins
Forrest Cameranesi and Dennis Taylor forwarded this to us from alt.games.myth
In article <cfool-ya02408000R1605981454380001@news.isomedia.com>,
cfool@mail.isomedia.SPAMMERSSUX.com (Cool Fool) wrote:
> Everyone knows that Bagrada is the first mission where you see
Trow, right?
> But I doubt anyone knows what the name means. Here's the story:
> Back in the days of Jesus Christ, the empires of Rome and Carthage
were at
> war. After years of fighting on the open seas, Carthage invaded
Italy from
> across the Alps. Although the Carthiginian army was inferior
to Rome's, the
> Carthiginians had a secret weapon: the elephant! The Carthiginians
> sit a few men with bows on arrows on top, to turn the animal
into a mobile
> firing platform. But the main advantage of the elephant was
that it could
> go stomp people.
> The first time the Romans met the elephants was at Bagradas
Pass in the
> mountains. The elephants actually inflicted relatively few casualties,
> all the infantrymen were afraid of them, the more so after seeing
a couple
> men squished to a pulp. See any parallels?
Good Work Cool Fool. The Elephants most likely parrellel the trow you must face at
the end of the level. I know that certainly terrified MY infantry.
Tom Lusco sends us some clarification of the Bagrada Pass
"Bagrada is a river in Tunisia. There was a great and decisive
battle there, between Hannibal (Carthage) and Scipio (Rome). Scipio
won the battle decisively, earning the name Scipio Africanus.
Alas, it was not nearly the first Roman-Carthaginian confrontation,
and the presence of elephants is (to me) unknown."
It was also noted that this was not the first instance that elephants
were used in battle. So, many of the parallels are lost, unfortunately.
Special Effects
Tyrfing just came running into camp bellowing that our scout's
signal fire has gone out. That means trouble.

As you arrive at the scout's campsite you only find the smoking
remains of their fire and some assorted bloody body parts. However,
despite the horror depicted in the cutscene before this level,
there was actually little loss of life. In fact, nobody died!
And how is this possible?
The game starts with four piles of body parts at the campsite.
Each pile is set to spray up and out, leaving a bloody mess indicating
the scouting party's demise.
Future solo map makers take note. This is unique way to add favor
to your maps.

If you want to see this for yourself you'll need to do it in a
LvD game.
Markers and Statues
Here are the marker stones from Bagrada and the netmap Ground Zero. I had not realized that they were (mostly) the same images on
the stones in both maps. But Kallikanzaros #CP#g of the venerable Clan Plaid sure did!

As he so succinctly put it:
During a dull afternoon I took these pictures... There are 3 different
types of marker stones. All three can be found in Bagrada and GZ. In Bagrada they seem to mark the paths. Marker stone 1 (left)
is found along the shortest path to the Trow. Marker 2 (center)
seems to appear before dead ends. I'm not sure what the 3rd marker
(right) signifies. In GZ one can be found near each start [position]. There is writing
on them, but I can't read it.
So, after having my memory prodded, I closely examined each of
the stones. Using a technique I learned from deciphering Marathon
term pix, I was able to enhance the lettering on the Ground Zero markers enough to read them. You can see my efforts on the first
marker on the right.
The other two markers were much more difficult to translate, but
I was able to make out the word "Waterslide" on the second marker
and "Ferris Wheel" on the third.
Omer Shenker adds:
"I think that the stones were placed there by the locals as markers.
We know that to hold Bagrada takes at the least 30 groups like
the ones we have on the level. (OK, I'll grant that the reinforcements
could be another group joining up with you.) It must be really
hard to get past, and markers to tell you which way to go would
sure help. As to the meaning of the patterns, I see no real possibility
beyond decoration or something which we'll only find out later."
Also, these big guys grace the snowy passes of Bagrada right where you start the game. Who are they?

Well, looking at the back of them may give you a clue. Notice
the squares on the back? They sure remind me of the way the gold
tiles hang from the back of a Journeyman.
Hmmm... where did I read something about Journeymen and Bagrada?
Ahh, in this alpha screenshot right here.
Perhaps the Journeymen were instrumental in holding Bagrada during
some long past battle?
Omer Shenker offers this theory regarding the statues.
"First, remember that Bagrada is an ancient site of 'battle since
time immemorial'. The pre release screenshots show that Journeymen
were fighting there since 1156 at the least. (Whatever that date
means.) Bagrada (the level) seems to be full of strange things.
Most obviously, the two huge Jman statues at the start of the
level. Come on, those things must have taken organized effort
to create, and it must have happened in a time of relative peace.
Oh, and it happened after [Connacht] fell to become Balor and
The Fallen came to cause havoc. Why? The Heron Guards didn't take
on their nine gold tiles until Muirthemne was sacked by the dark.
The Bagrada stones are obviously of "tiled" Herons.
So, the Jman statues were erected by forces honoring their assistance
there (perhaps in the battle of 1156?) at some time after the
dark had been there. That means there had been a victory for the
light at Bagrada, and the pass had been held long enough for locals
(perhaps from Silvermines before it was abandoned?) to make those
statutes. Follow me? And if there was time enough to erect those
statues, don't you think there was time enough to make the dead
ends in the trail, and the fastest way through the pass? It thus
seems possible that they were made all at once, and are not era
markers of any sort. Further evidence is their similar style and
It seems likely that these statues were erected in honor of the
Herons but by who? It does seem likely that the markers were written
to offer information such as dead end or correct way to get through
the pass. Perhaps they were created so that in the future the
light would have an advantage over the fallen by knowing where
each path went.
Chris Stelnick also offers his opinions regarding the statues purpose.
"We all know that the City of Muirthemne was the seat of the Emperor,
and the Journeyman, or Heron Guards guarded him. Well, the area
known as the Barrier now was all apart of the Empire and perhaps
the Bagrada pass was the only or most used way to get through
the Cloudspine to the Empire. So, the Heron Guard statues signify
your entrance into the Empire.
Or maybe, the Emporer himself is buried in Bagrada and the statues
are there to guard his spirit and his grave? A symbolic way of
guarding him, much like the Egyptians."
Journeyman are referred to as Heron Guards in their flavor text
from the game btw, if you'll recall. This is all very interesting.
Written and compiled by the Myth Nontoxic crew. |
Found anything we've missed? Got a theory that fits? Have a correction to make?
Please post it in The Asylum so others can add their ideas and thoughts.
Legends and Lore is really Forrest's baby, though Gholsbane probably does more work on it nowadays. It also contains a lot of work from the Myth Nontoxic days whose exact authors have been lost or forgotten. Some of these lemurs include Joshstar, Orange, Lacrymosa, and poena.dare. Original "Journal of the Legion" concept by poena.dare and Hamish Sinclair. Other authors are credited as appropriate in their individual articles.
Myth at Bungie.org is now maintained almost entirely by Gholsbane and Zandervix; Forrest is (theoretically) still around calling the shots when he can be bothered to check his email, and Claude, as always, OWNZ U. Original Nontoxic webpage design copyright (c) 1998 by Joshstar; updates and revisions mostly by Forrest. Many thanks to all those old Nontoxic munkies - you know who you are.
No portion of this website may be reprinted without explicit permission from Bungie.org, unless it is content created and submitted by you. By submitting content to this site, you grant Bungie.org the right to use it as they see fit, unless otherwise negotiated in writing.
Myth: The Fallen Lords, Myth II: Soulblighter, and all materials derived therefrom are trademarks and copyrights of Bungie Software Products Corporation (now Bungie Studios, a wholly owned subsidary of the Microsoft Corporation). We are not Bungie; we are an independantly run fan organization who Bungie has been so kind as to not sue for using their trademarked name in our domain. The Myth franchise is now owned by Take Two Interactive; Myth III: The Wolf Age is a trademark/copyright of Mumbo Jumbo, Inc., and is published by Gathering of Developers and MacSoft - none of whom are associated with us.
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