
News Archive for November 2002

Monday November 25th

The Head Update { Gholsbane }

I finally managed to get the "Mjarin as The Head" update up. You can find the new info in the Delusions section of the site or for the lazier of you, here's a direct link. If you have any comments or additions to make, do so in The Asylum.

Thursday November 21st

H'Pak Boasts 1000th Official Game! { Zandervix }

Here's showing you that the Myth community is still kicking! Here's the letter Baak sent me:

Just wanted to let you know that we (Order of H'Pak) have now played over 1,000 Official Games within the Order in 89 Matches in a little over two years! :)

They've *all* been cataloged and I went back and did "Game of the Week" picks for all the early Matches that hadn't been done before. This means there are currently 11 pages of Game of the Week Archives with 8 images/summaries on each! Fun stuff! ;)

I've polished up the rest of the site as well.
Check out their site at
Congrats, guys!

Wednesday November 20th

Mullins Tutorial at GFX Artist { Gholsbane }

I just came across this Craig Mullins tutorial restored on October 11th at GFX Artist. Within lies a description of the processes and background behind his Soulblighter promotional image. It's worth a read even if you're not an artist. For more Craig Mullins art, check out his site and the Marathon art gallery.

Sunday November 17th

MacVengeance Beta { Gholsbane }

MythDevelopers have announced that a pre-beta release of the Macintosh version of Vengeance is now available for closed beta. This means that if you are a Macintosh map-maker, drop a line to with a description of your system specifications for a chance to take part.

For more info and an update on Myth 3 development, drop by their website.

Monday November 11th

TFC Tourney Site Up { Gholsbane }

Registration for The Fall Classic Myth2 Tournament, run by, is now open, along with the TFC site. Though not active yet, forums will be up and running within the next few days.

Be sure to sign up for entry soon before places fill up as I expect this to be a popular event.

Update: Registration for the Tourny is now closed. That doesn't mean the organisers won't open it up for more players though, so hop over to the forums and chime in.

Friday November 8th

MariusNet Celebrates 5 Years of Myth { Zandervix }

As if you haven't heard yet, MariusNet is throwing a birthday bash celebrating Myth's 5th birthday. Head on over for all the details and to play some serious Myth. Woohoo!

Magma Releases Units and TFL Tools Docs { Gholsbane }

The Underdogs' very own Doobie writes in with this juicy news:

In celebration of Myth TFL's fifth birthday, Project Magma has released the units Losk ported from Myth2 SB to Myth TFL as .gor files. We hope that other TFL map makers will make use them in their very own creations. In additon to Losk's units, Deadman has put together a very comprehensive set of documents for Bungie's Fear & Loathing for TFL. These tools have existed in the community for some time, but until now, there hasn't been a shred of documentation to use as a reference, or even to get the tools correctly installed. Well, now you too can benefit from Deadman's extensive knowledge of the tools!
Now there's no excuse to avoid TFL mapmaking.

Tuesday November 5th

Myth Village Returns { Gholsbane }

Myth Village recently returned to the online world thanks to behind the scenes work from Charon and PrplPplEater. Also revived is the Clan Plaid site.

The Underdogs are still hosted over at Project Magma though, so you can continue to peruse Grounds for Assault on their turf for the time being.

Happy browsing.

Monday November 4th

The Fall Classic Tournament { Gholsbane } have announced an upcoming tournament for November to January called The Fall Classic. This will likely be a Myth 2 tournament based around 12 or 16 teams. A website will soon be up with more information and registration pages. Be sure to sign up when it does.

Matt Soell on the Gamesome Mac { Gholsbane }

Sean Smith informs us that he will be having a chat with Bungie's community guy, Matt Soell on Tuesday at 0200 UTC. The interview will be broadcast live from the Gamesome Mac's website in Quicktime streaming format.

I suggest you check this out if you want to hear about Bungie's early days and the development of their games since then. Yes, Myth will get a mention.

If you miss the live talk, you can always grab the archived stream from the site at a more convenient time.

Friday November 1th

Myth's 5th Birthday Party! { Zandervix }

The good folks over at MariusNet are celebrating Myth's birthday with a party! Here's the 411:

Nearly five years ago Bungie released the demo version of Myth- The Fallen Lords. Shortly afterwards, the full version was released. For those that fell in love with the game the rest, as they say, is history.

To help celebrate the occasion, Mariusnet is hosting a P A R T Y ! ! ! BYOB - but be sure to swing by here to check out all the details. Turning five is no small feat, so we'll be celebrating the night of Friday November 8th on thru all day Saturday to make sure our European Mythers can join in on the fun. We'll be running another Co-Op challege that was so popular for the Mariusnet One Year Anniverary (details to come), and we hope to see some long lost friends.

Lost your TFL disc? No problem, Mariusnet now supports the demo, which you can get at the Anniversary Page mentioned above, along with instructions on how to connect. See you there!