
Tuesday January 28th 2003

PlayMyth Teases With News of Myth III { Zandervix }

I'm just gonna take it easy, and let Blades tell ya' about it:

To see a nice screen shot, click here

I think it's time to start talking once again about Myth 3. We're getting close to a solution for getting Myth 3 on the game server and by looking at the screen shot above, you can see we're getting somewhere! :)

As it stands now, we're able to get Myth 3 to connect to the server, we're able to see who is in the room, what games are in the room and see in-room chat. We're not yet able to actually talk (chat) yet, but that is coming very soon. We're also able to host games even though there are some minor issues to be fixed with actually being able to host, play and re-connect to the server.

We do not have a timetable yet, but we hope to have some more news soon so we can begin getting people online with us to begin testing.

That's pretty much it for this update. Any questions can be directed to