
Wednesday August 28th 2002

Playmyth Needs Myth III Beta Testers { Zandervix }

PlayMyth is getting closer to their launch of Myth III on their server, and they are looking for beta testers to help them out. Here's the scoop:

We're looking for beta testers for Myth 3. Here is the criteria for being accepted into the beta test program:

1. Time. You should have at least a couple of hours a day to play Myth 3 testing new builds.

2. Variety. You'll need to play solo and online (currently GameSpy, ultimately PlayMyth) to test changes made to multiplayer maps and just check for general game stability.

3. You must have existing issues with the game - meaning you can't play it for one reason or another because of operating system or hardware.

At this point, we are SPECIFICALLY looking for testers who are using Windows XP and are unable to play for one reason or another. We will take applications from folks on any platform, but right now, we're especially looking for XP testers. To qualify you must have a commercial release of Myth 3 and a copy of Microsoft Windows XP. Also you must include with your request to participate a list of problems you have running the existing game.

Send your request to:

Upon acceptance you will be given access to any betas which may be released for your specific platform. You will need to download the patches and play the game - reporting any problems to our staff. All instructions will be sent to you upon approval