Friday August 2nd 2002
As the Mill Turns (Part 2) { Zandervix }
Yesterday I reported on the return of Fileball without the Mill, and I made a small comment (that I have recently deleted) that may have come off as a little snide. Now, I didn't really mean anything by it, but I'm a big enough man to admit that it was wrong.The Mill was a great resource to the community that cost a lot of time and money for it's creator. Yet, when it came right down to it, he didn't recieve the respect or thanks that he deserved. Now it's gone. Last month, I reported on the same type of problems happening over at PlayMyth (and previously MariusNet) and the rift starting between admins and players. I just have to say, "What is the deal people?!" When people put their hard earned cash and their time into a project that you don't have to pay for, and you do nothing but complain, what does that say? Are we a community of ungrateful misfits? I hope not.
I just want to give a big thanks to all those who put forth so much effort for the rest of us. I especially want to give a big thanks to Frigidman and the Mill for the many years of service to the Myth Community. -Zan