
Monday July 15th 2002

MythMaps Redux { Zandervix }

MythMaps is planning a lengthy update to their site. Here's the scoop:

Over the next two months, the web site will be going through a complete overhaul with a new design, improved functionality, and several new features. All existing maps will be converted over to when it is finaly launched. If you have suggestions for features, please send them to:

Among the improvements are:

1 A map rating and review system that is fair and balanced.

2 A more functional and pleasing design

3 A new forum system

4 Map approval system. We've been avoiding this because of the maintenance involved. If anyone wants to volunteer to assist us with the maintenance and care of, drop me an email using the link above. The current site was set up to be a simple and maintenance free system for an administrator who hasn't had time to do administrative things.

5 Support for games beyond Myth.

A lot of these things have been on my development list for a long time. I will be splitting my time between the new and revisions to the Myth game server as we prepare it to handle Myth TFL and Myth 3. I hope to launch the site sometime in August. I'll have a more confirmed date within the next couple of weeks.

MythMaps is looking for people who want to serve as: Programmers (Perl, C, C++, SQL, HTML, Javascript), Administrators (maintaining content, helping users, checking map files), and Newsies. Send an email to the address above. Currently, it's just Webscreamer and I - and we can use some help!