
Thursday June 13th 2002

Myth Ads goes live { Gholsbane }

vinylrake ( in with this juicy news:

I have set up a new Myth related web page which I thought you might be interested in. It's called "Myth Ads" and it is a free classified ads system for any and all Myth gaming related needs - myth gamers can use it to find other gamers, maps, or orders, to set up game nights, or to post myth tournament news items. I envision the ads as a complementary service to existing Myth community sites, not as any kind of competition, since I think it meets a need in the community without replacing or infringing on any services that existing Myth sites like yours provide.

If you get a chance, please check it out - I think it could provide a great service if enough people hear about it and start using it.

If you do check it out and you think it looks worthwhile/useful I would appreciate any help in spreading the word - either officially or word of mouth to friends would be great. If you don't think it's useful or you see some problems with it, I would appreciate that feedback - all feedback is useful and appreciated (of course positive feedback is ok too).

If you have any questions, or feedback or have any suggestions about the site please let me know,

Thanks for taking the time to consider my request, and I hope you find Myth Ads useful,


What are you waiting for? Check it out.