This was posted by Marius in the forums at MariusNet:
Thanks to PrplPplEater we now support orders much sooner than we would have (for SB *and* TFL). Head over to MythForums to create or join your order. You can have a different order for TFL and SB and you must specifically join one for each game (if you're in an order for that game that is).
Here's something that may be a bit tricky. Since your Myth Forums login name doesn't have to match your marius net login name, there are a couple of things you can do to link them. The easiest way is when you create your user account on Myth Forums. If you enter the same user name and e-mail that you used for your marius net account you don't have to do anything else. If you've already created a user, or for some reason can't use the same information, then go here and follow the instructions.
The order information is updated on the marius net server once per hour.
We don't have a lot of functionality on the server yet, but you can see what order people are in by using the .info command. We'll be adding more features later that take advantage of orders.
We also modified the .stats command slightly. When you're viewing .stats for a player, you can specify the game client you want stats for. For example use .stats conner,sb to see conner's SB stats, or .stats conner,tfl to see his TFL stats. This only works when using a login - it won't work when selecting a player from the list.