
Thursday March 7th 2002

MariusNet Offers Limited Registration { Zandervix }

Conner over at Marius Net has this limited time offer for any of you without accounts:

Well, looks like I have some free time on my hands this weekend, so I've turned the registration form back on for a few days. Before you go off and register 20 duplicate accounts, here are some guidelines that you should know.

1) I am going to be much more strict concerning free emails. Don't use one if you really need an account.
2) 'I agree' isn't going to cut it for the agreement. I will need some assurance that you actually understand and agree to the marius net rules.
3) If you think there is anyway that I might think this is a duplicate account, you better explain yourself before hand. If it looks like a duplicate account to me, I won't be approving it.
4) I will *process* these Saturday or Sunday. If you submit one, be patient.
5) Depending on how this goes I might do it again in the future.

There you go... oh and Thursday is of course TFL night, see you there (: