I'm happy to announce that MythForums.com now supports the ability for all registered members to Register their clan and get their own Private Forum.
"Why would I do this?" you ask.
Easy, we here wanted to provide the Myth Community with a resource that we felt was actually worthwhile. I hope it lives up to that expectation.
What you get when you register, is your own private Forum for Clan discussions, etc..... an easy way for all clan members to keep in touch or collaborate.
This Forum is completely invisible to all non-clan members.
When a Clan is registered, the person that registers it becomes the 'Clan Manager'. This person specifies a password at the time he/she registers the clan, and it is thru this password that all other members can join that clan to gain access to their forum. The Forum also supports the display of your clan Logo, and the URL to your clan's homepage (if any).
So if you've got a clan that needs a home, or are planning on starting one, head on over and check it out.