Monday December 17th 2001 - Now With 100% More PR! { Forrest }
As promised, the official announcement for the Fileball network. Yeah yeah you already know, but we need something to fill up our news page. Gary "the Battle Cat" Simmons writes:Attention Gamers: A new era in community online gaming has just arrived!Great news for everybody!
Introducing FILEBALL, a game players and mod makers comprehensive automated online game file archive and information resource. You might recognize us, we've been around before under a different name. This is not just another stinking Internet burial pit for your original game maps, plug-ins and add-ons. This is a fully interactive and customizable online database community where you can present your own hard work to the world or download the work of others. You can get valuable feedback via user ratings, full reviews or on the Fileball forums.
You have FULL PERSONAL CONTROL over your own gaming files. Submit them when you want, removing or replacing them as YOUR need arises. Membership in Fileball is absolutely FREE and only requires an easy registration process for full member benefits! Non-members may download any of the files as well as rate them for the community. We are mod makers ourselves, we built Fileball as a mod makers dream machine and we want to share it with you.
The Fileball community experience is unrivaled. Each game inhabits its own distinctive web site suited to the particular game it represents, yet each site shares the same database, membership roster and central organizational hub. Envision Fileball as ancient Greece with each of the game sites as one of the City-States. As such, each unique game site fosters a community feel in a larger environment without all the hemlock, wooden horses and sweaty guys in short skirts.
Online at this juncture of the time-space continuum at Fileball:
- The Mill - all your favorite Myth Plug-ins, Maps, Recordings and Utilities
- The Sims! - Skins, Furnishings, Full House Packs and Utilities
- Lh'owon Ar'kives - all the Marathon maps, utilities, TCs and net maps.
- Liandri Depot - Tons of Unreal Tournament mods and utilities.
Quake, War/Starcraft and Halo is in the works but YOU decide what game mods you want next at Fileball!
Immortalize your work, download your next favorite game add-on, or shout out to the world in the forums! Visit Fileball today at
So head on over and GET UR FILEZ OR I TRO KIK U.