
Wednesday December 12th 2001

News In Brief { Forrest }

Thanks to TomeOne for the heads up: according to this note at Inside Mac Games, MacSoft does not expect Myth 3 for Mac to be released in time for Christmas.

Thanks to Eon and 2n2 for this heads-up: there was an article here that said a patch for Myth 1.1 was out, but it was quickly disproved as rumor.

I'd also like to appologise for the lack of news updates lately... this is what we're supposed to have NEWSIES for [jabs Loph and Gawyn]. If any of you who actually reads this page [tap tap, this thing on?] has, or hell even SEES myth news anywhere, feel free to scream and yell at anybody who will listen here until we post it. You will get credit for the heads-up.

Oh yeah, and uh... big update to Legends coming Soon™*, too.

(*as Soon™ as I can fine the times to straighten these tags out, reformat them, and upload all the relevant crap...).