As posted at Myth Village, Mike Donges' recently posted .plan file at Bluesnews indictaes that Myth III: The Wolf Age has indeed gone Gold!
Good news for all of you Myth fans, and all of you soon to be Myth fans. MumboJumbo Irvine has delivered the Gold Master of Myth III: The Wolf Age to Take 2 and it has been sent off for duplication. Hats off to MumboJumbo Dallas for all the support and to Aaron and Devin at Take 2/Godgames for making a difference.
Good news indeed. It looks like Mumbo Jumbo is making good on it's ambitious development cycle and may get this game into your hands before we eat our turkey (maybe even our trick-ot-treat candy). With Halo less than a month away (hope... hope...), gaming should be gettin' good again.