
Monday July 2nd 2001

Myth III: TWA mention in PC Gamer { Lophan }

Just received my copy of PC GAMER August 2001 issue, and on page 20 under their E3 "The Rest of Show" section, we get a Myth mention. Here it is:
Myth III: The Wolf Age
This third chapter in the extremely popular Myth series is a prequel to the original game. Set a thousand years before Myth: The Fallen Lords, it focuses on a new hero and many races. And, for the first time ever, the entire game world and all its inhabitants will be rendered in true 3D glory. The developer also seems to have a good handle on correcting some of the control confusions that caused problems with the earlier Myth games, ensuring a focus on the small-scale tactical combat, and not fighting with the camera. - GV (Greg Vederman)
-Mumbo Jumbo; G.O.D.; Nov. '01
"extremely popular" eh?... I'll take it. To this day I will stand by my notion that if one took just a few minutes to play the tuturial on both Myth: TFL & SB, then 90% of the 'camera control' problems would be solved, but I digress.