Today Inside Mac Games has posted a lengthy and in-depth preview of Myth
III: The Wolf Age, based on a recent visit to the MumboJumbo offices.
Included are all new screenshots plus the first ever screenshots of the Trow
Iron Warrior. Here's a little snippet from the preview:
To make Myth III on the insane schedule that MumboJumbo has bravely
undertaken, Andrew gave me the secret formula: start with Myth II. Beginning
with a fully functioning game, MJ's programmers have been replacing
individual elements one at a time, improving and adding as they go, so that
there is always a playable game at every stage of development.
One side effect of this development path has been to illustrate the
remarkable difference between MII's sprite based units and MIII's fully 3D
characters. For example, 3D trows have not been implemented into the game
yet. So when I was shown portions of the game, I saw sprite Trow standing
shoulder to shoulder with 3D thrall. The difference is astonishing.
Zooming into the sprite images resulted in ungainly jaggies and blurring, an
inherent limitation in the technology. The 3D images, even at close range,
were stunning by contrast. The expressions on the units' faces, the minutia
of the details – one thrall missing a shoulder pad, another one with chunks
taken out of his side – are a joy to behold.