
Tuesday June 12th 2001

More Universal Updates... { Forrest }

As you will note, the section titles are now images of professionally kerned and spaced text featuring a nice soft dropshadow for your viewing pleasure. The footers for each section have also been updated to give credit to all the people who have worked on them over the years, and not just myself and Lophan getting all the credit on every page.

I'm still working on getting those sidebar images, and I might do something with the Legends headers later today...

(Update: It's later today, and I did some brand-spanking-new subsectional headers for Legends, and Mythmaster Central while I was at it. Go check 'em out and tell me I rox0r.
I [heart] Photoshop.)

(Second Update: You may notice that the space what used to issue the Myth Master's Challenge is something different now. If it's not, reload and it will be. If it is, reload anyway. We now have a cycling tagline. Thank Claude for MGI).