
Monday March 19th 2001

April Fewlz FFA Tournament { Gawyn }

Clan MacGaming is pleased to announce: The April Fewlz FFA Tournament, or the April Showers of Blood!

Yes, a Myth II Free-For-All Tourney to take place during the month of April on! Registration opens on March 19th, and will be open to the first 150 entrants, with 30 alternate spots available for the first round of the tournament, making for an intial participant count of 120. Registration closes on April 6th, or when the 150th player has registered.

Round 1 will kick off on Saturday, April 7th, with each successive round played on the following three weekends. The tournament's rounds consist of a series of three 6-player free-for-all, elimination games, with the exception of the final round. Round 1's games and maps will be Steal the Bacon on Gimble in the Wabe, Territories on Proving Grounds, and Capture the Flag on Dead Man's Float. Following rounds' maps will be announced later. See the Official Rules for more details -

Prizes to be awarded are as follows: 1st Prize - An ATI Radeon video card and a game of choice, 2nd Prize - 128 MB RAM and the game of choice, 3rd Prize - A game of choice, 4th Prize - A copy of Risk II; 5th and 6th Prizes - Everglide Mousepads.

Stop by the new spanky site supporting the tourney - it's got all sorts of swanky stuff, a forum, and more.

Hope to see you there!

Related Links:

CMG's April Fewlz Tournament Home -
May the best myther win (but only if you're in the first 150 people to register).