
Thursday February 15th 2001

Gamespot 'GSAT' includes Bungie games { Lophan }

Gamespot is currently holding what it calls the "GSAT 2001", a way to "test your knowledge of PC and Video games." This test is strikingly comprehensive and covers all game type and genres. With their recent prominence in the gaming world, it's not surprising that Bungie's name and games come up from time to time during the exam. What is surprising is that Halo isn't mentioned... maybe because it hasn't been released yet. Nevertheless, here's the Myth related question:
74. Which of these units from Myth: The Fallen Lords did not appear in Myth II?
A. Forest giant
B. fir'Bolg
C. Myrmidon
D. All of these

Now, if you don't know the answer to this one, you've got problems :P

The questions specific to other Bungie games will be posted to their specific sites Soon(tm), so stop by them and see if you're up on your Bungie acumen.