
Monday November 27th 2000

TFL back up and Win2000/Me bug solved { Lophan }

Huge, and I mean HUGE update over at Here are some highlights:
  • Myth: TFLers rejoice! Thanks to the hard work and tireless dedication of Mordia and my modem is on fire, the TFL server is back up and running. Somebody get those guys a beer!
  • A work-around for the Windows 2000 and Me bugs have been posted. Downloading of a Compatibility Update is necessary, but by following the directions, you should be back online in no time.
  • A couple of new order sites and such are mentioned, but of particular note for all of you WWII newbies out there: ?tm? is hosting a tutorial for the virgins of battle. Need some help aiming that RPG?... then stop by Shiver and get your S'pht together :P