Monday May 3rd 1999
Where to start and What to do?
Veteran Mythers who remember the glorious Nontoxic site should feel right at home, but for everyone else here is a quick rundown of the different sections and you'll find there. Access them from the navigation imagemap at the top of every page.Articles - Reviews, Current Events, Editorials, Humor, Games, Quizes, Previews and anything else relating to Myth.
Strategy - Self explanitory, you'll find articles, illustrations, film commentaries, visual aides and anything else that will help your Myth playing abilities.
Legends and Lore - By far the largest and most comprehensive section...following the basic concept of Marathon Story...but using a different approach at presenting the information, this section is all about the story and world surrounding the Myth series.
Forums - A collection of message boarsd for discussing various myth topics...from general to strategy to legends to map making.
The Mill - A standalone fully automated archive for myth maps, utilities, plugins, and related articles. Rate items, review them, upload your creations. Browse or search for others to download. Don't miss it.