Thursday May 18th 2000
A little old & a little new... { Forrest }
Three new films at Mythmaster Central today, accumulated over the week and only now posted when I got my day off. :-)The first two films are from our latest Mythmasters, Gollum and Soulblader; and the third is from the returning champions of the WolfPack, who are one film away from winning the Mythmasters' Challenge M2 Division.
"Wait!" you say (or would if you were paying any attention). "They were one film away last time! Shouldn't this be their last?"
Well yes, it SHOULD, but it's not. It only follows three bonus laws, while Challenge films must follow at least four. So while the film is certainly vid-worthy, it's not their last Challenge film - yet.
Check out Mythmaster Central!
Update: After talking with Magellan, leader of the WolfPack, it appears that there are actually SIX films that need to be redone. But don't worry, they're gonna redo 'em! Maybe that'll give YOU time to catch up, or maybe take the lead in the Chimera division?