Tuesday May 9th 2000
Myth Section at rampancy.net { Pie-rat }
Unless you have been totally oblivious to the various goings-on in the Halo world, you probably have been watching the rise and fall of the Core with interest. I sure have.Anyway, the guys who ran the Core have officially ended its Halo news service (for now, at least) in order to work on rampancy.net, a Bungie news site. (The design is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen on the Internet.)
Blah blah blah. When does the good stuff come? Here: due to some great scripting, all the Myth posts (that is, the Myth posts and nothing else) can be viewed by going to the Myth section of rampancy.net's news coverage.
In other words, we have a new Myth site, run in part by the former maintainer of the Myth Codex. Yay! You can find rampancy.net at the following address...uh...crap, I lost it. Damn.