Thursday March 16th 2000
Myth Masters' Challenge TFL Completed! { Forrest }
Thursday, Mar 16th, 2000; 12:00 AM Pacific Newswire
The Myth Masters' Challenge TFL Division is officially closed!
And the winner is...
Daniel "Asmodeus" Gentry!
Two months and three days ago, on January 13th, Daniel first appeared here on Myth Master Central. A new Mythmaster but an old Vidmaster from The Marathon Vidmasters' Page, Daniel quickly took up the call of the Myth Masters' Challenge, and shot ahead of the then-current leaders of the TFL division, Dan "Face" Rudolph and Argyrios "Ares" Saccopoulos, despite their six-film lead on him. Since then he has been our most prolific Mythmaster, twenty-one films ahead of his nearest competitor, Dan "Face" Rudolph.
Now, sixty-six days after his first appearance, he has completed our first complete set of films for Myth: The Fallen Lords. Twenty-five films, each and every one following at least four of the six bonus Laws, and the almighty Seventh.
He completes this feat with an appropriate film of the last level of Myth:TFL, The Great Devoid. The film uses no vets and is on Legendary, Daniel takes no DAMAGE (not even from Soulblighter) much less casualties, he kills everything, and explores everywhere. For the Seventh law, as if the above wasn't stylish enough, he signs his name in Balor's own blood around the Great Devoid.
For your viewing pleasure, I've compiled Daniel's best films from Myth TFL, one of each level, into a single archive. Expect more of these as the Challenge goes on; eventually I'll put up a page just for them.
Check out Myth Master Central!