Tuesday January 25th 2000
Announcing "Notio Mortus" Cartel { Forrest }
This just in from Fushizen:There is a new mapping cartel in this very small world, it's name: Notio Mortus. We are currently working on a Total Conversion of the classic novel "DUNE" by Frank Herbert, We then intend to procede to "Ender's Game" by Orson Scott Card.Sounds very interesting! I'm particularly interested in the Ender series, and how it would be implemented in Myth. So any entrepreneuring mapmakers, etc, who meet the above criteria, sign up!This mapping group seems to me to be just what the mything world needs. There are many cartels out there, some are better than others. This group is an escape from the norm of mapping groups everywhere. This group is an open market. If a map maker, ANY map maker, needs something on which to work, we're the place to go. We gaurantee to always have a project going on. If you are bored with a project that your cartel is working on and you need a break, work on something new with us! If you have a brilliant idea but you don't have the resources to complete it, bring it here, we will do our best to see that it fits your standards. This is an open market! We will give credit where credit is due. You may come and go as you please. There are no requirements to join, if you like working with us alot, though, we do have a group of core contributers. If you just want to learn, we can help walk you through some skills as we work. There is little obligation to help out, but should you want to recieve credit there are some requirements.
The requirements are:
This group is based on trust. If I find that I cannot trust people, this group will close to the public. There will be another update soon.
- You must actually contribute to the efforts made by this mapping group. If you do not, we see no reason for you to recieve any kind of credit.
- You must actually be able to contribute SOMETHING to the efforts of this group. Any help will be greatly apperciated and will be mentioned according to the individual effort of the contributor.
- We will tolerate NO BAD BLOOD!! If you find yourself working with someone you despise, GET OVER IT or GET OUT.
- Sabotours [sic] will be disintegrated. I hate to have to put this up but, because of the openness of this group, sabatoge can occur. All sabatours, however minor, will be given due notice in all projects. We will then hunt you down in the night, and take your computer from you (or we may get a virus I know to do it.)
Additionally, I can be reached at Fushizen@bungie.net, so if you are interested in helping out you can write to me, please do.