
Saturday January 8th 2000

Myth Tourney Mismanaged { Pie-rat }

Harry Al-Shakarchi (TomeOne) recently posted this on agm2:
Due to some colossal unfriendliness on the part of (some of) the staff of the National Macintosh Gaming Championship at MacWorld SF, we aren't able to bring you films of the semifinals and finals of the Marathon and Myth II competitions. (Details had been worked out with two members of the NMGC crew to quickly grab films between games, but these plans were torpedoed by a staff member who was more concerned with his own importance than with helping fan sites spread the good word about the games.) If you'd like to express your displeasure with the handling of this situation, feel free to send (reasoned) email to Vinny Salzillo (, president of Double Exposure (the company who produced this event).

Please be reasonable and polite and help us get these films!

You heard him. This is especially dissapointing, considering all the time Freewill spent negotiating the playing times for the Myth II games in the tournament.

Mail Vinny and tell him how you feel. Please be nice, flaming.