
Thursday October 21st 1999

KVLtv Releases Another Map PR { Pie-rat }

KVLtv sends us this PR about something or other. KVLtv kindly added all the HTML tags for me, so I didn't even have to read it! (Thank you very much.)
I've been working on this for so long I'm not sure what to say about it. I started work on this map in July of 1998 and it saw a TFL release that same month. That was the first map I ever made for Myth. That first one was a shoddy job too I'm afraid. It saw two updates in it's life as a TFL map, but they were never noticed and the map was mostly remembered for it's terrible first version. The second TFL update, which never went public, I still felt wasn't as good as it could have been, or needed to be.

The map did bring me together with the people who make up the Order I am in though, and their help in testing the maps you've seen so far for Mii has been invaluable. They've continued to ask me to make improvements to this first map and to keep at it because they've enjoyed playing it in the past. I've done so primarily for them, but I've liked the map too.

I've taken all that I've learned about making maps and units, and applied the knowledge to making A Borderland Odyssey the best I could. The idea for the map itself I've always considered as being a good one, and the people I test with call this new offering my best map ever.

That's most of the history behind my new Myth II map. For more information on the map itself, you'll have to visit The Mill.

You heard him. Go get it!