
Wednesday September 29th 1999

Rugby Returns for Myth 2 { Pie-rat }

KVLtv writes in with this PR:
If you were one of the crazy people who enjoyed Rugby on North Zerk Forty by Clan Bear, and wish that sports maps for Myth II: Soulblighter could do more than Steal the Bacon. Today is your lucky day. Still Life With Warrior by me (KVLtv) is a fully working Myth II: Soulblighter Rugby map! Yes, I'm crazy, it's official. That doesn't change the fact that you can download the map from The Mill today and play Rugby until the kangaroos come home. The map has fully scripted goals and keeps track of the scores just the way it should. Guaranteed to be both Mac and PC compatible too.

Special note: To play Rugby, the game type has to be set for Stampede!

Coo-el. Download Still Life With Soldier here.