
Tuesday March 1th 2005

Freedom 2 Released { Gholsbane }

This comes in from Da Cid McCl who's announcing that the long awaited (?) Clan McCoolness plugin Freedom 2 has finally been released:

After almost 2 long years of on and off development, over a thousand test games and many many beers, Freedom 2 is finally ready for public consumption! Freedom 2 is a 10 level solo campaign that is also perfectly suitable for co-op. On each level you control 5 heroes that must survive to the very end, and also (if you're careful) you can keep veterans right from level 1 to the finale.

It features some new units (cavalry and charging thrall among them), all new colourmaps (they're all originals) and around 30 new multiplayer meshes.

We're disorganised, so we don't have a page about Freedom 2 yet (that and it's a free site so who knows what we can fit) but you can visit our page at for other stuff.

All abuse should be directed to our emails that can be found there!

Download Freedom 2

And if you haven't already, download Freedom 1 as well while you're at it.

GL, HF and 12!