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Index Myth WA:
The Spider God



Go to the Field Guide Entry documenting this level's easter eggs and points of interest with pictures.

Mission Objective: Find the Forgemaster Traval and rescue any Smiths you can. Exterminate the Spider Cult from the forge.

Notable Quote: "Smells like chicken. Tastes like napalm. Hehehe!"

"Woah! I feel all tingly!"

Notes: There are several paths to the centre of the Forge.

April 13th, 1439 A.E., The Smiths Forge in the Main Forum, Llancarfan

Slowly the harsh winds of winter began their change into warm spring breezes as the world began to awake from its icy slumber.

Connacht was overseeing construction of the newest battlements along the city gates when he spied a small army approaching. As one soldier reached for his horn, Connacht steadied his hand. The army was not Moagim's-Damas and Ravanna had returned. And with them, hundreds upon hundreds of northmen refugees from the Twelve Duns. Connacht raced to greet his returning friends. Damas and Ravanna told him of their journey and of their narrow escape from the Watcher.

From the gate, Heron Guards approached Damas, cutting their reunion short. The Emperor had demanded his presence. Damas was escorted to the Imperial Palace, followed by Connacht, Ravanna, and his troop of soldiers.

The Emperor was happy to see Damas return safely. Yet he was outraged that he would abandon his charge-and take a platoon of soldiers along with him. Damas merely held his head bowed in silence and stated that whatever punishment he was given, he would accept.

Ravanna and Connacht spoke in his defense, saying that by disregarding his charge, he had saved thousands of people and delivered over a hundred fighting men to the Llancarfan army.

The Emperor came to see the good that had come from such a reckless action, and decided upon leniency. Mjarin appeared angry at the Emperor's clemency, but even his scowls could not hinder the shouts of rejoice from the soldiers. Damas and Ravanna embraced in celebration.

Connacht slipped away from the Imperial Chambers and made his way to the streets of Llancarfan. He had an appointment that nothing would keep him from. He had received a message from Traval of the Smiths of Muirthemne.

The SunHammer was finally completed.

The following are the pregame pics for this level.
Pregame Pic
"Connacht was overseeing construction of the newest battlements along the city gates when he spied a small army approaching. As one soldier reached for his horn, Connacht steadied his hand. The army was not Moagim's-Damas and Ravanna had returned. And with them, hundreds upon hundreds of northmen refugees from the Twelve Duns."
Pregame Pic
"The Emperor was happy to see Damas return safely. Yet he was outraged that he would abandon his charge-and take a platoon of soldiers along with him. Damas merely held his head bowed in silence and stated that whatever punishment he was given, he would accept."
If you win this level you see

Victory Screen

    Connacht and the Dwarven smiths drove the remaining Spider-Cultists from their forge. But they were too late-all of the forge's artifacts were missing.

When you lose you see

Loss Screen

    The Spider-Cultists had slain the mighty general Connacht. The Empire turned inward to fight a battle against itself.

Myth WA:
Index Myth WA:
The Spider God

Written and compiled by Gholsbane and transcribed by zeph.

Found anything we've missed? Got a theory that fits? Have a correction to make?
Please post it in The Asylum so others can add their ideas and thoughts.

| Index | Journal | Field Guide | Relics | Delusions | Encyclopedia | The Asylum |

Legends and Lore is really Forrest's baby, though Gholsbane probably does more work on it nowadays. It also contains a lot of work from the Myth Nontoxic days whose exact authors have been lost or forgotten. Some of these lemurs include Joshstar, Orange, Lacrymosa, and poena.dare. Original "Journal of the Legion" concept by poena.dare and Hamish Sinclair. Other authors are credited as appropriate in their individual articles.

Myth at Bungie.org is now maintained almost entirely by Gholsbane and Zandervix; Forrest is (theoretically) still around calling the shots when he can be bothered to check his email, and Claude, as always, OWNZ U. Original Nontoxic™ webpage design copyright (c) 1998 by Joshstar; updates and revisions mostly by Forrest. Many thanks to all those old Nontoxic™ munkies - you know who you are.

No portion of this website may be reprinted without explicit permission from Bungie.org, unless it is content created and submitted by you. By submitting content to this site, you grant Bungie.org the right to use it as they see fit, unless otherwise negotiated in writing.

Myth: The Fallen Lords, Myth II: Soulblighter, and all materials derived therefrom are trademarks and copyrights of Bungie Software Products Corporation (now Bungie Studios, a wholly owned subsidary of the Microsoft Corporation). We are not Bungie; we are an independantly run fan organization who Bungie has been so kind as to not sue for using their trademarked name in our domain. The Myth franchise is now owned by Take Two Interactive; Myth III: The Wolf Age is a trademark/copyright of Mumbo Jumbo, Inc., and is published by Gathering of Developers and MacSoft - none of whom are associated with us.
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