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Myth WA:
The Forgotten Lands
Index Myth WA:
Battle to Myrgard



Go to the Field Guide Entry documenting this level's easter eggs and points of interest with pictures.

Mission Objective: Search through the ancient tomb and find the final resting place of Mazzarin.

Notable Quotes: "Those who would defile my Cairn will forfeit their lives!"

Notes: The cutscene at the end is, unlike the others, in-game. Its actually a really good hack. Though it means that your saved Film doesn't actually show any of the rest of the Level.

If you press "return" and "u" the second the level starts then the four heroes turn into a Heron Guard, an Archer, a Dwarf and a Warlock.

October 4th, 1433 A.E., in the Crypt of Mazzarin

The coolness of the forest air gave way to a cold stillness. The stillness of the grave. The smell of moist earth and dead vegetation permeated the dust shrouded crypt.

Without warning, there was the sound of grinding stone, followed by a roaring crash, and then darkness. The doors to the crypt had shut behind them. Damas and Connacht put their strength to the stone doors, but to no avail. Darkness was all about them.

With a soft spoken word, a dim light filled the air. Myrdred was staring at a mural etched into the stone wall. Passing his hands over the pictographs and runes, he began to smile... and just as quickly frowned.

It appeared that they had indeed found Mazzarin's Crypt. The writing read:

"Within lies the final resting place of Mazzarin, the first Avatara. To enter this realm, is to forfeit one's life."

As Ravanna stared ahead into the blackness, a low moaning sound rolled and echoed down the corridor-like the final breath in dying man's throat.

The following are the pregame pics for this level.
Pregame Pic
"With a soft spoken word, a dim light filled the air. Myrdred was staring at a mural etched into the stone wall. Passing his hands over the pictographs and runes, he began to smile... and just as quickly frowned."
If you win this level you see

Victory Screen

    Connacht awoke several hours later. He was a changed man. All the strength and sorrow of ultimate knowledge burned in his eyes. He would hold the scars of Mazzarin's fiery grip for the rest of his life.

When you lose you see

Loss Screen

    The crypt of Mazzarin became the final resting place for the four champions of Llancarfan. Their souls join those, who to this day, still guard its dark chambers.

Myth WA:
The Forgotten Lands
Index Myth WA:
Battle to Myrgard

Written and compiled by Gholsbane and transcribed by zeph.

Found anything we've missed? Got a theory that fits? Have a correction to make?
Please post it in The Asylum so others can add their ideas and thoughts.

| Index | Journal | Field Guide | Relics | Delusions | Encyclopedia | The Asylum |

Legends and Lore is really Forrest's baby, though Gholsbane probably does more work on it nowadays. It also contains a lot of work from the Myth Nontoxic days whose exact authors have been lost or forgotten. Some of these lemurs include Joshstar, Orange, Lacrymosa, and poena.dare. Original "Journal of the Legion" concept by poena.dare and Hamish Sinclair. Other authors are credited as appropriate in their individual articles.

Myth at Bungie.org is now maintained almost entirely by Gholsbane and Zandervix; Forrest is (theoretically) still around calling the shots when he can be bothered to check his email, and Claude, as always, OWNZ U. Original Nontoxic™ webpage design copyright (c) 1998 by Joshstar; updates and revisions mostly by Forrest. Many thanks to all those old Nontoxic™ munkies - you know who you are.

No portion of this website may be reprinted without explicit permission from Bungie.org, unless it is content created and submitted by you. By submitting content to this site, you grant Bungie.org the right to use it as they see fit, unless otherwise negotiated in writing.

Myth: The Fallen Lords, Myth II: Soulblighter, and all materials derived therefrom are trademarks and copyrights of Bungie Software Products Corporation (now Bungie Studios, a wholly owned subsidary of the Microsoft Corporation). We are not Bungie; we are an independantly run fan organization who Bungie has been so kind as to not sue for using their trademarked name in our domain. The Myth franchise is now owned by Take Two Interactive; Myth III: The Wolf Age is a trademark/copyright of Mumbo Jumbo, Inc., and is published by Gathering of Developers and MacSoft - none of whom are associated with us.
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