
News Archive for November 2004

Saturday November 20th

Rocket Dorf Fest v5 Released { Zandervix }

Here's the good news from Baak:

Here's what people are saying about Rocket Dorf Fest v5:

"I used to feel tired and listless and had difficulty getting enthused about playing Myth, but with RDF v5, I am up all night!"
~Fulburt R. Greenbarrel (Former Mayor of Willow Creek)

"Now that I have RDF v5, my girlfriend is all over me!"
~Cletus Sagginbum (Poacher)

"Rocket Dorf Fest puts you back in the game!"
~Tuncer Bilderblot (Retired Brigand)

"After one night with RDF, I'll never throw a flaming bottle again! It's changed my life."
~Andvari (World-renowned Dwarf Hero and Celebrity)

"Frankly -- I'm jealous."
~Fadhbhaim (Warlock)

16 months after the release of RDF v3 (with 300+ downloads in the final days of The Mill), RDF v5 is a fine-tuned total transformation of Myth, filled with incredible detail and hilarious fun! RDF v5 painstakingly converts 387 third-party units, making it the most versatile conversion yet - playable on TONS of popular third-party maps including WWII, Wild West, Alien Dark Tide and more!

Gameplay has been meticulously tightened in a span of 800+ games to bring you the best possible (and most challenging) RDF combat experience ever! With the addition of RD and Giant Heroes, Giant Water Spiders, new attacks and MUCH more, you'll enjoy playing RDF again and again!


You get the complete RDF unit conversion plugins including: Regular Rocket Dorfs, Rocket Dorf Giants, RD Heroes, Giant Heroes, Minis, Mondos, T-Ghôls, 2Pus T-Ghôls, Mini T-Ghôls, Giant Water Spiders, new attacks, surprises and more! You'll laugh out loud and have more fun than you've had in a long, long time!

Find out how to GET RDF v5 NOW!! >>>

You can also check out the manual here.

Wednesday November 10th

TPBGQ1.0 { Gholsbane }

Ready to flex your uber trivia muscles again? For those who don't have Halo 2 yet, why not pass the time answering insanely difficult and idiotic quiz questions on assorted Bungie lore. There's no prize, except for the awesome TPBGQcode that everyone who completes the quiz gets to display with pride.

Read the "official press release" over at and then get your hides over to and let the madness commence.

The Penultimate Bungie Giga Quiz is brought to you by Quiz Master poena.dare and his trusty sidekick Gholsbane the Younger, in association with, a wholly owned subsidiary of Compuglobalmegacorpltdinc. All quiz answers become the property of once submitted so no whining. If you think we got anything wrong, we don't care.

Sunday November 7th

Hearty Cheers! { Gholsbane }

7 years ago today, on November 7th 1997, Myth: The Fallen Lords was released to the world and the great gates of opened up to ravenous hordes of steaming pixies and flatulent zombies. At some point today, raise a charged glass to the game that stole the hearts of men, and raided the glory of times long past.

Also, try to hop on either Playmyth or marius net at some point in the day to celebrate alongside the best of the rest.

Happy Birthday Myth, sorry for the recent neglect, we still love you.