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Jumpin' Journeymen it's the

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<kudos>!Congratulations to Lord Mordia!</kudos>

He is the top scorer of the Quiz! He receives a lame hint book from me and a Myth Overkill Pack from Bungie.

Here are the top seven scorers on the Quiz. Know them, fear them, pity them:




1 Mordia 38
2 ThorulfR 37
3 Blitzkrieg 33
4 Thunderfist 29
5 Chris Norehad 28
6 Dave Casaluovo 27
7 McGill the Wise 26

In the two weeks the Quiz was open there were 152 entries, of which 125 were determined to be valid. The average score was almost exactly 11 points, which goes to show that the Quiz was unnaturally hard. There were two entrants of note in the top seven who were disqualified: Ferrex the Dead, a bungie.net admin, who scored 36 points, and Tribunal, now working for Nontoxic, who scored 30.

Sorry I was not able to give each entrant a report listing the questions and how well they did. Just getting the Quiz scored and retaining what is left of my sanity took all the energy I had. The complete list of entrants and their scores can be found here.

Since the answers consume so much room and have graphics, as well, they have been divided into five segments:

Simple Answers
Normal Answers
Obscure Answers
Subjective Answers

Many, many thanks to those who took the quiz. I even enjoyed the pestering. Thanks to Bungie for throwing in the Overkill Pack. I'm sure everyone will agree with me that the quality and effort Bungie puts in their games is very appreciated. This Quiz and the Journal of the Legion are merely my tribute to their genius.

With gratefulness from the bottom of our hearts to Matthew Lewis Carroll Smith for the resurrection of Tharsis.org, from which several missing images were shamelessly stolen to make this viewable again.

Myth at Bungie.org is maintained by Forrest and Lophan; server and scripting work thanks to Claude. Webpage design and original Nontoxic™ site is copyright (c) 1998 by Joshstar. Many thanks to all those old Nontoxic™ munkies (you know who you are). No portion of this website may be reprinted without explicit permission from Bungie.org. All materials created for or submitted to this site become the property of Bungie.org, for use as they see fit.