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Simple | Normal | Obscure | Subjective | Tie-Breaker


15) Why do the Watcher's Shades hate their home?

Because it is in the marsh.
Because it rains all the time.
Etc & etc & etc.

It is hard to get anywhere when you are a Shade and there is water every seven feet. The Watcher must spend a great deal of time in the Marsh; why else would he have the alias, "Mad Goat of the Fens?"


16) What is peculiar about the way villagers worship?

They worship a Pfhor image. (2 points)
They worship facing away from their shrine.

A few entries pointed out that the image on the stone in Force Ten for Stonehiem looks like a Pfhor. I thought so too, but was afraid to tell anybody. That answer only awards 2 points; despite the keen observation, it has nothing to do with the way the villagers pray.


17) Which single player level lacks a sense of direction and has a nearly identical twin?

Across the Gjol.

This map seems to have a number of peculiarities.


18) Hidden somewhere in Myth is another name for the level The Watcher; what is it?

A Hundred Shallow Graves.

As hex editing the tags.gor file reveals.


19) Hidden somewhere in Myth is another name for the level Homecoming; what is it?

An Unexpected Homecoming.

Ditto. These were probably the original names for these levels and can be found next to tags for the bits of text we see in the prologues. All the other tags have the correct level names except for Ambush at Devil's Overlook which is referred to as 'challenging stage.'


20) Where is a clue that level Five Champions went through some changes before Myth was released?

The cutscene before Five Champions
The Myth box
The Myth Demo sell screen
early Myth ads


21) What kind of spell was used to turn Dwarven and fir'Bolg Legionnaires into troops for the Deceiver?

A Charm.

In the tags.gor file the name-tags of the Dark fir'Bolg and Dwarves in Shadow of the Mountain are are identified as 'fir'bolg (evil charmed)' and 'dwarves (evil charmed),' respectively.

Incidentally, there are also 'berserks (evil charmed),' 'journeymen (evil charmed),' and 'warrior evil charmed' units, but we never see them. However, if you have played with the DarkMyth patch, you can catch a glimpse of many of them.

Apparently all 'evil charmed' units appear duller and shaded. Therefore the lone Dwarf which appears halfway through Shadow of the Mountain. was charmed and was able to break free of the spell. Or perhaps Bungie had something more evil in mind? (Look at the Tie-Breaker.)

Simple | Normal | Obscure | Subjective | Tie-Breaker

With gratefulness from the bottom of our hearts to Matthew Lewis Carroll Smith for the resurrection of Tharsis.org, from which several missing images were shamelessly stolen to make this viewable again.

Myth at Bungie.org is maintained by Forrest and Lophan; server and scripting work thanks to Claude. Webpage design and original Nontoxic™ site is copyright (c) 1998 by Joshstar. Many thanks to all those old Nontoxic™ munkies (you know who you are). No portion of this website may be reprinted without explicit permission from Bungie.org. All materials created for or submitted to this site become the property of Bungie.org, for use as they see fit.