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Simple | Normal | Obscure | Subjective | Tie-Breaker


01) Who are the only females seen in Myth?

Women in the Crow's Bridge victory scene,
the Fallen Lord Shiver,
Fetch Priestesses,
and Spider Queens.


02) What are Dwarven air strikes dropped from?


As the cutscene before Sons of Myrgard suggests.


03) Who is the King of the Southern Provinces?


The glossary says, "Former King of the Southern Provinces," but the Journal doesn't make that past-tense distinction.

The question was originally, "Who was the last King of the Southern Provinces?" That opened up a whole nother can-o-worms.


04) Taking things literally, a Journeyman is how many times heavier than a grown man?


Nine gold tiles each the weight of a grown man plus the Journeyman himself. Do I really need to explain how multiplicative comparisons work?


05) If you played the single player game straight through, never loosing a level, never taking any casualties, and always receiving maximum reinforcements, in which levels would you not see veterans?

Crow's Bridge, Five Champions, Silvermines, Sons of Myrgard, The Road North, and The Watcher.

Confused? Read this.


06) Where does Tofu's son probably live?


Filius Tofus is a Trow.


07) Which Shades work for which Fallen Lord?

Sinis and Scaripant: The Deceiver.
Mazzarin and Cormorant: The Watcher.

Sinis presumably works for the Deciver since he was hanging out in the Barrier to block Alric's escape. Scaripant works for the Deceiver because it says so in the mission objectives for Seven Gates. This leaves Mazzarin and Cormorant nursemaiding the Watcher.

The Watcher keeps Mazzarin around because he likes to gloat. Besides, Sinis and Mazzarin never get along. Mazzarin had the last laugh, though. In fact, he even gives you a little help.

Simple | Normal | Obscure | Subjective | Tie-Breaker

With gratefulness from the bottom of our hearts to Matthew Lewis Carroll Smith for the resurrection of Tharsis.org, from which several missing images were shamelessly stolen to make this viewable again.

Myth at Bungie.org is maintained by Forrest and Lophan; server and scripting work thanks to Claude. Webpage design and original Nontoxic™ site is copyright (c) 1998 by Joshstar. Many thanks to all those old Nontoxic™ munkies (you know who you are). No portion of this website may be reprinted without explicit permission from Bungie.org. All materials created for or submitted to this site become the property of Bungie.org, for use as they see fit.