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Frequently Asked Questions about
Myth: The Fallen Lords

Table of Contents
[1] Introduction
     [1-1] Forward
     [1-2] About the FAQ
     [1-3] Distribution
          [1-3-1] via Usenet
          [1-3-2] via the World Wide Web
          [1-3-3] via Mailing List
     [1-4] Contributing
     [1-5] Acknowledgements
     [1-6] Accuracy
[2] General
     [2-1] What is it? Who makes it?
     [2-2] Where can I get it?
           [2-2-1] Myth: TFL Demo
     [2-3] Is Myth Good? Is it better than Game X?
[3] Single Player
     [3-1] What difference does difficulty make?
     [3-2] Cheats
          [3-2-1] Skipping directly to any level
          [3-2-2] Winning any level instantly
          [3-2-3] Losing any level instantly
     [3-3] Strategy
          [3-3-1] Crow's Bridge
          [3-3-2] A Traitor's Grave
          [3-3-3] The Siege of Madrigal
          [3-3-4] Homecoming
          [3-3-5] Flight From Covenant
          [3-3-6] Force Ten From Stoneheim
          [3-3-7] Bagrada
          [3-3-8] Ambush at Devil's Overlook
          [3-3-9] The Five Champions
          [3-3-10] Out of the Barrier
          [3-3-11] Silvermines
          [3-3-12] Shadow of the Mountain
          [3-3-13] Seven Gates
          [3-3-14] Forest Heart
          [3-3-15] Heart of the Stone
          [3-3-16] Smiths of Muirthemne
          [3-3-17] Sons of Myrgard
          [3-3-18] A Long Awaited Party
          [3-3-19] The Road North
          [3-3-20] Across the Gjol
          [3-3-21] The Watcher
          [3-3-22] River of Blood
          [3-3-23] Pools of Iron
          [3-3-24] The Last Battle
          [3-3-25] The Great Devoid
     [3-4] Story
          [3-4-1] Introduction
          [3-4-2] Summary
          [3-4-3] Other Resources
     [3-5] Units
          [3-5-1] Light Units
          [3-5-2] Dark Units
          [3-5-3] Veteran Units
          [3-5-4] Hero Units
     [3-6] Films
          [3-6-1] What are Films?
          [3-6-2] Saving Films
          [3-6-3] Viewing Films
          [3-6-4] Viewing downloaded Films
     [3-7] Easter Eggs
[4] Multiplayer
     [4-1] How does the client-server model work?
          [4-1-1] What is a host drop?
          [4-1-2] What is lag?
     [4-2] What are all the different methods?
     [4-3] bungie.net
          [4-3-1] How do I get started?
          [4-3-2] How do I find my rank and/or login?
          [4-3-3] How do I find another player's rank and/or login?
          [4-3-4] How do I compare my rank to others?
          [4-3-5] Who are these Admins?
          [4-3-6] Should I give someone my prefs file(s)?
     [4-4] TCP/IP
     [4-5] Strategy
          [4-5-1] Unit Trading
          [4-5-2] Free For All (FFA)
          [4-5-3] Team Play
     [4-6] How do I use italics or bold text?
          [4-6-1] How do I use those strange characters?
     [4-7] Where can I find new maps?
          [4-7-1] Why can't I join a game in red?
     [4-8] How do I gain rank?
     [4-9] Can I play multiplayer maps by myself?
     [4-10] What are some common acronyms?
[5] Technical
     [5-1] Known Bugs
     [5-2] Updates
     [5-3] When will the next update be released?
[6] Release History
[7] Disclaimer


< [1] Introduction
     [1-1]: Forward
This FAQ is not intended to be a complete anthology of all knowledge and information related to Bungie Software's excellent game, Myth: The Fallen Lords. It contains many references to other resources not written by the authors, for which they are not responsible in any way. This FAQ explicitly does not cover Myth II: Soulblighter. The format of this FAQ draws on the formats of countless other FAQs and text documents that have passed our collective ways; it's not directly based on any particular base but is rather our own attempt to combine style and functionality.

It is assumed that you have the latest version of Myth. See [5-2].

     [1-2]: About The FAQ
This is a user-driven FAQ, that is, most of the content is not contributed by the authors. Hence, you'll see credit and attribution all over the place.

Any FAQ is a collection of (F)requently (A)sked (Q)uestions.

As of 4/17/01, this FAQ has undergone several revisions which are documented in the final section.

     [1-3]: Distribution
          [1-3-1]: via Usenet
This FAQ was formerly posted on Usenet during its earlier iterations. It is now only available at the World Wide Web sites listed below in section
          [1-3-2]: via the World Wide Web
New releases of the FAQ will be found on the following web sites:

If you would like to mirror the FAQ, you must contact Jeffrey Blake, John Jennings, or Michael Sheets for instructions.

          [1-3-3]: via Mailing List
The previous mailing list for the Myth: TFL, Myth:SB, and the agm FAQs has been discontinued.

     [1-4]: Contributing
We depend heavily on contributions from people like yourself to make this FAQ whole. Please, don't make us beg. Help us fill in the blanks.

We accept all sorts of contributions. Don't hesitate to send anything in, even if we don't even have a place for it yet. If you see something that you think is wrong, correct us.

In your email, include the name to which you would like us to include when we credit your help. We will not publish your email address unless you specifically ask us to do so.

You can contact Jeffrey Blake via email: kith@ancrik.com
You can contact John Jennings via email: lophan@bungie.org
You can contact Michael Sheets via email: infin@mythvillage.org

Please note that all submissions to the FAQ become property of the authors (Jeffrey Blake, John Jennings, Michael Sheets et al) and that they may or may not be acknowledged. By submitting to the FAQ, you grant permission for use of your submission in any future publications of the FAQ in any media. The author reserves the right to omit information from a submission or delete the submission entirely.

     [1-5]: Acknowledgements
Bungie (
http://www.bungie.com) for making this great game and being such a cool company.
Omer Shenker for beginning this FAQ and passing the torch to us.
Everyone who has contributed in any way.

     [1-6]: Accuracy
As much as we try to keep all information in the FAQ completely accurate, undoubtably errors will creep in. Please correct us. We're only human.

[2] General
     [2-1]: What is it? Who makes it?
Myth: The Fallen Lords (
http://www.bungie.com/products/myth/myth.htm) is a real-time tactical combat game set in a quasi-medieval fantasy world. Bungie both developed and distributes Myth. European distribution is the work of Eidos.

As of June 2000, upon the purchase of Bungie Software Products Corporation by Microsoft, the Myth franchise was acquired by Take2Interactive/Gathering of Developers. For more information, please consult the 'Buyout FAQ' (http://www.bungie.com/faq.shtml). The third in the series: 'Myth: The Wolf Age' is being developed by Mumbo Jumbo (http://www.mumbojumbogames.com) for GoD (http://www.godgames.com) and Take2Interactive (http://www.take2games.com).

     [2-2]: Where can I get it?
Your local software retailer or preferred mail order outlet will most likely carry Myth: TFL. It's also available direct at the Bungie Store (

Also, Bungie released 'The Total Codex' in 1999, consisting of Myth: TFL, MythII: Soulblighter, the Chimera add-on as well as numerous user-created plugins. At a suggested retail price of $20 US, it is a great gaming value.

[2-2-1] The Myth: TFL demo is available for both PC and Mac from many locations around the web, including bungie.net (http://www.bungie.net). This is the best way to 'play before you pay' and also to get a taste for the experience of Myth. One feature of the demo that was taken out of the final version was the option for the game to play in the background from the Main Menu. Some people use it as a screen-saver of sorts and when others see it they will usually ask you what it is: what a great way to recruit new players! The demo contains 2 solo maps (Crow's Bridge [3-3-1] and Bagrada [3-3-7]) and 1 multiplayer map (I'll Dance On Your Grave).

NOTE: As of mid-2000, the Myth: TFL Demo server has been removed and only TCP/IP games are available via the demo! Regular Myth: TFL bungie.net is still functional.

     [2-3]: Is Myth good? Is it better than Game X?
Yes, Myth is an excellent game, from a company with a history of excellent games. However, Myth is different enough that it can not be easily compared to other real time strategy games, let alone other strategy games in general. Myth broke new ground when it was released, and is still an excellent buy.

[3] Single Player
     [3-1]: What difference does the Difficulty Level make?
All the difference, actually.

Due to a bug, it is highly advisable that you select the difficulty you want in the Preferences, and match it in the New Game dialog. Otherwise, you might end up on something other than what you wanted.

Selecting a Difficulty Level that is easier than Normal will make the game significantly easier, and making it harder than Normal will (gasp!) make it much harder.

Objects (units, trees, etc.) can be set to only appear on a certain difficulty level or above. For example, some enemy units may only appear at a certain difficulty level; the higher the difficulty level, the more enemies you must face.

There is also a modification of the actual strength of your units and those of the enemies. On an easier difficulty level, your units are tougher and hit harder; the opposite happens on a higher difficulty level.

     [3-2]: Cheats
          [3-2-1]: Skipping directly to any level
Hold down the shift key for a second, and click New Game. Now you've got a list of every level except the secret levels. Also, when you watch a film of a level, you are recorded as having played that level. This includes the secret levels.

          [3-2-2]: Winning any level instantly
Use control-plus (that's the plus on the numeric keypad) to win the current level. You will not get to the secret levels this way. (Thanks: Forrest Cameranesi)

          [3-2-3]: Losing any level instantly
Use control-minus (that's the minus on the numeric keypad) to lose the current level. Why you'd want to do this is beyond me. (Thanks: Forrest Cameranesi)

     [3-3]: Strategy
The most basic way to learn the strategy and controls that will lead to success in Myth: TFL is by playing the Tutorial which is accessable through the Main Menu. Bungie designed this tutorial to give you an overview of how the combat syatem works and some of the special abilities of your units. Control of the camera is vitally important and the tutorial is the best way to practice navigating among your units and across the game maps.

There are many great resources if you need help with the Myth solo campaign. Films and walkthroughs are available at the MythMaster Central section (/mythmaster) at myth.bungie.org. Sons of Myrgard (http://myth.theresistance.net) also has excellent walkthroughs for all but the last two levels, and films of all levels. ThorulfR has some strategy help available (http://home5.swipnet.se/~w-55684/myth/myth.htm), along with films and basic walkthroughs. Below are basic hints for each level.

          [3-3-1]: Crow's Bridge
Use the Dwarf to kill the Thrall, and use the Archers to kill the Soulless. Use your Warriors to protect your other units from Ghols, and to kill some Thrall if the Dwarf can't handle them. Be sure not to forget your reinforcements in the town, or you'll lose miserably.

          [3-3-2]: A Traitor's Grave
Protect the Villager. Heal your Archers with your Journeyman to prevent them from dying. Use your Dwarf and Journeyman to kill anything that gets too close for comfort. When you see the Mayor, hurry to kill him. As soon as he's dead, you'll win the mission. If your Archers can get a good shot, that will work. Or, use your Dwarf. Forrest Cameranesi notes that the villager can sometimes trigger the mayor to run away, so if you know where to go, kill him with your Dwarf at the start. Your journeyman can also outrun the Mayor and his Thrall guards, and then unheal all the guards to give clear access to the Mayor.

          [3-3-3]: The Siege of Madrigal
Cross the bridge and defeat the army on the other side. Leave half of your Warriors and all of your Archers by or on the bridge. Move your Warriors into the town. Avoid the Wights by outrunning them. Once you see the big phalanx of Thrall and Soulless (it's in a huge marching-formation), run your Warriors back across the bridge. In fact, run everything back across the bridge. To win, one of the units that personally saw the phalanx has to survive and cross the bridge. Use your Archers to destroy the Wights that will try to block the bridge.

Forrest Cameranesi adds: "I'd say leave everything back behind the bridge except two archers and two warriors. Wights will run from archers (if they're facing each other; a wight will still sneak up behind an archer), so you'll never have to face them, and chances are the Ghols in that big phalanx will chop them to bits, so you'll need the faster warriors to get back to the bridge."

          [3-3-4]: Homecoming
Move slowly and together. Head SW towards the Cathedral. When you get there, select your Journeyman and click on the Total Codex (the book that has the shiny light beneath it). He'll head on his own will to the SW. Follow and protect him.

          [3-3-5]: Flight From Covenant
As soon as the level starts, head north as far as you can go. Hug the north edge of the map as you head east. Kill any Myrmidons you find with your Warriors. Worry about the Thrall and Wights, but not about Soulblighter (who won't fight you). Eventually, slightly south of you will be the tunnel. Move all your units to its entrance, and they will go inside. There is also a huge enemy army down to the south, so if you want to fight them, take the middle road or set an ambush by the wall.

          [3-3-6]: Force Ten From Stoneheim
Archers kill Soulless. Berserks kill Ghols. Dwarves kill Thrall. You can either follow the road, or head far south and cross by the waterfall (you'll find it on the river to the south). Then, head north to the World Knot. The enemy will send some units through, including a lone Wight who will kill any Dwarf that's too near. When you're satisfied that the enemy waves have stopped (or you're desperately wounded), put as many satchel charges as you have as close to one of the pylons as you can. Detonate them, and prepare for a tougher mission.

          [3-3-7]: Bagrada
Archers kill Soulless. Warriors kill Myrmidons. Dwarves are pretty useless with the snow that puts out their fire. Warriors, Jmen, and Archers kill Thrall. Just advance slowly and methodically. Take down the Soulless. Defeat the waves of enemies. Advance east into the pass. You'll eventually get some reinforcements. A bit after you see the campfire, gather all your remaining units (except for the Dwarves) and attack the Trow. Once the Trow is dead, you win. Be careful, because it can destroy any of your units in one kick, plus difficulty level modifiers.

          [3-3-8]: Ambush at Devil's Overlook
This level can be extremely hard or extremely easy. Winning is actually not hard at all. Just move all your Dwarves and Berserks east across the frozen lake. The Berserks should be slightly in front. Keep moving east and you should eventually hear a Dwarf saying that "...they're all attacking at once!" - this is good. Charge them with all your units. Even on Legendary, the Berserks will rip into the Soulless and go crazy killing them. The Dwarves will also often kill many. When the Soulless start scattering, you've won. However, the reccommended strategy for this level is to lay down satchel charges and 'ambush' the soulless as they move across the map.

          [3-3-9]: The Five Champions
Make sure not to let any of your units die, or you lose. Head east in general. Kill Thrall with Oleg. Kill Soulless with ki'Angsi. Kill Ghols with ki'Angsi (if they're not attacking) or with your Berserks (if they are attacking). At one point you'll find some more Mandrake roots for your Jman to pick up if he needs more. When you get to Alric, just destroy those four things and Alric will be set free. Then you'll win. (Forrest Cameranesi reminded me how to spell fir'Bolg names. Twice.)

          [3-3-10]: Out of the Barrier
Although your units can die (not Alric though), it makes it much harder. Same routine as last mission. Head east. If you head south, you'll find a Bow of Stoning. Have ki'Angsi pick it up, and use the special ability key to fire arrows that turn their victims to stone. Be careful, because Ghols are hiding in the temple. When you reach Sinis (the Shade), approach from the side of his little army that he's on. If you move in slowly, Alric will kill Sinis and the army. Follow Alric and do what he says.

          [3-3-11]: Silvermines
Getting the Arm should be very easy. Just follow the Jman closely. Note that enemy patrols really do patrol, so if you time your movements you'll have to fight less of them. Fetch are your top priority, and your Archers should take them down. If they fire so much as one bolt, the results could be disastrous. Your Jman must survive. He'll lead you to the graveyard, follow him and destroy any enemies in your way.

          [3-3-12]: Shadow of the Mountain
Use your Archers against enemy Archers and Dwarves, and heal them to keep them alive. You don't have to actually protect the Arm, so you can abandon the hill and go elsewhere to fight. Enemies come in waves, so you do have short breaks to heal, regroup, and form up against the next attack. Finally, the attacks will stop and you will be victorious. No tricks to this, just use your knowledge of Myth (high ground, etc.) and you'll do fine.

          [3-3-13]: Seven Gates
When the two enemy armies meet, they will fight. So whenever you see units of two different enemies, try to lure them together and make sure you stay away. When each little battle between them is over, kill the remainder of the enemy forces. Advance NE towards the Shade. He has magic (with a range) that he will use against groups of three or more. So, move your Warriors at him two-at-a-time. He starts badly damaged, so you should have no difficulty killing him.

          [3-3-14]: Forest Heart
The troops you see when you start the mission should be enough to kill or at least badly damage the first Trow that you see. Then, click on the minimap to bring your three Forest Giants forward. Cross the bridges heading north, then east. Kill everything you see. With three Giants and all those Berserks, the four Trow will be dead in no time.

          [3-3-15]: Heart of the Stone
The Spiders are extremely fast and extremely weak against your melee units. Move your units to each of the four corners in turn. When you've cleared most of the enemies, send 2 Berserks to each of the four pylons and make them all line up. Send the rest of your units to the center and have them cross the bridge. Then send 1 Berserk from each corner to the bridge. You will win the level when only 4 units haven't crossed.

          [3-3-16]: Smiths of Muirthemne
Each of the towers has three modes: off, humming, and firing. When your units get close enough, a tower will light up and start humming. If they get closer, the tower will fry them. But when one tower is humming, it draws all the power and keeps the rest of the towers off, silent, and unable to fire. So keep a few units by one tower while the rest pass another. That said, gather all 4 off the glowing things with your Dwarves and move them to the teleporter where you will throw them in. Enemies aren't a major problem here, except for the Spider Queens (whose bite paralyzes temporarily). You only have 3 Dwarves and there are 4 glowing things, so one will need to make an extra trip. Make sure never to leave units in groups of less than 3. Also, be aware that more friendly units and enemy Myrms beam in occasionally.

          [3-3-17]: Sons of Myrgard
The Ghols will hear Balin in the water, or smell him if they get too close. Keep away from them, and pause in your movements, and zig zag, and you'll get past them. Once you pass the Soulless at the gate, hit the special action key and you'll get reinforcements. Make sure you're in an open area, or some of your reinforcements won't have room to parachute in and will be lost. Keep killing Ghols. Try to make Ghols run into a line of your Dwarves. If you see a lone Ghol by a cave, he's a look-out. Kill him before he can run for help.

Pie-rat offers an alternative strategy: "You can also kill all the ghols at the beginning by attacking the ground to make balin visible, then killing all the ghols as they rush you. Balin throws at his enemies' feet most of the time, and the ghols charge at you in a single line, so killing them shouldn't be too hard.

Also, don't use the signal grenade immediately after you get past the soulless at the first gates. Move balin to the other "gates" near the wight pit. When you try to make balin pass through the gates, he should say, "Maybe I should wait for backup..." move him through the gates anyway. The ghols won't come out of their caves if you haven't used the signal grenade yet, but killing all the scouts waiting outside the caves with balin will help later on.

When you have killed as much as you can with Balin, use the signal grenade, then use your other dwarves to kill the ghols that rush out of the caves." Note: you can't use the signal grenade in the innermost area, because no Dwarves will drop down in there.

          [3-3-18]: A Long Awaited Party
This is the secret level. Follow the path north, then south, then far east, then far north, then south to the god-head. Killing Ghols works the same way it did last game. Put a huge amount of satchel charges beneath the chin, and detonate them.

          [3-3-19]: The Road North
Warriors and Archers are faster than Thrall. Follow the trail of blood to the Bow of Furious Incandescence. If you're interested, it shoots lightning. Have an Archer pick it up. Now, run back to where you started. You don't have to fight a single Thrall if you just avoid them and run.

          [3-3-20]: Across the Gjol
You must defend the bluff. Send 3 Dwarves to each flank, keep your Archers in the center at the front, and keep your Warriors and Jman in reserve to help out and heal where needed. Your Archers should be able to handle the Fetch and Soulless if they fire at them. Your Dwarves will blow up Thrall that come to you. When it rains, they'll need assistance. Survive and win. Please note that you can't leave the bluff at any time or you will lose: you have to keep at least one unit up there at all times.

          [3-3-21]: The Watcher
Just like Seven Gates, you'll need to avoid sending clumped groups against the Shades. Move north, killing everything in your way. Then move south again. Eventually, you'll get reinforcements from various places. Those Soulless are lined up on the hill where The Watcher is. Get to him and destroy his personal guard. If you wait too long, the Soulless will really hurt. Kill him and move to a different setting.

          [3-3-22]: River of Blood
Blow up the gate, and advance carefully. Hug the inside of the wall and head east. Hug the east edge and head north. Hug the river and head west. Kill any enemies you meet along the way. Kill the enemies on the other side of the bridge, cross it, and win.

          [3-3-23]: Pools of Iron
Alric can use Dispersal Dreams on the huge flocks of Myrmidons, and kill the individual ones. Head south until you see the World Knot. Put Alric over where the broken pylon is. He'll bring in a sizeable army. Head west. By this stage you should be good enough at Myth to figure out how to defeat everything that you see. When you've killed everything, move west over the lake.

          [3-3-24]: The Last Battle
Watch out for Fetch throughout this level from the very beginning until the very end. Follow the edge of the water west until you see Alric et al. Move your units away from Alric and arrange them while Alric and Balor meet. Fight, then follow Alric. You never want to let Alric get too far ahead of you, or he may be killed. Kill the second wave after Alric meets Balor again. Follow Alric closely as he prepares to meet the final wave of enemies. Then, chase Balor. Alric will pull a nasty trick on him. When you see Balor frozen by Alric, move all your forces at him at cut off his head.

          [3-3-25]: The Great Devoid
Move east, after picking up the head with a Dwarf. Watch for Wights before you even think about crossing the river. On the other side, head south. The lines in the ground will point towards the Devoid (it'll be really obvious when you see it). Use your Jman to unheal Soulblighter. Then, you won't have too much trouble throwing the head in and feeling good about your victory.

     [3-4]: Story

          [3-4-1]: Introduction
Bungie's games have always had deep and complex stories and plots whose infinite details can be studied to a level far beyond the scope of this FAQ. The summary which follows is a spoiler if you have not played through the single player campaign of Myth. Beyond that detail, there are other dedicated resources much better suited to the task at hand than this FAQ. One such resource is the Legends and Lore section at myth.bungie.org (
/legends/index.shtml) which contains extensive analysis and speculation into the history of the Myth Universe.

          [3-4-2]: Summary
One last warning: if you have not completed the Myth solo campaign, this will spoil the story for you.

This is just a crash course, the equivalent of summarizing the complete works of William Shakespeare in one page. This overview does not do justice to the complexites of the story. You've been warned.

At the time the game picks up, there are 6 evil general-sorcerers in the lands of men, known as The Fallen Lords. Their names include The Watcher, Shiver, The Deceiver, and Soulblighter. Their leader is known as Balor, and it is thought that he has bound the Fallen Lords to him such that destroying the evil Balor will destroy all his minions, and all their minions, and free the lands of men from evil. The Fallen Lords are assisted by Shades. The forces of the Light are powerful general-sorcerers called Avatara. Nine powerful Avatara lead the forces of good, and are called The Nine. Their leader is Alric. Fifty years ago Balor appeared suddenly to sack Muirthemne, the capital of the Empire of Cath Bruig. The War in the West has been raging for the last 17 years. Over the course of the war, the Dark sacked most of the cities of the world, pillaged the countryside, and caused lots of havoc and destruction. The last significant free city is Madrigal, which is being besieged by Shiver and her army. She is killed and her army defeated, with help from the Head. The Head is a strange force that deceives The Nine for its own purposes. It has the Total Codex, a book of supposedly all knowledge past and future, snatched away from the ruined city of Covenant before either The Watcher or Soulblighter could reach it. Among other interesting things, it tells of a man not yet born that would resurrect the Myrkridia, an ancient evil race of horrible monsters. After an escape from Covenant, the Legion (your army) moves to block the passes through the Cloudspines, the mountains that divide the world of Myth into East and West. The severed arm of The Watcher is recovered. During the winter, 5 extremely experienced warriors known as the Five Champions balloons over the mountains and rescues Alric, who is being help captive by The Deceiver. A volcano that has not erupted for 1000 years erupts, destroying all the troops (Light and Dark alike) in one of the passes. The Legion moves through and heads towards Forest Heart to seek the aid of the Forest Giants. While there, Soulblighter traps you in the Tain. The Tain is an ancient artifact which Connacht (an ancient hero) used to trap and presumably starve the Myrkridia. The escape is not without heavy losses, and the Tain is shattered. In a brief interlude, the Dwarves kill bunches of Ghols squatting in their homeland. Then they destroy the Ghols' sacred godhead, which they had taken with them as long as their race can remember. The Legion continues north through the Dire Marsh. Magic arrows made using chips of the bone from The Watcher's own arm, recovered and defended at great cost, stone him and he is shattered by a party of Berserks. Soulblighter disappears and The Legion proceeds north to Rhi'anon, a lost city of the Trow and the site of Balor's huge Fortress. Alric moves in with a few men, and The Legion's 2000 men are sacrificed to the millions of undead to give him time to spring his trap on Balor. While in the Tain, the battle standard of the Myrkridia was retrieved. Balor was originally Connacht, and he still has a great emnity for the Myrkridia. Outraged, he personally comes to destory Alric or turn him to the Dark. Alric draws from his robe one of the 5 Eblis Stones, which makes him as powerful as Balor for a moment. He holds Balor motionless as he gets killed by a handful of men. Alric then teleports the survivors away and defends himself successfully. The Great Devoid is a bottomless pit created a long time ago. Since merely killing Balor won't suffice, his severed head must be thrown into the hole. Soulblighter tries to personally intercede, but fails. (Error corrections by Forrest Cameranesi and Joel Baxter)

          [3-4-3]: Other Resources
Legends and Lore (
/legends/index.shtml) is the premiere story source. Another site that was very informative, Myth's Story, merged into the aforementioned site, but for a while Myth's Story still contained information that had not been moved to Legends yet. Another story site up is ThorulfR's site (http://home5.swipnet.se/~w-55684/myth/myth.htm) which displays his frighteningly stunning knowledge of names.

     [3-5]: UNITS
Each side has units specific to themselves. In general, Light forces are like us (humanoid) and the Dark forces are not (mostly undead or animal-like). Each unit has certain capabilities making them more effective in one mode of combat or the other, and it is the understanding of these capabilities and their employment that will determine your success or failure in Myth.

As a unit kills other units, it gains experience and, as in real-life, becomes more effective. The number of kills a unit has can be seen by selecting the unit and looking in the Status Bar at the top of the screen (view by pressing F6). Kills by Light units are represented by shields and Dark Units by skulls.           

    [3-5-2] Dark Units
  • Thrall - reanimated corpses of fallen troops and outfitted with an axe, slow but tough
  • Wights - corpses of walking disease, they commit suicide and explode when near the enemy
  • Ghols - loping animals that carry huge cleavers and can carry and throw objects on the battlefield
  • Myrmidions - more corpses, this time held together by evil magic and mummy-wrapping
  • Fetch - evil female demons wearing the flesh of fallen troops, dangerous lightning attack
  • Soulless - undead ranged unit can cross any and all terrain types, a.k.a. 'hollow men'
  • Trow - large and quick, a trow can kick his way through your forces in no-time flat
  • Soulblighter - Balor's lieutennant, a dangerous halbred-wielding unit with unholy speed
  • Balor - the Enemy. Leader of the Fallen Lords and commander of the Dark forces
          [3-5-3] Veteran Units
When units survive a level and units of the same type appear on the following level, those units continue on while retaining their number of kills and experience. This is very advantageous to the player because, for example, a fir'Blog or dwarf with 20 kills is much more effective than a green rookie. It is a good idea to protect these units at all costs as they will likely do the majority of your damage.

          [3-5-4] Hero Units
Hero units are the 'creme de la creme' of their unit type: they attack with higher frequency and ferocity, and ranged units almost never miss their targets. On certain levels, Hero units will be available... most notably, on The Five Champions (see section
[3-3-9]), where all of your units (save Alric) are heroes and upon successful completion of the level, each unit will have *multiple* kills well into the double digits.

     [3-6]: FILMS

          [3-6-1] What are films?
Myth automatically records each game played as a text file which dictates the action of every unit and projectile in the game. In essence, all the game action, from the formations of the troops to the paths of the arrows and down to the blood stains on the ground are captured and recorded for your future viewing pleasure. As well, the camera is free to roam freely about the map and at any angle or position. Films are an invaluable teaching tool and can often give you insight as to 'what went wrong' in a multiplayer game or to the strategies/tendencies of your opponents. Films are also used to prove 'mad Myth skillz' and some of the more prolific examples are available at MythMaster Central (
/mythmaster) and in the various submitted filmpacks at The Mill (http://mill.evihcra.com).

          [3-6-2] Saving Films
After completing a level on the solo adventure, a button in the lower left corner of the level statictics screen entitled 'Save Film' will save the film to your tags/local/reco folder for future viewing. With Myth: TFL, games are differentiated by the date and time of the game, but you can always go back later and rename films with whatever creative names you can come up with, but you have to do this manually through either Windows Explorer or the Macintosh Finder.

At the end of a multiplayer game, the same button is available at the top of the screen in the post-game chat. The file will also be located in the tags/local/reco folder and can also be renamed manually.

          [3-6-3] Viewing Films
To view a film, select the 'Saved Films' option from the Myth: TFL Main Menu. A dialog box will appear listing all of the available films in your tags/local/reco directory. Select a film by double-clicking on it or highlighting the films and clicking 'View Film'. Myth will then load the map and start the film playback. You are free to move about the map and observe any area at any angle through the use of the camera controls. Please note that there is no 'rewind' button, so if you missed something specific in the action, you'll have to restart the film from the beginning.

You can speed up or slow down the action (or even freeze it) through the use of the F1 and F2 keys. F1 slows down the film (from 1/2 speed, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16 and stopped action) while F2 speeds it up (from 2x, 4x, 8x, to 16x). All films start at normal speed.

          [3-6-4] Viewing downloaded films
Many films are available for download so that others can view the action of previously played games.

Most films are compressed in one format or another to reduce download time. The most popular compression/expansion programs are WinZip (http://www.winzip.com) for Windows and Alladin Expander (http://www.aladdinsys.com) for the Mac and PC. The usual formats are .zip, .bin, .hqx, etc... and these applications are capable of working with most compression formats available and are must-haves for any computer user.

Download/decompress the file and place it into the tags/local/reco folder and the films should appear in the dialog 'Replay Films' option from the Myth: TFL Main Menu.

If you are on a Windows computer and the file is in the correct location but still not showing up in the dialog menu, it likely was a film created on a Mac and the film contains a binary header which prevents the PC version of Myth from recognizing it. Two user-created utilities strip off the header and make the film viewable: UnMacBinary and MythFilmFixer. Both are available at The Mill (http://mill.evihcra.com) and have ReadMe files which explain their function and use in detail.

     [3-7] Easter Eggs
Bungie, well-known for their wry humor and common themes throughout their games, has hidden many 'Easter Eggs', or special surprises throughout the game. Some appear on the maps, some are said by the characters, and some are so obscure you'd miss them completely. The Legends and Lore (
/legends) section at myth.bungie.org has an extensive catalog of all the Easter Eggs known to date, although we have from reliable sources that they ALL have not been found.

[4] Multiplayer

     [4-1]: How does the server-client model work?
The server (called the host) is the computer that starts the game. The clients (the other players) join the game. The host sets all the options. If a player is disconnected from the host, the player is out of the game.

          [4-1-1]: What is a host drop?
A host drop is an intentional disconnection by the host, usually to prevent the host from losing a ranked game on bnet. This is cheating and is often punished by an account suspension and, as of the most recent game update, a hefty point penalty worse than if you came in last place anyway, so it's better to stay and take your lumps. If you are hosting, leaving the game under any circumstances should be avoided at all costs.

          [4-1-2]: What is lag?

     [4-2]: What are all the different methods?
The most common method of playing multiplayer games is bungie.net, Bungie's free online service. (You need your own connection to the Internet, but bungie.net itself is free.) It's sometimes called bnet, bn2, or some such derivative.

For other options, click the 'Other' button in the Multiplayer dialog box.

For direct play over the Internet, use TCP/IP (see [4-4]), or Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. This bypasses bungie.net entirely.

For modem-to-modem play, you must establish a TCP/IP connection. More information on this in a future version of the FAQ.

For Total Entertainment Network play, give up. We haven't heard of anyone successfully playing Myth on TEN, although it may be possible (which begs the question, why use TEN when bungie.net is free?)

     [4-3]: bungie.net

          [4-3-1]: How do I get started?
You need to register your account with the bungie.net server first. Your serial number is on the back of your jewel case, and is highly irreplaceable. You get one serial number, and one account, per copy of Myth that you have purchased. Bnet accounts are game-specific, so an account for Myth: TFL won't work for Myth II. Your login doesn't have to be your screenname when playing, but it is something that will follow you around and that you should be happy with. Now use your web browser to register your account at
http://www.bungie.net. While you're at it, you can register your copy of the game.

Make sure that you choose a password that no one else knows (not even your friends) and that you will remember. Writing down your login and your password now is highly advisable. Keep it in a safe place. If you're not worried about physical security, the manual provides a handy spot at the very back for you to write this information down. You can also write down other useful information in the manual, such as the location of this FAQ. ;) Seriously, if you forget your login or password, you'll have to fork over some cash for another copy of Myth if you want to play on bnet. Never give your password to anyone.

Now that you've done all that, you probably are itching to play. With your Internet connection active, launch Myth and click on Multiplayer. Give yourself a creative (but not offensive) name and color scheme, enter your login and password, and decide whether you want to enter your password every time you log on to bnet or not. If you want Myth to remember your password, check the appropriate box. Now you're ready to connect. Click and go.

          [4-3-2]: How do I find my rank and/or login?
When you're in one of the main bnet rooms (not inside a game) type .score and you'll get your screenname and login. If you're in a ranked room, you'll also get pertinent information about your rank.

          [4-3-3]: How do I find another player's rank and/or login?
When you're in one of the main bnet rooms (not inside a game) select another player in the list. Type .score and you'll get their screenname and login. If you're in a ranked room, you'll also get pertinent information about their rank. If they're in a game (and thus unselectable), type .score screenname, where screenname is their -- well, you can guess. Alternatively, you can look them up on the leaderboard if they've played 8 or more ranked games.

          [4-3-4]: How do I compare my rank to others?
Look on the leaderboard if you've played 8 or more ranked games.

          [4-3-5]: Who are these Admins?
The Admins have the Admin icon in their name, which appears at all times. If someone tells you that they are an Admin but does not have the icon, they are lying. The Admins are the administrators of bnet, but are NOT employees of Bungie. Bungie trusts and respects them, and so should you. Don't ask to become an Admin, because they have no open slots available.

          [4-3-6]: Should I give someone my prefs file(s)?
No. This is a scam designed to get your bungie.net password, which would be very bad for you.

     [4-4]: TCP/IP
Playing via TCP/IP (the acronym stands for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol, if you were curious) bypasses the bungie.net server completely. Note that this will not make your games any faster. The bnet server does not actually host the game, so it is not slowing it down. All the bnet server does when you join a game is point you to the host via a TCP/IP conneciton. It doesn't communicate with you further until the game ends.

TCP/IP play requires that you know the numerical IP address of the host. Contact your ISP or system administrator for more information on finding this number. If you host, you will need to tell this number to anyone else you want in the game. If you are joining a game, you will need to enter this number. Ignore the port setting unless you know what you are doing.

TCP/IP is the basic communication language or protocol of the Internet. It can also be used as a communications protocol in a private network (either an intranet or an extranet). You will need to know your IP address, which is the number that identifies your computer to every other computer in the world. Your number is unique for your current session on the internet. Every computer on the Internet has a unique numerical IP address assigned to it, such as 123.456.78.9

For more information on TCP/IP, please go to:

     [4-5]: Strategy
If you want to be successful at both solo and multiplayer, good resources include Lord Chromag's MythAdventures (
http://www.powercentral.com/mythadventures) and Sons of Myrgard (http://myth.theresistance.net). Both include invaluable tactical information and are watersheds of Myth strategy.

          [4-5-1]: Unit Trading
A common option in multiplayer games is the 'Unit Trading' screen that is available during the 'Planning Time' stage at the beginning of the game. You are given the default number of each unit and, via the selection menu, can alter the makeup of your army to fit whatever strategic plan you aim to employ. If you want a ranged attack, you could trade for more fir'Blog or soulless. For a meele-centered strategy, one might trade for ground units like warriors, berserkers, myrmidions and trow. This creates variety among the different opponents and often makes for interesting matches. Each unit is given a point value based upon their capabilities and maximizing usefulness per point out of your units is the key to multiplayer success.

          [4-5-2]: Free For All (FFA)
A 'FFA' game is a game in which you are the sole commander of your troops usually ranging from 20 to 30 units. Classic FFA maps include 'I'll Dance On Your Grave/Spiderweb" and "For Carnage, Apply Within". These games are essentially 'Every Man For Himself' as players vye to acheive victory via attrition or guile.

          [4-5-3]: Team Play
Another aspect of multiplay is the Team game consisting of one captain who disseminates troops for other players to command and (hopefully) gives commands to his teammates to coordinate strategy. While team games do require extra effort on the part of the players, the huge epic battles that ensue are some of the most exciting moments to be had in Myth.

Team Captains give out units by (1) selecting the desired unit, (2) pressing the "\" key (above the Enter key), and then (3) selecting the corresponding team member from the list in the bottom-right corner of the screen. Captains can, at any time, take these units back or give them commands.

Another feature of Myth for use in teamplay is the overhead map (in the top-right corner) and the 'whiteboard' tool. Players can direct each other or suggest plans of attack by drawing arrows for attacks and setting up defenses and ambushes. Teams who use this feature effectively hold a major advantage over their opponents because in team games unit movement and coordination are often the key to victory.

     [4-6]: How do I use italics or bold text?
Precede italicized text with \i and bold text with \b. To switch back to plain text, use \p. For example: \bBold \iItalics \pPlain (Thanks: Dan Daranciang)

          [4-6-1]: How do I use those strange characters?
You've probably seen people whose names have high ASCII characters, such as a trademark symbol. Your OS comes with a utility that tells you how to make these characters. On a Macintosh, simultaneously pressing a combination of the option key and many of the various other keys will result in a special character. On a PC, simultaneously pressing the windows key and many of the various other keys will result in a special character. Private experimentation is recommended for finding the exact key to produce the desired character. Be forewarned that this may brand you as lame, and not someone that's fun to chat or play with.

     [4-7]: Where can I find new maps?
The best map site, bar none, is The Mill (
http://mill.evihcra.com). Once you have downloaded and extracted the files, you must place them in the plugins folder. It's located at MythTFL:tags:local:plugins. Most maps being made and posted are currently for Myth II, however, so make sure that the map you download is indeed a Myth:TFL map.

          [4-7-1]: Why can't I join a game in red?
When a game is displayed in red text and is unavailable for joining, you do not have the map or plugin that is necessary to play it. If you do have the map, check to see if you have the most current version of the plug-in. Check at either The Mill (
http://mill.evihcra.com) or at the plug-in author's website.

     [4-8]: How do I gain rank?

     [4-9]: Can I play multiplayer maps by myself?
Yes. Host a TCP/IP game, even when not connected to the Internet, and play it. See [4-4]. Note that even the most novice players will have trouble losing when there's no competition, so it's a great way to learn the games types and maps without any pressure.

     [4-10]: What are some common acronyms?
Most common lingo is a shortening of a game type or map name. The best way to guess these is to be familiar with all the map and game types. See [4-9].

For example, "Creep LMOTH" is Last Man on the Hill played on "Creep on the Borderlands". An even more common term you'll encounter is "BC Trow", which refers to Body Count on "If I had a Trow...." When you see "gg" at the end of the game, it means "good game." At the beginning of the game, "gl" means "good luck," and "gla" is a short form of "gl [to] all." Other common terms are dorfs (dwarves), zerks (berserkers), warrs (warriors), and jmen (journeymen).

[5] Technical

     [5-1]: Known Bugs
An unofficial and possibly incomplete bug list was created and maintained by ThorulfR, but no longer seems to be available. A list of known bugs will be posted in the future.

     [5-2]: Updates
It is highly recommended that you have the latest update to Myth installed at all times. The latest version is currently v1.3 with information available on the patch effects available upon installation. You can download it from Bungie's FTP server or at
www.bungie.net. The Mac version is approximately 1.2 MB. At about the same size, and just as necessary, is the Windows version. They are also available from other download locations, though you are advised to make sure you are getting the latest version. Installation is simple and straight-forward if you read the included help files.

The most recent version of Myth: TFL is required to play on bungie.net.

Downloads for these files are also available at the Myth Village (http://www.mythvillage.com)

     [5-3]: When will the next update be released?
It is unlikely that there will be any additional updates to Myth:TFL. For the most part, Bungie has moved on to other games such as Myth2: Soulblighter, Oni, Halo, and 'Phoenix'. It should, however, be noted that Bungie doesn't give release dates of any sort, including for updates. Don't waste their time by asking or nagging, because "when it's done" will be their answer.

[6] Release History
This is the version history of this FAQ, not of Myth. If you've got some burning desire to see an old version of the FAQ, let Omer Shenker know. He keeps them all, although the old versions are (quite obviously) outdated and inaccurate.

Version 1.4 010515
Michael Sheets and John Jennings began co-maintenance of list with
Ancrik, Myth@b.org, and Myth Village
Eliminated 'Mailing List' feature under distribution [1-3-3]
Reviewed and updated links and versions as appropriate
Added Films and Units sections
Added FFA and Team Play sections
Added additional info on TCP/IP networking

Version 1.3 990620
Created a mailing list; added appropriate info

Version 1.2 990620
Jeffrey Blake began maintaining FAQ; proper changes made
Updated the current update information
Added info about how to create special characters
Added information about special characters
Removed inactive Story links

Version 1.1 990613
Added web mirrors

Version 1.0 990401
First release version

Version 0.7 990321
Got the Ermine naming scheme down, thanks to Forrest Cameranesi
Fixed Level cheats, thanks to Forrest

Version 0.6 990321
Incredibly minor changes

Version 0.5 990117
Added strat for Sons of Myrgard, written by pie-rat

Version 0.4 990116
Wrote the WWW distribution agreement, so I can start accepting web mirrors
Added Multiplayer section
More corrections from Forrest Cameranesi
Suggestions for the Multiplayer section from Alan Macdougall

Version 0.3 990113
More cool stuff written, like Single Player and Multiplayer chapters
No more tab characters; spaces instead
Slight format tweaks
Fixed some minor typos, thanks to Joel Baxter
Fixed some story errors and spelling errors, thanks to Forrest Cameranesi
Fixed Phorrest's midevil typos, thanks to Joel Baxter :)
Added a Disclaimer
Still working on technical issues regarding AGM2 posting
Well, v0.2 will forever remain as edited last on Jan 31, thanks to Forrest

Version 0.2 990112
Alpha-test posting on AGM2 to get feedback

Version 0.1 990321
Copied format, wrote initial content

[7] Disclaimer Ask before taking.

All content is copyright (C) 1999 Jeffrey Blake, (C) 2001 John Jennings, and (c) Myth Village. This document is not in the public domain. To distribute this document, please contact Jeffrey Blake, John Jennings, or Michael Sheets. Jeffrey Blake, Ancrik, John Jennings, Myth@B.org, Michael Sheets, and Myth Village and associated parties claim no responsibility for the content of this document, or for any uses of the information contained herein. This document is distributed as is, and the user assumes all risks from interaction with this document. This document is protected by international treaty law and governed under the laws of Medford, Minnesota, and Birmingham, Alabama, United States of America or as applicable. Caveat lector. This is the end.

Most of this content dates back from the Myth Nontoxic days and is self-credited. The FAQs are maintained (on the odd blue moon that they are) in large part by Lophan. The Fan Creations section is the brainchild of Gholsbane. Original HTML by Joshstar; most of it redone by Forrest.

Myth at Bungie.org is now maintained almost entirely by Gholsbane and Zandervix; Forrest is (theoretically) still around calling the shots when he can be bothered to check his email, and Claude, as always, OWNZ U. Original Nontoxic™ webpage design copyright (c) 1998 by Joshstar; updates and revisions mostly by Forrest. Many thanks to all those old Nontoxic™ munkies - you know who you are.

No portion of this website may be reprinted without explicit permission from Bungie.org, unless it is content created and submitted by you. By submitting content to this site, you grant Bungie.org the right to use it as they see fit, unless otherwise negotiated in writing.

Myth: The Fallen Lords, Myth II: Soulblighter, and all materials derived therefrom are trademarks and copyrights of Bungie Software Products Corporation (now Bungie Studios, a wholly owned subsidary of the Microsoft Corporation). We are not Bungie; we are an independantly run fan organization who Bungie has been so kind as to not sue for using their trademarked name in our domain. The Myth franchise is now owned by Take Two Interactive; Myth III: The Wolf Age is a trademark/copyright of Mumbo Jumbo, Inc., and is published by Gathering of Developers and MacSoft - none of whom are associated with us.
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