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People, Groups & Races


  • Berserks

    "A berserk at the Stair of Grief, having been told that the hosts of the Soulless were so many that their spears would hide the sun, is said to have replied 'Then we shall fight them in the shade.'"

    -Berserk Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    "Though Egil and his men bristled with javelins their charge did not falter, and they fell upon the Hollow Men with such ferocity that even the Thrall seemed to be frozen with horror."

    -Berserk Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    Berserks are human warriors from the North who forego conventional armor for the sake of speed. Their bare, battle-scarred flesh doesn't protect them much, but the speed and ferocity of the Berserks' attack gives them a definite edge, especially when they attack in groups. However, their eagerness to attack may make them difficult to control.

    Berserks use giant claymores to lop off pieces of their opponents until those opponents stop moving.

    -Berserk Description, Cast of Character, Myth TFL Manual

    " ... returning home after the defeat of the Fallen Lords, the men of the North found their farms and villages virtually untouched by the Dark... a testament to the mettle of their homeguard."

    -Berserk Flavor Text, Myth II

    "Though Gwyon and his brothers all died they had succeeded in breaking the momentum of the Ghols' charge... each scattering corpses until a step could not be taken without treading on one..."

    -Berserk Flavor Text, Myth II

    "In honor of their heroism, Connacht allowed the men of the North who had been slain defending Llancarfan to be buried in the Mausoleum of Clovis - the Royal Crypt of the Cath Bruig."

    -Berserk Ghost Flavor Text, Myth II

    Berserks are human warriors from the North who forego conventional armor for the sake of speed. Their bare, battle-scarred flesh doesn't protect them much, but the speed and ferocity of their attack gives them a definite edge, especially when they attack in groups. However, their eagerness to attack may make them difficult to control.

    Berserks use giant claymores to lop off pieces of their opponents until those opponents stop moving.

    -Berserk Description, Cast of Characters, Myth II Manual

    Notable individuals:

    Common Names:

    Bran of the Iron Skin, Hrungnir Bereft of Fear, Bram with Screaming Iron, Hervard of the Bloody Stump, Angtyr the Sword Lover, Tyrfing Slaughter's Son, Baugi Widow's Husband, Tyrvard of the Silver Hand, Thyrm of the Mighty Blows, Thrend atop the Piled Dead, Brantyr of the Whistling Steel, Skrymir of Brawn Renown, Luh of the Long Arm, Thrudnir Shield Sunderer, Tyr of the Singing Sword, Surt with One Eye, Suttung Ironheart, Surtnir of the Shadowless Hands, Angnir of Fire and Iron, Thiazi Widow Maker, Thrymnir Coward's Master, Hjonvard who Vultures Follow, Reifnir Always Wounded, Gymir Battle Seeker, Thewyn Splinter Grip, Angvard who Feeds the Worms, Leifnir with Seven Fists, Rudnir Filler of Graves, Bramtyr Piler of Corpses, Glaynir Chooser of the Slain, Hervard of the Iron Gale, Hjonfing with Arms Soaked Red, Jarlnir whose Gaze Freezes, Thorgeisl Whose Laugh Stinks of Killing, Ingvar Death's Favored Son, Tyrgeis with a Shirt of Scars, Thorolf Impaled Three Times, Eirik who Jams the Gates of the Underworld, Tyrggve of the Nine Wounds, Tyrolf Flame of Battle

  • bre'Unor

    " ... little is known of the bre'Unor, a fir'Bolg word referring to the various head-cults of The Ermine, aside from their fanatical devotion to the profane elemental spirit, b'Y'laggo..."

    -bre'Unor Flavor Text, Myth II

    " ... if this is who the fir'Bolg have been honing their martial skills on since time before memory, it is no wonder they are so good, nor that they would depart to protect their kingdom..."

    -bre'Unor Flavor Text, Myth II

    The aboriginal inhabitants of the Ermine, the bre'Unor are a violently secretive race. Their society seems to be structured around their belief that their god, who resides in the air, is strengthened by the escaping breath of the beings they sacrifice and will one day grow powerful enough to spirit away their enemies - most notably the fir'Bolg, with whom they have sparred for centuries.

    The bre'Unor have discovered that the bones of their largest sacrifices are excellent objects to hurl at new kills, and hoard them explicitly for that purpose. Tales abound of bre'Unor cunning and ferocity in battle, and some even say their vile deity has given them the ability to command wolves.

    -bre'Unor Description, Cast of Characters, Myth II Manual

    Common Names:

    Ur-Kaol, Ton-Phal, Jav-Tara, Vir-Hajas, Ten-Dihn, Yer-Tith, Nolan-Gor, Tal-Had, Tal-Hajas, Phal-Dara, Tars-Nolan, Tar-Phal, Tith-Gor, Jav-Hajak, Ur-Thuvin, Nur-Ash, Jat-Nolan, Ras-Dihn, Tal-Mors, Tar-Tith, Ten-Kaol, Gor-Tars, Tal-Phal, Tith-Hajak, Tak-Tara, Had-Thuvin, Nur-Kaol, Mors-Jat, Kajas-Ur, Dihn-Tal, Tal-Nolan, Vir-Kajas, Ton-Jat, Nolan-Vir, Gor-Ash, Ras-Phal, Tak-Jat, Jat-Vir, Tak-Thuvin, Ton-Hajak, Hajak-Tak, Dihn-Nur, Kajas-Gor, Tith-Tar, Kaol-Tara, Phal-Thuvin, Vir-Mors, Ras-Tars, Tak-Hajak, Jat-Tal, Nolan-Ur

  • Callieach

    "A fearsome race from the distant past. The Callieach eventually came into conflict with the Trow, and were destroyed in that conflict. In their final days, rather than be hunted to extinction by the Trow, they destroyed themselves and their hunters, leaving behind the Great Devoid."

    -Callieach Description, Glossary, Myth II Manual

    At the damn of time Nyx molded us out of stone and clay.

    During that age it seemed that a new race would crawl up out of the ocean, burrow out of the mountains, or fall from the sky every thousand years or so. But it always came to the same end - they would come into conflict with us and we would crush them.

    Even the Callieach, the most fearsome race from a time now unknowable to all but us, came to final ruin at out hand.

    -"Antero's Bestiary", Tales From Myth The Fallen Lords
  • Cath Bruig

    "...we will go forth and strike down our enemies. And once they have been vanquished we will rebuild the Cath Bruig Empire to its former glory."

    -Alric (Emperor) Flavor Text, Myth II

    "In honor of their heroism, Connacht allowed the men of the North who had been slain defending Llancarfan to be buried in the Mausoleum of Clovis - the Royal Crypt of the Cath Bruig."

    -Berserk Ghost Flavor Text, Myth II

    Notable individuals:

  • Changelings

    "The bre'Unor name them the Children of b'Y'laggo and humans call them Changelings. The fir'Bolg, however, refuse to speak of them."

    -Changeling Flavor Text, "Boil and Bubble" PRASP Map

    "'Why is this tree not dead?' ne'Ric whispered to his companion, 'There is no nourishment in this rotting swamp to sustain it.'"

    -Changeling Flavor Text, "Boil and Bubble" PRASP Map

    Common Names:

    Machteca, Ooshombura, Segashan, Iwijongwe, Bometosha, Altemaque, Vengatu, Renomasha, Cajetoga

  • Chickens

    "Once they ranged across The Province in the millions, but in five short years the man now known as Chicken Berel hunted them almost to extinction. Only a handful of these noble beasts remain."

    -Chicken Flavor Text, Myth II
  • Deer

    "Second era tradition tells of a deer rising in the East, who ate the yummy green shoots and ivy and leaves which had dominated his land for time beyond memory..."

    -Deer Flavor Text, Myth II
  • Dwarves

    "The early Dwarven eddas always speak of heroes 'having gone north into the mountains to slay Ghols', but most repeated is the tale of Dvalin son of Alfrigg, third ephor of Stoneheim ..."

    -Dwarf Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    "Hours after the fall of Myrgard, the dwarves defending Stoneheim collapsed the barbican, entombing ten thousand of their number behind as many tons of shattered rock."

    -Dwarf Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    "Iri trekked for three days through Ghol haunted hills, eating as he walked, sleeping between footfalls; he ran for the last 5 hours, traversing the 26 mile wide corpse-filled morass ringing Covenant..."

    -Dwarven Pathfinder Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    "We were glad to see Oleg when he finally returned to the grove, but when we saw that his pack was empty we all covered our ears... sizzling bits of Thrall came raining down for what felt like hours."

    -Dwarven Hero Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    Dwarves and short, stocky creates with a love of explosives and a passionate hatred of Ghols.

    Dwarves throw small bottled willed with an unstable concoction which explodes powerfully upon impact. Most of the time, anyway.

    Dwarves can also place satchel charges (T) - essentially unlit grenades which detonate if hit by another explosive. The strategic possibilities of littering the ground with high explosives should be realily apparent. Dwarves start with a certain number of satchel charges and can pick up more from the bodies of fallen Dwarves.

    -Dwarf Description, Cast of Characters, Myth TFL Manual

    "Within a year of Balor's defeat, the dwarves had reclaimed Myrgard and its provinces. Most dwarves chose to return to their homeland and rebuild, but some built new lives in the West."

    -Dwarf Flavor Text, Myth II

    "...turning the godhead of the ghols into a monument to Balin's victory. Nothing else has done more to sustain the mutual hatred since the ghols raided the crypt at Myrgard for 'victuals'."

    -Dwarf Flavor Text, Myth II

    "'Si vis pacem, para bellum' has become a national motto for the Dwarves, and the advancements they have made in the area of explosives over the past sixty years have been awesome to behold."

    -Dwarven Mortar Flavor Text, Myth II

    "Vnarin, son of Snorro, best explained the character of the men of the elite mortar brigade when he said, 'It takes a certain kind of maniac to carry fire in his fist and death on his back.'"

    -Dwarven Mortar Flavor Text, Myth II

    "...the masons who built the mausoleum for Clovis, the first Emperor of the Cath Bruig, still haunt these ancient corridors, eager to destroy those who would plunder its sacred vaults..."

    -Dwarf Ghost Flavor Text, Myth II

    Albrecht, the King of the Dwarves, having been presented with the latest invention of the famed Wehrfaktorie, is said to have replied "Such a thing would make war too terrible to wage."

    -Poacher Flavor Text, Myth II

    Dwarves are short, stocky creatures with a love of explosives and a passionate hatred of Ghols.

    Dwarves throw small bottles filled with an unstable concoction which explodes powerfully upon impact.

    Dwarves, owing to their immense destructive power, need to be handled carefully. They're stubborn, obstinate creatures with a warped sense of humor. If a Dwarf targets an enemy unit which then moves into a crowd of your own troops, don't be surprised if he obliterates them all. Friendly fire is part of the realism of the Myth battlefield.

    Dwarves can also place satchel charges - packs of explosives which detonate if hit with another explosive. The strategic possibilities of littering the ground with high explosives should be readily apparent. Each Dwarf starts with four satchel charges, but can carry up to nine.

    -Dwarf Description, Cast of Characters, Myth II Manual

    The sixty years of peace since the end of the Great War have not seen the Dwarves idling about. There is still great concern over what they refer to as "the Ghol problem" and much research has been done into new technologies of mass destruction. Their mortar technology is still in its infancy, and there are a scant few Dwarves trained in its use; many of them blow themselves to pieces before they learn to use it properly.

    Dwarven mortars are wildly erratic...and utterly devastating.

    -Dwarven Mortar Description, Cast of Characcters, Myth II Manual

    A diminutive race of sturdy craftsmen. The Dwarves delight in the elements of Fire and Stone, and are unrivaled masters of both.

    They share a deep hatred and countless years of war with the Ghols. Driven from their homelands in Myrgard and Stoneheim, they returned to reclaim them following the defeat of the Dark at the end of the Great War.

    -Dwarf Description, Glossary, Myth II Manual

    Notable individuals:

    Common Names:

    Bui, Brami, Hrani, Barri, Durin, Alfrigg, Dvalin, Berling, Grerr, Solblindi, Uni, Iri, Bari, Var, Vegdrasil, Dori, Ori, Delling, Ivaldi, Brokk, Eitri, Baugi, Tind, Haddings, Soli, Dari, Nori, Jar, Oni, Vnarin, Ari, Eri, Uri, Telling, Felling, Gilling, Deri, Duri, Trakk, Ivoldi, Norling, Jarling, Solling, Varling, Jvalin, Badi, Ladi, Tadi, Abi, Ebi, Sak

    Ghost Names:

    Alvis, Fjalar, Galar, Lit, Beli, Gimli, Regin, Rudlwn, Frocin, Sindri, Fafnir, Hreidmar, Tronc, Pethboc, Druidan

  • Fetch

    "We know not whether Fetches wear the skins of men out of necessity or whim, but we do know they are not from our world and their arrogance is without equal among the minions of the Fallen."

    -Fetch Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    "When first glimpsed, I thought it a devil; when it spoke, it spoke with the voice of an angel, but its true nature was masked by the louse infested skin it wore."

    -Fetch Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    Priestesses summoned from another world by Balor for their magical abilities. Disturbingly pround of their ability to singlehandedly decimate legions of veteran warriors, the Fetch wear the skins of the men they've electrocuted as trophy and warning.

    The Fetch fires blasts of electricity from its withered fingertips.

    -Fetch Description, Cast of Characters, Myth TFL Manual

    "...the fetch wear the skins of men out of necessity, for if the eye of Wyrd were to fall on them not so adorned He would recognize their alienness and smite them..."

    -Fetch Flavor Text, Myth II

    "Not native to our world, it is said they fight for Soulblighter in hopes that he will honor Balor's pledge to send them home. Being stranded in our world has only served to fuel their hatred of us."

    -Fetch Flavor Text, Myth II

    Priestesses summoned from another world by Balor during the Great War, they found themselves unable to return after his destruction at Alric's hands. In return for their continued cooperation, Soulblighter has promised them a way home.

    The Fetch fires blasts of electricity from its withered fingertips.

    Disturbingly proud of their ability to singlehandedly decimate legions of veteran warriors, the Fetch wear the skins of the men they've electrocuted as trophy and warning.

    -Fetch Description, Cast of Characters, Myth II Manual
  • fir'Bolg

    Long enemies of the civilized nations, the truce which brought the fir'Bolg and their famed bowmen into the Light was forged by ou'Kahn the Great King and Caliban during the Sword Age.

    -Archer Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    " ... though the Ghols were afraid to kill him after his capture at Myrgard they dislocated his arms at the shoulder with a chisel to prevent him from ever drawing a bow again."

    -Archer Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    Formerly enemies of humans and their nations, the fir'Bolg changed their minds when they realized they didn't stand a chance against the Fallen Lords by themselves. They fare poorly in hand-to-hand combat, but their archers' skill is so well-developed that most foed don't get that close.

    The fir'Bolg archers are renowed for their dead aim and steady hands. A group of them can do substantial damage to enemy forces while they're still too far off to fight back. If cornered, fir'Bolg can punch their attackers; double-click an enemy to punch it.

    -Archer Description, Cast of Characters, Myth TFL Manual

    " ... on occasion an archer of promise is sent to the Ermine, the homeland of the fir'Bolg, to study his craft at one of the three war colleges: jo'Za-Thatal, wa'Ama-Tchal, or ai'Kijin-Tak."

    -Bowman Flavor Text, Myth II

    "When asked of his advice on how many men should be trained in the use of the bow og'Un remarked, 'One in twenty from each town. Go there, these men will make themselves known.'"

    -Bowman Flavor Text, Myth II

    " ... little is known of the bre'Unor, a fir'Bolg word referring to the various head-cults of The Ermine, aside from their fanatical devotion to the profane elemental spirit, b'Y'laggo..."

    -bre'Unor Flavor Text, Myth II

    " ... if this is who the fir'Bolg have been honing their martial skills on since time before memory, it is no wonder they are so good, nor that they would depart to protect their kingdom..."

    -bre'Unor Flavor Text, Myth II

    After the war against Balor ended, the fir'bolg returned to their own land. The truce remained intact, but they swore that they would never fight outside of their borders again.

    -Bowman Description, Cast of Characters, Myth II Manual

    " ... fir'Bolg, with whom [the bre'Unor] have sparred for centuries."

    -bre'Unor Description, Cast of Characters, Myth II Manual

    "The bre'Unor name them the Children of b'Y'laggo and humans call them Changelings. The fir'Bolg, however, refuse to speak of them."

    -Changeling Flavor Text, "Boil and Bubble" PRASP Map

    In those days as the war raged ever west-ward, old rivalries were forgotten and new alliances formed, and so it came to be that the fir'Bolg, renowned for their archery skills, came to stand with the newly formed legions against the Fallen Lords!

    -The Total Codex, "Fang-Grinder", Tales From Myth The Fallen Lords

    Notable individuals:

    Common Names:

    he'Rero, il'Edi, ka'Fou, ka'Lemba, ka'Tanga, ke'Nyatta, ki'Ntampo, ku'Bhasah, kwe'Si, ma'Pungu, mho'Ndoro, nwa'Nga, ndo'Ro, nkru'Mah, nsi'Ah, nyo'Ro, ou'Ngan, og'Un, ob'Atala, os'Hun, tsho'Fan, ya'Nalo, ya'Nvalou, ye'Boah, yu'Rugu, iu'Shee, yn'Jouyll, yn'Drogh, ny'Anmey, ry'Ghunver, ny'Marro

  • Forest Giants

    "On the last day of the siege at Seven Gates a priest asked the Giants present of their faith. A young one showered the man with chips of stone as he struck the ground, 'The Earth is our Faith.'"

    -Forest Giant Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    "When asked of the source of their animosity towards the Trow, all were silent. After a time the eldest among them looked down and seemed to weep, 'It was they who poisoned the soul of iron.'"

    -Forest Giant Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    "No man has seen one of the giants since the first battle for Seven Gates thirteen years ago. They helped contain the fury of Balor himself for three years, but on the fourth they did not return and the pass was lost."

    -Myth TFL, Level 14, "Forest Heart"

    Massive wooden dwellers of Forest Heart. Their emnity with the Trow goes back for centuries. The towering Forest Giant can swat smaller enemies out of his way, and beat larger foes into submission.

    -Forest Giant Description, Cast of Characters, Myth TFL Manual

    Common Names:

    Grayleaves, Graybark, Oldbark, Deeproots, Longbranches, Hardwood, Wisebark, Oldgrowth, Highbranches, Ironwood, Stoneroots, Millionleaves, Yellowleaves, Stonebranches, Evergreen, Wintergreen, Greatwood, Ironroot, Morningwood

  • Ghasts

    "...the unholy throng stumbled through the woods... their wretched claws searching... mouthing words noislessly... drawn to the village they had called home not so long ago..."

    -Ghast Flavor Text, Myth II

    "Its fist struck my face and a strip of putrescent flesh sloughed off, adhering to my cheek... my brain disconnected by the horror of it... if not for the fast action of my comrades..."

    -Ghast Flavor Text, Myth II

    Having learned Balor's greatest secret, the reanimation of the dead, Soulblighter passed on this knowledge to his evil human associates so they could build him an army. These Undead are the corpses of villagers and other commoners, and are the first stage in what will eventually become a Wight.

    They are nimble compared to most undead units, and while their blows do little damage, their foul stench and clammy touch can stun the living.

    -Ghast Description, Cast of Characters, Myth II Manual

    Since they're dead, thrall, wights and ghasts don't have to breathe. Unlike the living, they can travel through the deepest water, and can remain hidden under water indefinitely.

    -Thrall Description, Cast of Characters, Myth II Manual
  • Ghols

    "The early Dwarven eddas always speak of heroes 'having gone north into the mountains to slay Ghols', but most repeated is the tale of Dvalin son of Alfrigg, third ephor of Stoneheim ..."

    -Dwarf Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    "The Ghols have forever been at war with the dwarves around Myrgard and Stoneheim, and the rape of the dwarves' ancestral home there has been the Ghol's rabid dream for centuries."

    -Ghol Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    "The Ghols worship enormous pieces of unworked stone, moved in antiquity to the open meadows far below their mountain dwellings. They alone remember the names of the dark gods."

    -Ghol Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    The Ghol is a swift beast which drags its knuckles as it lopes along the ground. Their speed makes them incredible souts, and although they are relatively weak they an dash up a hill and hack a group of archers to pieces before they have a chance to react.

    The Ghol wields a cleaver longer than its own lengthy and muscular arms.

    Ghols can pick up battlefield detritus and hurl it at their nearest enemy. Axe blades, dwarven grenades, explosive pieces of wights, and scattered limbs of the dea can be picked up by Ghols and used for a more destructive attack. To pick something up, select the Ghol and click on the item you would like him to use. He will carry it until told to throw it by targeting another unit or the ground. Ghols can also taunt nearby enemies using the Special Action key.

    -Ghol Description, Cast of Characters, Myth TFL

    "...turning the godhead of the ghols into a monument to Balin's victory. Nothing else has done more to sustain the mutual hatred since the ghols raided the crypt at Myrgard for 'victuals'."

    -Dwarf Flavor Text, Myth II

    "...with the destruction of their most sacred shrine at Myrgard and driven out of the Dwarven lands, the Ghols have only redoubled their efforts to '... devour the dwarves from existence'."

    -Ghol Flavor Text, Myth II

    "...they celebrate the capture of the Dwarven capital at Myrgard with feasts under the full moon... re-enacting its spoliation, so they will never forget their moment of triumph."

    -Ghol Flavor Text, Myth II

    The Ghol is a swift beast which drags its knuckles as it lopes along the ground. Their speed makes them incredible scouts, and although they are relatively weak they can dash up a hill and hack a group of bowmen to pieces before they have a chance to react. They have never been an especially bright race, and since the Dwarven destruction of the Ghol Godhead during the Great War they have thought of nothing but the complete subjugation of the Dwarves. The Ghol wields a cleaver longer than its own lengthy and muscular arms.

    Ghols can pick up battlefield detritus and hurl it at their nearest enemy. Axe blades, Dwarven grenades, explosive pieces of wights, and scattered limbs of the dead can be picked up by Ghols and used for a more destructive attack. To pick something up, select the Ghol and click on the item you would like him to use. He will carry it until told to throw it by targeting another unit or the ground.

    -Ghol Description, Cast of Characters, Myth II Manual

    Dwarves are short, stocky creatures with a love of explosives and a passionate hatred of Ghols.

    -Dwarf Description, Cast of Characters, Myth II Manual

    The sixty years of peace since the end of the Great War have not seen the Dwarves idling about. There is still great concern over what they refer to as "the Ghol problem" and much research has been done into new technologies of mass destruction.

    -Dwarven Mortar Description, Cast of Characters, Myth II Manual

    [The Dwarves] share a deep hatred and countless years of war with the Ghols. Driven from their homelands in Myrgard and Stoneheim, they returned to reclaim them following the defeat of the Dark at the end of the Great War.

    -Dwarf Description, Glossary, Myth II Manual

    A bestial race of knuckle walkers that served the Dark during the Great War. Inhabiting the same hills and mountains as the Dwarves, Ghols have been in conflict with that race for as long as they have known one another. It is they alone who remember the names of the dark gods.

    -Ghol Description, Glossary, Myth II Manual

    It is in the nature of Ghols to be savage and brutish, although they are not thought to be inherently evil in and of themselves, their allegiance to the Fallen due more to ignorance and sorcerous deception!

    -"Fang-Grinder", Tales From Myth The Fallen Lords

    Notable individuals:

    Common Names:

    Crusher, Masher, Breaker, Snapper, Smasher, Killer, Grinder, Gnasher, Screamer, Splitter, Eviscerator, Destroyer, Crasher, Dasher, Wounder, Ruiner, Tamer, Gentler, Butcher, Slaughterer, Extinguisher, Pulper, Crusher, Flattener, Squasher, Squisher, Pounder, Bruiser, Hasher, Pulverizer, Harasser, Tormentor, Shrieker, Squealer, Screecher, Howler, Severer, Mangler, Eradicator, Lascerator, Disabler, Crippler, Lamer, Mutilator, Thrasher. Cruncher, Knacker

  • Hawks

    "While still shell and yolk, the Hawks were most vain about their color and round shape, spending the eve of hatching beneath a peregrine rather than in an empty nest."

    -Hawk Flavor Text, Myth II
  • Mahir

    " ... an obsidion knife screamed in a tongue he understood not, it's words violent, clear and distinct, tearing his breast and pulling him toward the dark thing which had risen from the shadows."

    -Mahir Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    " ... what we pulled back was less a corpse than it was a carcass -- the barest ribbons of flesh clung to his ribs and spine."

    -Mahir Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    " obsidion flame howled in a tongue he understood not, it's words violent, clear and distinct, tearing his breast and pulling him toward the dark thing which had risen from the shadows."

    -Mahir Flavor Text, Myth II

    "Though he couldn't have been dead more than an hour, his corpse resembled a centuries old mummy... and it crumbled like dry leaves at a touch."

    -Mahir Flavor Text, Myth II

    Common Names:

    Deeper Shadow on a Waning Moon, Vile Oaths and Scorned Supplication, Quiet Whispers from Open Graves, Serene Death Stalking, Dreams of Lost Daylight, Denied Hope of the Wretched, Painful Memories of Lost Faith, Silent Student of Untaught Knowledge, Forever Cast in Deepest Night, Promises Broken to Greedy Ends, Final Sleep Without Rest, Bitter Legacy of Darker Deeds, Curse on a Final Breath, Silent Nightmare in the Twilight, Hope Forever Lost to Fate, Keeper of the Dismal Paths, Thief of the Silent Fate, Deeper Shadow on a Waning Moon, Quiet Student of Untaught Knowledge, The Goassamer Fate Awaiting all Fools, A Cheerless Gathering of Dreams, Pride at Dusk, Joyless Messanger of Still Places, Deemer of Suffering, Weilder of Dim Shapes, Serene Death Stalking, Silent Sacrifice in Vain, Ill Omens and Destiny, Seven Shadows Crossing, Broken Chains of Smoke and Night, Cloudless Night Without End, Waning Moon Over Lifeless Moor, Night Lost in Fog, Vile Oaths and Scorned Supplication, Solitary Walker of Darkened Lands, Hushed Whispers from Opened Graves, Whispers in the Ears of Evil Men, Faded Memories of Forgotten Nightmares, Misery's Wet Nurse, Broken Oaths and Unspoken Regrets

  • Mauls

    "...tempted by Soulblighter's promises of easy victory over an unprepared foe... their desire for new lands to dominate became unsatiable..."

    -Maul Flavor Text, Myth II

    "Like a nightmare clothed in flesh, the Mauls swept across The Blind Steppes, their grotesque appearance and incredible strength causing even the most hardened Warrior to tremble with fear."

    -Maul Flavor Text, Myth II

    "Even worse, we are not alone. Our scouts report seeing terrifying shapes lurking about, masked by the foul weather."

    -Myth II, Level 12, "The Stair of Grief"

    Hulking, pig-like brutes native to the Blind Steppes, Mauls wear armor and wield spiked clubs fashioned from whole tree trunks. With heads as thick as their massive limbs, they were easily bound to Soulblighter's service.

    Though not fast, Mauls both absorb and inflict serious damage, and are willing shields on the battlefield for more vulnerable units.

    -Maul Description, Cast of Characters, Myth II Manual

    Common Names:

    Bandoona, Arcooh, Naracoorte, Tantanoola, Warbla, Wigunda, Wooltana, Yamnti, Ithapi, Wakarla, Koomooloobooka, Koomalboogurra, Bildoolja, Noolook, Myora, Butawana

  • Myrkridia

    "Tradition tells us almost nothing of the Myrkridia save for the horrible skull platforms they would build from the severed heads of their enemies."

    -Myth TFL, Level 16, "The Smiths of Muirthemne"

    "The Myrkridia were the most vicious servants of the Dark in another time, now long past, and Balor himself imprisoned them within the Tain. Or at least that's what Alric says. I'd always heard that the Myrkridia were hunted to extinction by Connacht, the great hero of the Wind Age."

    -Myth TFL, Level 24, "The Last Battle"

    A race if icredible evil and ferocity, destroyed during the Wind Age by Connacht.

    -Myrkridia Description, Glossary, Myth TFL Manual

    "...the world lived in the long shadow of the Myrkridia - a race of flesh-eaters too horrible to describe... creatures able to keep the land stricken with fear for hundreds of years."

    -Myrkridia Flavor Text, Myth II

    "...we went looking for what had become of our scouts... what we found were less corpses than they were carcasses... the barest ribbons of flesh clinging to their gnawed and broken bones..."

    -Myrkridian Giant Flavor Text, Myth II

    "They were cannibals of the worst sort, proudly displaying their grisly trophies... and their bosses ruled with an iron fist... at the first sign of weakness they would be torn to shreds."

    -Myrkridian Giant Flavor Text, Myth II

    "[Many of them] were slain when they attacked Muirthemne, and their cursed blood seeped into the ground... not every mysterious disappearance could be traced back to the Spider-cults."

    -Myrkridian Ghost Flavor Text, Myth II

    "All that we know of the Myrkridia comes from old songs and half-forgotten legends. They are full of horrifying tales of whole armies being devoured and entire cities being erased from the world."

    -Myth II, Level 8, "The Great Library"

    "They are nightmare made flesh. Even men hardened by combat cowered in miserable terror at first sight of them."

    -Myth II, Level 10, "Landing at White Falls"

    A terrible race of flesh-eaters with a limitless capacity for evil. During the Wind Age, the Myrkridia were trapped in the Tain by Connacht and thought destroyed.

    -Myrkridia Description, Glossary, Myth II Manual

    ... why had [Acerus Malum Magnus] not spoken of the Myrkridia? According to what I remembered of Forgall's text the Myrkridia were active during the Golden Age of the Trow and both had come into conflict with Connacht.

    -"Antero's Bestiary", Tales From Myth The Fallen Lords
  • Myrmidons

    Desirous of power and immortality, the warrior race of the Myrmidons left their northern kin to join Balor and the Fallen Lords, and so they became known as The Kithless.

    -Myrmidon Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    While still flesh and blood, the Myrmidons were most vain about their long hair and body paint, spending the eve of battle before a mirror rather than in a bedroll.

    -Myrmidon Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    A race of warriors who betrayed the light when Balor promised them immortality. Three hundred years later, their decayed bodies still walk, held together only by rotting bandages and the desire to rend flesh from the bodies of the living.

    Myrmidons carry two Gridaksma Blades, composed of a human femur capped on each end with the steel blade of a scythe. A few deft swings will cut a swath through almost anything.

    -Myrmidon Description, Cast of Characters, Myth TFL Manual

    Common Names:

    Gorerage, Lifelust, Swordslaughter, Bloodhunger, Battleslaughter, Warwilling, Angerflame, Greedhunger, Swordbite, Ironhammer, Lifethirst, Soulthirst, Souldeath, Skinhunger, Bloodflame, Soulthirst, Bloodlove, Goreflame, Soulrage, Warrage, Lifestifle, Ironfate, Bloodfate, Soulfate, Lifedoom, Hearttear, Skinpeel, Doomrage, Deathcaress, Gorecaress Frothinghunger, Bonepowder, Bonesplinter, Bonehunger, Boneflame, Bonehammer, Boneslaughter, Bonerage, Hearthammer, Heartflame, Hearthunger, Fleshbite, Fleshthirst, Fleshhunger, Fleshrage, Fleshdoom, Fleshtear, Ironheart

  • Oghres

    Then, after an aeon of peace, the younger races began to appear. During that age man was a simple beast hardly worthy of notice. But his older cousins, the Oghres, knew something of the waking world and called us a race of consorts!

    [ . . . ]

    The Oghres resisted us tooth and nail, but we had a very powerful ally...

    [ . . . ]

    But, after twelve centuries of slavery, the Oghres rebelled...

    And blinded by hatred, we could not not suffer them their freedom. The war lasted for thirty years and was fraught with unconscionable acts of wholesale slaughter - their towns and villages were razed, their women and children put to the torch and our cities thrown down... It all culminated in a single battle - the Battle at the Valley of the Red Seal was a solid month of fighting and it resulted in the extinction of their race.

    -"Antero's Bestiary", Tales From Myth The Fallen Lords
  • Pigs

    "A berserk at Tandem, having been told of the extraordinary taste of roast pig, is said to have replied 'and Ghol may taste like haggis, but I will never know, as they are filthy beasts.'"

    -Pig Flavor Text, Myth II
  • Shades

    "A house gutted by fire, a well poisoned with carrion, what had been sheep in the morning spread like a thick jam against the long wall of the barn..."

    -Shade Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    "... and it was said of Sciron that his hatred for the living was so intense, his shadow would go out and kill while he slept and not return until next he awoke."

    -Shade Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    The reanimated corpses of long-dead sorcerers, Shades take great pains to avoid running water (since they can only cross it by using a bridge) and act as a conduit for the evil magic of the Fallen Lords.

    -Shade Description, Cast of Characters, Myth TFL Manual

    "...Turquine so mistreated his subjects that even his personal guard abandoned him... he agreed to endure the indescribable tortures of the Fallen that he might have his revenge."

    -Shade Flavor Text, Myth II

    "...those that Phelot deemed unsuitable for use as thrall... were given to the ghols, who hacked their limbs and chewed their flesh... this is how he dealt with the people of Avon's Grove."

    -Shade Flavor Text, Myth II

    Notable individuals:

    Common Names:

    Nym, Sycorax, Gullveig, Cailleac Bheur, Cormorant

  • Skrael

    "Every Skrael believes that he who dies in battle is reborn seven times to revenge himself upon his destroyers, and that each of these seven incarnations may itself give rise to seven more ... "

    -Skrael Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    Common Names:

    He Who Gathers Cattails, He Who Swims Deeply, He Who Speaks Slowly, He Who Hunts Longest, He Who Throws Farthest, He Who Laughs Last

  • Soulless (Hollow Men)

    "A berserk at the Stair of Grief, having been told that the hosts of the Soulless were so many that their spears would hide the sun, is said to have replied 'Then we shall fight them in the shade.'"

    -Berserk Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    Called 'Hollow Men' in the West, the Soulless are most feared for the sticky venom with which they anoint their javelins before battle, for wounds contaminated by the toxin never heal...

    -Soulless Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    "... they swept through the fields corrupting all they touched, and the stench they left in their wake was that of a hastily abandoned slaughter house."

    -Soulless Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    The souls literally stolen by sorery, the Soulless slowly float across the countryside; leaving pestilence and corruption in their wake. Their weapon of choice is a barned javelin anointed with a toxin that causes excruciating pain that can build up to fatal levels.

    -Soulless Description, Cast of Characters, Myth TFL Manual

    "...also known as 'Hollow Men'. The Soulless' weapon of choice is a barbed spear anointed with a venom which causes excruciating pain... wounds contaminated by the toxin never heal..."

    -Soulless Flavor Text, Myth II

    "...souls stolen by sorcery, these once-human minions of The Dark exist only to torture and spill the blood of the living... leaving pestilence and corruption in their wake."

    -Soulless Flavor Text, Myth II

    Their souls literally stolen by sorcery, the Soulless slowly float across the land, leaving pestilence and corruption in their wake. Their weapon of choice is a barbed javelin anointed with a toxin that causes excruciating pain. One of Soulblighter's most successful experiments with reanimation, it is hardly surprising that he has brought more of them along this time.

    -Soulless Description, Cast of Characters, Myth II Manual
  • Spiders

    After scoffing at the ease at which he killed one, Hrungnir was told "what they lack in strength, they make up for in number..."

    -Cave Spider Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    "... we were standing knee deep in a lake made up of the corpses of spiders the size of very large dogs when 12 Moon remarked, 'Wyrd preserve us, these are all males!'"

    -Cave Spider Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    "... I called for a light to be brought forward and just as soon regretted my order, and I wept with fear as its hideous bulk became more distinct."

    -Spider Queen Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    Dwarven legend tells of spiders that grow larger than humans, living unchecked in the deepest bowels of the earth, Their constitutions were weak, but their frightful size - and their sheer weight of numbers - made the more than a match for thoise foolish enough to delve into their subterranean lairs in search of veins of gold or other precious metals. Having no loyalty, they will also attack the Fallen.

    -Cave Spider Description, Cast of Characters, Myth TFL Manual

    "...Berel threw a brand down into the shaft in order to judge its depth... a nightmare boiled up out of that pit which only one in six of our number survived..."

    -Spider Flavor Text, Myth II

    "Connacht could no longer ignore the atrocities committed by the Spider-cult but when he assailed their shrines, no trace could be found of the Smiths of Muirthemne or their followers..."

    -Spider Flavor Text, Myth II

    "Dwarven legend tells of spiders that grow larger than humans, living unchecked in the deepest bowels of the earth. Their constitutions are weak but their frightful size, and sheer weight of numbers, make them more than a match for those foolish enough to delve into their subterranean lairs. Having no loyalties, they will also attack the Fallen.

    -Cave Spider Description, Cast of Characters, Myth II Manual
  • Spores

    The Spore, though immobile, are feared for their deadly vapor....

    -Cave Spore Flavor Text, Myth TFL
  • Squirrels

    "...but it was Rocky alone that stood up to the challenge and packed the giant nuts; the huge nuts that no two other squirrels could pack."

    -Squirrel Flavor Text, Myth II
  • Stygian Knights

    "Empty shells of armor animated by mysterious sorceries, the Stygian Knights have no true spark of life, and thus no fear of death."

    -Stygian Knight Flavor Text, Myth II

    " is said that the animation rituals require the caster to surrender a portion of his soul to provide the Knight's semblance of life."

    -Stygian Knight Flavor Text, Myth II

    Only the darkest sorcery is capable of creating these magically animated suits of armor. Stygian Knights are a rare sight as they are created only by Soulblighter and given as guards to his human associates.

    They attack with huge battle axes and are unharmed by arrows. Even dismembered, they do not bleed.

    -Stygian Knight Description, Cast of Characters, Myth II Manual
  • Swallows

    "Of all the swallows in the Four Ages there is no doubt that Pretty Boy was the most powerful and his death the most salient victory of the Feline during the Wind Age."

    -Swallow Flavor Text, Myth II
  • "The target dummies of the West have always had the thankless task of training young warriors."

    -Target Flavor Text, Myth II

    Common Names:

    Bob, Tuncer, Alex, Jason, Mark, Paul, Juan, Frank, Konrad, Jonathan, David

  • Trow

    "When asked of the source of their animosity towards the Trow, all were silent. After a time the eldest among them looked down and seemed to weep, 'It was they who poisoned the soul of iron.'"

    -Forest Giant Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    "' ... or we will fell your people like a pine forest.' One Ghol asked why he had singled out pines. 'Once cut, pines never regrow.' spoke the Trow emissary, to which the Ghols had no answer save silence."

    -Trow Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    "Initially we thought the barn we were hiding in had been magicked away, but then we saw the unmistakable silhouette of a Trow becoming more and more distinct through the settling dust..."

    -Trow Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    The Trow are relics from a forgotten age. During the height of their golden age they were responsible for the creation o fmany complex megalithic structures, but as their civilization declind they began enslaving their lesser brethren, the Oghres, to construct their cyclopean edifices. Finally, during the Wind Age (after many centuries of domination at the hands of tehir cruel masters), the Oghres attempted to throw off the shackles of Trow tyranny. The resulting war left the Trow city-states severely weakened and the Oghres extict. The hero Connacht took advantage of this conflict and entombed the Trow where none would ever discover their barrows, and melted their icon cities into the ice. Since that time, the continent as been free of brutalization at their massive hands.

    -Trow Description, Cast of Characters, Myth TFL Manual

    "...when Soulblighter confronted the Trow, demanding their continued servitude, they replied 'Set iron to rest and choose you one from our number. Ask of his name and what he owes you.'"

    -Trow Flavor Text, Myth II

    "...he spoke in a voice I felt as much as heard... his words slow and deliberate... each syllable the roaring of an ocean..."

    -Trow Flavor Text, Myth II

    The Trow retreated to the north at the end of the Great War, and have since held a nervous truce with the humans who slew so many of their number during the conflict. Their bitter memories of their own golden age many generations ago have left them with a collective hunger for a return to better times. This urge does not prevent the Trow from exacting a frightful toll upon any who would pass across the land they have claimed as their own.

    Trow wade into a melee with mighty kicks, powerful enough to rip the target's body in half.

    -Trow Description, Cast of Characters, Myth II Manual

    "The Callieach eventually came into conflict with the Trow, and were destroyed in that conflict. In their final days, rather than be hunted to extinction by the Trow, they destroyed themselves and their hunters, leaving behind the Great Devoid."

    -Callieach Description, Glossary, Myth II Manual

    To know the history of the Trow is to know the history of the world.

    At the damn of time Nyx molded us out of stone and clay.

    During that age it seemed that a new race would crawl up out of the ocean, burrow out of the mountains, or fall from the sky every thousand years or so. But it always came to the same end - they would come into conflict with us and we would crush them.

    Even the Callieach, the most fearsome race from a time now unknowable to all but us, came to final ruin at out hand.

    -"Antero's Bestiary", Tales From Myth The Fallen Lords

    ... why had [Acerus Malum Magnus] not spoken of the Myrkridia? According to what I remembered of Forgall's text the Myrkridia were active during the Golden Age of the Trow and both had come into conflict with Connacht.

    -"Antero's Bestiary", Tales From Myth The Fallen Lords

    Notable individuals:

    Common Names:

    Igne Ferroque, Tympanum Caput, Saxum Pugnus, Pugil Stultus, Tonitrus Femuf, Auris Morsus, Dolabra Index, Fractum Atrox, Muglio Potens, Acerus Malum, Hebes Ictus, Sanguis Ebriosus, Fustis Demens, Mons Latus, Lapicida Venenum, Luctari Furor, Filius Tofus Mola Saccus, Pernix Ultor, Quercus Invidia, Tegula Cutis, Terramotus Calcitrare, Pulvis Ira, Quassare Vis

  • Thrall (Children of Bahl'al)

    "Though Egil and his men bristled with javelins their charge did not falter, and they fell upon the Hollow Men with such ferocity that even the Thrall seemed to be frozen with horror."

    -Berserk Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    " ... the seventh wave of Thrall stumbled and climbed over the slippery, piled dead and Mazzarin saw The Watcher with them and at last knew the number of his days."

    -Thrall Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    "Bahl'al descended to the flooded, rusting halls of Si'anwon and under the sea there took no breath for nine days, searching the ruined palaces and temples of the Trow for the dream of unlife."

    -Thrall Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    The reanimated corpses of humans who fought against the Fallen and lost. Because they're dead, Thrall are ponderously slow, but they will also withstand a great deal of damage before the foul soreries that keep their bodies upright fail. Another one of the benefits of being undead that Thrall enjoy is not having to breath, this allows them to remain underwater indefinitely.

    The only weapon that the mindless Thrall can use with any degree of success is an ax. The Thrall, having no will of its own, can be ordered to taunt nearby enemies to little effect by usin the Special Action key.

    -Thrall Description, Cast of Character, Myth TFL Manual

    "...Bahl'al spurred his army onward with a blistering wind. Three full days before his army arrived... the citizens of Tyr knew their doom lumbered nearer with each passing hour..."

    -Thrall Flavor Text, Myth II

    "...they attacked the city of Covenant... reinforced not only by the slaughtered town folk and farmers... but also by the plunder of catacombs, crypts and cemeteries of a thousand years."

    -Thrall Flavor Text, Myth II

    "...those that Phelot deemed unsuitable for use as thrall... were given to the ghols, who hacked their limbs and chewed their flesh... this is how he dealt with the people of Avon's Grove."

    -Shade Flavor Text, Myth II

    The reanimated corpses of humans. Because they're dead, Thrall are slow moving, but they will also withstand a great deal of damage before the foul sorceries that keep their bodies upright fail. Another benefit of being dead that the Thrall enjoy is not being required to breathe, which allows them to remain underwater indefinitely.

    The only weapon the mindless Thrall can use with any degree of success is an axe.

    Since they're dead, thrall, wights and ghasts don't have to breathe. Unlike the living, they can travel through the deepest water, and can remain hidden under water indefinitely.

    -Thrall Description, Cast of Characters, Myth II Manual
  • " ... though the dwarves before Myrgard were unshaken by the wights opposite them, each knew the slow, bleeding death-fever which awaited those who survived the battle."

    -Wight Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    "... but they were not driven to attack by malice, what goaded them forward was the pain clouded thought of release from an anguish so singular that it wracked their bodies even in unlife."

    -Wight Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    A stitched up corpse, given new life by dark magic as a breeding ground for virulienet disease and foul decay. The wight shambles up to its target and plunges its dagger into its gas-filled body causing it to explode, shaking the earth around it, destroying anything in its immediate vicinity and coating everything with a thin film of pus, which induces a brief paralysis.

    Alternately, you can order a Wight to detonate it self by using the Special Action Key.

    -Wight Description, Cast of Characters, Myth TFL Manual

    "...once known as the Messengers of Culwyeh, a name now forgotten by all but the most devout pupils of Necromancy, these miserable creatures seek only release from their hellish existence."

    -Wight Flavor Text, Myth II

    "...preceding the assault on Covenant... two score and nine wights were herded into the Tiber an hours march from the city, there to stand until they burst, rendering the water undrinkable."

    -Wight Flavor Text, Myth II

    Since they're dead, thrall, wights and ghasts don't have to breathe. Unlike the living, they can travel through the deepest water, and can remain hidden under water indefinitely.

    -Thrall Description, Cast of Characters, Myth II Manual

    A stitched-up corpse, given new life by dark magic as a breeding ground for virulent disease and foul decay. The wight shambles up to its target and plunges a dagger into its gas-filled body causing it to explode, shaking the earth around it, destroying anything in its immediate vicinity and coating everything with a thin film of pus which induces a brief paralysis.

    You can order a wight to detonate by pressing the Special Action key (T).

    -Thrall Description, Cast of Characters, Myth II Manual
  • Wolves

    "The wolves of The Ermine have been a menace to the people of the Free Cities of the North... since the area was settled in the Axe Age."

    -Wolf Flavor Text, Myth II

    "...wolves, feared for centuries as man-eaters and killers of livestock... used to great effect by the fir'Bolg during our time of conflict with them..."

    -Wolf Flavor Text, Myth II


  • Avatara

    Of all the avatara in the Four Ages there is no doubt that Mazzarin was the most powerful and his death the most salient victory of the Dark during the Wind Age.

    -Avatara Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    " ... the seventh wave of Thrall stumbled and climbed over the slippery, piled dead and Mazzarin saw The Watcher with them and at last knew the number of his days."

    -Avatara Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    "They say Alric talked about The Head often, ridiculing The Nine's belief that it was one of the avatara of Connacht."

    -Myth TFL, Level 10, "Out of the Barrier"

    "[Alric] seeks Myrdred, an avatara of the Wolf Age whom Balor renamed "The Deceiver" after bending him to his will."

    -Myth II, Level 11, "Through The Ermine"

    The Nine powerful sorcerors who lead the Legion against Balor and the Fallen Lords. Because of their years of training as magic-users and strategists, they tend to avoid melee combat but can be vicious whe they have to be.

    Each Avatar carried a sword, and knows how to use it. Each Avatar has a unique magic ability.

    -Avatara Description, Cast of Characters, Myth TFL Manual

    Notable individuals:

  • Bowmen

    " ... on occasion an archer of promise is sent to the Ermine, the homeland of the fir'Bolg, to study his craft at one of the three war colleges: jo'Za-Thatal, wa'Ama-Tchal, or ai'Kijin-Tak."

    -Bowman Flavor Text, Myth II

    "When asked of his advice on how many men should be trained in the use of the bow og'Un remarked, 'One in twenty from each town. Go there, these men will make themselves known."

    -Bowman Flavor Text, Myth II

    "...but not all men picked up the bow for love of their country or defense of their liege... for some it was for love of money, and others... an unnatural desire to kill."

    -Dark Bowman Flavor Text, Myth II

    "...[to the likes of] the highwaymen of the Chalk Hills... and the bandit gangs of Tarhan was business as usual... it didn't matter who died, as long as their bellies were full."

    -Dark Bowman Flavor Text, Myth II

    "To be a bowman in the Imperial Army was an honor second only to acceptance into the Heron Guard. It is said that their honor was so great they would not sleep as long as the crown was in peril."

    -Bowman Ghost Flavor Text, Myth II

    After the war against Balor ended, the fir'bolg returned to their own land. The truce remained intact, but they swore that they would never fight outside of their borders again. Humans who had fought alongside them had come to rely on the fir'bolg ability to attack opponents from a distance, and human militias soon drummed up their own groups of bowmen.

    A group of bowmen can do substantial damage to enemy forces while they're still too far off to fight back. In addition, each unit carries a fire arrow that can be activated by selecting the unit, pressing the special action key (T), and attacking an enemy unit or the ground.

    If cornered, bowmen can fight with a knife (although this is not their strong suit). To make your bowmen fight hand-to-hand, select the bowman, then double click on a nearby enemy unit.

    -Bowman Description, Cast of Characters, Myth II Manual

    Notable individuals:

    Common Names:

    Jean, Cale, Denis, Matthieu, Guibert, Luis, Roger, Gobain, Philip, Otto, Thomas, Garin, Aubry, Clement, Alvar, Simone, Petrarch, Piers, Francis, Wyclif, Cipolla, John, Jerome, Jaques, Edward, Bartholomew, Walter, Gibouin, Guerri, Raoul, Bernier, Ybert, Amant, Herbert, Droon, Gerard, Henry, Bernard, Peter, Raymond, Leo, Michael, Charles, Olivier, Urban, Eustace, Ludolf, Gislebert, Godfrey, Albert, Victor, Adrian, Karl, Eggihard, Anselm, Haroun, Pippin, Constantine, Bernhard, Hadrian, Augustine, Albinus, Gregori, Brun

  • Brigands (and Dark Archers)

    "There will always be men lacking firmness of character or strength of will who are more than happy to carry out the orders of evil men to make their own lot in life a little more comfortable."

    -Brigand Flavor Text, Myth II

    " ... thieves, thugs, and killers... these are the types of men that make up the brigand gangs... weak willed miscreants hoping to hide their sins amongst the evils of tyrants..."

    -Brigand Flavor Text, Myth II

    "...but not all men picked up the bow for love of their country or defense of their liege... for some it was for love of money, and others... an unnatural desire to kill."

    -Dark Bowman Flavor Text, Myth II

    "...[to the likes of] the highwaymen of the Chalk Hills... and the bandit gangs of Tarhan was business as usual... it didn't matter who died, as long as their bellies were full."

    -Dark Bowman Flavor Text, Myth II

    As Soulblighter's corrupting influence spread, many weak and unsavory soldiers were swayed to his banner with false promises. These are the rough equivalent of their Light counterparts, with some differences; for example Brigands, being undisciplined, run more slowly than Warriors.

    The stain of evil on these units is visible even from afar.

    -Brigand And
    Dark Archer Description, Cast of Characters, Myth II Manual

    Common Names:

    Gape, Lug, Hook, Mook, Gog, Punch, Jounce, Lech, Slog, Shlep, Bob, Widdy, Chug, Creep, Flump, Lurch, Rip, Scrieve, Truk, Lout, Jag, Jerk, Junk, Juke, Drivit, Pall, Muggle, Schuss, Scrooch, Gawk, Grimace, Worm, Leer, Dirge, Coze, Slug, Jabber, Quip, Squib, Bray, Tyro, Rasp, Blat, Crow, Grouse, Jape, Jeer, Scoff, Yobbo, Droog, Balump, Gleh, Kaf, Smek, Nok

  • Fallen Lords, The

    "Some of The Fallen are over a millennium old, and their rivalries go back just as far."

    -Myth II, Level 11, "Through The Ermine"

    "Alric was interrogated by Balor during his captivity, and he learned by chance that Balor had bound each of The Fallen to himself, to ensure their obedience to his will. The Fallen draw their power through these links, and were Balor to be killed they would all be powerless. The armies of the Dark would collapse."

    -Myth TFL, Level 19, "The Road North"

    Six powerful wizards who wre suborned by Balor. Among them: Shver, The Deceiver, The Watcher, and Soulblighter.

    -Fallen Lords Description, Glossary, Myth TFL Manual

    "Six sorcerer-generals of dark and fearsome power, led by Balor during the Great War. Numbered among their ranks were The Watcher, The Deceiver, Shiver, and Soulblighter. It was thought by the Nine that their powers were derived from Balor himself, but plainly this was not the case."

    -Fallen Lords Description, Glossary, Myth II Manual

    Notable individuals:

  • Five Champions, The

    "At the behest of the Nine, our officers chose five champions from among the Legion. They were carried over the mountains by balloon and dropped at night in the rough desert twenty miles from The Deceiver's camp."

    -Myth TFL, Level 9, "The Five Champions"

    Notable individuals:

  • Heron Guard, The

    "Not a palm's breadth free of wounds on his body, Five Motion Bloody Jaguar knelt to kiss the earth and drawing strength from her rose to charge the thickest gathering of the enemy."

    -Journeyman Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    "Returning to the ruin Muirthemne had become in their absence, the deathless Heron Guards each tore nine gold tiles from the palace wall, every one the weight of a grown man ... "

    -Journeyman Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    These men are all that remains of the Empire of the Cath Bruig. Formerly the guards of the Emperor, they disbanded and wandered the earth after the Fallen Lords destroyed Muirthemne and everyone in it. Journeymen, when pressed into battle, swing the shovel of a common laborer.

    Journeyman can heal friendly units using mandrake roots (T). Select the Jouneyman, hit your Special Ability key and then click on the unit wou wish to heal. Journeymen start with a certain number of roos, and can pick up more from the bodies of fallen Journeymen. A Mandrake root disappeares each time they Journeyman heals someone, and when they are all gone with Journeyman can no longer heal. Journeyman can also wither enemy units - the Wight and Thrall, for example - using his technique. Note that Wight remains are still explosive.

    -Journeyman Description, Cast of Characters, Myth TFL Manual

    "To be a bowman in the Imperial Army was an honor second only to acceptance into the Heron Guard. It is said that their honor was so great they would not sleep as long as the crown was in peril."

    -Bowman Ghost Flavor Text, Myth II

    "Their healing ritual has its roots in the initiation rites of the Heron Guard, but what brings about immortality in a truly exceptional person merely restores the vitality of lesser men."

    -Journeyman Flavor Text, Myth II

    "...upon being reborn as a member of the deathless Heron Guard... the date of his initiation, according to the calendar of the old kings of Cath Bruig, would serve as his new name..."

    -Journeyman Flavor Text, Myth II

    "Once every seven years warriors of renown from every corner of the empire gather to compete for the honor of joining the Heron Guard. From that multitude less than six will be chosen..."

    -Heron Guard Flavor Text, Myth II

    "...Eight Pride Stalking sped across the field of battle like a bolt of lightning... his swords flashing as his foes tumbled to the ground in lifeless heaps..."

    -Heron Guard Flavor Text, Myth II

    "The journeymen, after a hundred years of self-imposed penance for being absent during the fall of the city, threw down the gold tiles that hung around their necks and swore fealty to the new Emperor."

    -Myth II, Level 17, "Redemption"

    "Then [Nine Skull Crocodile] told me that next year the Heron Guard will be reinstating the septannual tournament to fill out their ranks. Men of bravery and warriors of renown from every corner of the empire will gather to compete for the honor of joining them."

    -Myth II Epilogue

    These men are all that remains of the Empire of the Cath Bruig. Formerly the guards of the Emperor, they disbanded and wandered the earth in self-imposed exile after the Fallen destroyed Muirthemne and everyone in it. In a further show of penance, they developed the ability to heal other people, though they are by nature loners and do not actively seek out company. To heal a unit select the journeyman, press the special action key (T), then select the injured unit.

    Journeymen can also heal undead units (like thrall and wights), dispelling the dark magic that animates them.

    When pressed into battle, Journeymen swing the shovel of a common laborer. Some say they still have the remarkable ability of Heron Guards in combat, but the Journeymen themselves seem to have thrown off every vestige of their once glorious past.

    -Journeyman Description, Cast of Characters, Myth II Manual

    Common Names:

    Eight Flint Deer, Twelve Eagle Falling Sun, Six Motion Bloody Jaguar, Five Heron Waiting Cactus, Eight Pride Stalking Rabbit, Three Vulture Drum, Ten Stone Reed, Four Serpent Seeking Shadow, Seven Lizard Tongue, Nine Eagle Red Skull, One Flint Puma, Twelve Serpent Falling Eagle, Seven Wind Lizard, Nine Serpent Rising Puma, Seven Crocodile Rain, Six Coyote Flower, Thirteen Bloody Crocodile, Five Rabbit Fleeing Jaguar, Three Moon Jeweled Fan, Seven Jaguar White Flower, Five Obsidian Heron, One Serpent Green Talon, Seven Devil Puma, Five Monkey Bloody Stone, Six Vulture Dog Star, One Deer Burning Skull, Nine Serpent Bloody Sun, Eleven Vulture Fire Serpent, Ten Eagle Burning Stone, Seven Eagle Jaguar Claw, Twelve Flint Sun Collar, Twelve Devil Burning Wind, Thirteen Rain Jeweled Fan, Thirteen Wind Moon Stone, Fourteen Flint Moon Eagle

    Notable individuals:

  • Legion, The

    "Yesterday our legion entered the village of Crow's Bridge and halted there for the night."

    -Myth TFL, Level 1, "Crow's Bridge"

    "Having turned back the attack on Crow's Bridge, we headed south to rejoin the Legion in another small town called Otter Ferry."

    -Myth TFL, Level 2, "A Traitor's Grave"

    "The vanguard of our army, twenty thousand men, has been camped near Otter Ferry for two days now."

    -Myth TFL, Level 2, "A Traitor's Grave"

    "Hordes of reanimated dead defeated by small, ragged groups of mercenaries and volunteers?"

    -Prologue, Myth II Manual

    An army of the Light, the Legion took part in many of the pivotal battles in the closing years of the Great War. Travelling across the continent, they broke through the Fallen lines, and fought their way to Rhi'anon, where they sacrificed themselves in an assault on Balor's fortress in order to give Alric time to defeat Balor.

    -Legion Description, Glossary, Myth II Manual

    Notable individuals:

  • Nine, The

    Nine Powerful wizards who oppose the Fallen Lords. Alric is chief among them, and Murgen, Rabican, Maeldun, Cu Roi, and four others act as his generals.

    -Nine Description, Glossary, Myth TFL Manual

    Nine sorcerers of great power who opposed the Fallen Lords during the Great War. Among them were Rabican, Murgen, Maeldun, Cu Roi, and their leader Alric.

    -Nine Description, Glossary, Myth II Manual

    Notable individuals:

  • Peasants / Villagers

    The humble farmers who feed the West, suffering the worst in every conflict, conscripted before age fifteen to fill the ranks of the army.

    -Villager Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    "... and then Pelleas arose and asked of the Council of Lords, 'And if the Darkness strives further north, then what shall become of the peasantry?' And the Council answered, 'They shall die, just as we.'"

    -Villager Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    "...always praising King Alric for the change in their lives. The villagers and farmers of the West have prospered during the peace following the Great War."

    -Peasant Flavor Text, Myth II

    "The humble farmers feed the West, suffering the worst in every conflict, conscripted before age fifteen to fill the ranks of the army."

    -Peasant Flavor Text, Myth II

    Notable individuals:

    Common Names:

    Jean, Thomas, Edward, Henry, Eadwine, Herbert, Gregory, Geoffry, Albert, John, Mark, Phillip, Bernard, Paul, Robert, Tuncer, Arnold, Fulburt, Edmund, Matthew, Richard, Francis, Leo, Walter, Charles, Jason, Louis, Guy, James

  • Poachers

    "It is said that an unscrupulous group of men made a deal with an equally unscrupulous group of Dwarves in order to corner the bullet-riddled meat market."

    -Poacher Flavor Text, Myth II

    Albrecht, the King of the Dwarves, having been presented with the latest invention of the famed Wehrfaktorie, is said to have replied "Such a thing would make war too terrible to wage."

    -Poacher Flavor Text, Myth II

    Common Names:

    Jimbo, Biff, Joe Bob, Hank, Remus, Billy Joe, Cletus, Bobby Joe, Joey Bill

  • Smiths of Muirthemne, The

    "Murgen believes us to be trapped inside the Tain, a relic forged by the Smiths of Muirthemne during the Wind Age."

    -Myth TFL, Level 15, "Heart of the Stone"

    "Connacht could no longer ignore the atrocities committed by the Spider-cult but when he assailed their shrines, no trace could be found of the Smiths of Muirthemne or their followers..."

    -Spider Flavor Text, Myth II

    "[Many of them] were slain when they attacked Muirthemne, and their cursed blood seeped into the ground... not every mysterious disappearance could be traced back to the Spider-cults."

    -Myrkridia Ghost Flavor Text, Myth II
  • Warlocks (of the Scholomance)

    "...drawn to forbidden lore and others wise in the ways of the metaphysical sciences as a moth is to a flame... they are doomed by the very knowledge that gives them power over other men."

    -Warlock Flavor Text, Myth II

    "The Warlocks are grim, humorless men; their hearts hardened by the secrets learned in the pursuit of power. And when a Warlock grins, it is unlikely you would find his thoughts amusing."

    -Warlock Flavor Text, Myth II

    "Our scouts have brought back news of an odd group of men who have gathered nearby. From their description alone, Twelve Motion recognized them as Warlocks from the Scholomance, ancient allies of The Deceiver and collaborators of the Fallen Lords."

    -Myth II, Level 13, "The Deceiver"

    When rumors began to spread shortly after the end of the war that the Deceiver was entombed somewhere in the Cloudspine, an odd collection of men dared the journey to find him.

    It was many years before anyone recognized them as Warlocks from the Scholomance, ancient allies of The Deceiver and collaborators of the Fallen Lords.

    Warlocks have a primary fireball attack and a secondary confusion spell. The confusion spell can be activated by pressing the special action key (T) when the Warlock's mana bar is full.

    -Warlock Description, Cast of Characters, Myth II Manual

    Notable individuals:

    Common Names:

    Ceannard, Malairt, Admillin, Caithim, Aibistear, Abharsair, Braman, Breamas, Diabhol, Sgulanach, Miosguinn, Eireallach, Sgreataidh, Skrati, Uabh-bheist, uadh-chrith, Beithir, Be'imneach, Mairtrighim, Martad, Casgair, Fadhbhaim, Gonim, Lollard

  • Warriors

    After the armies of The Province were finally broken at Covenant, the survivors scattered among the free cities of the North, taking their arms with them.

    -Warrior Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    "Maeldun's only words on returning exhausted to Tyr from a long campaign in the East to find half the city burning after a raid by pirates from Leix were 'Show me the way to Leix.'"

    -Warrior Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    The few survivors of the human armies which have not yet fallen to Balor's forces of the undead. These men have survived previous encounters with the Fallen Lords, and might be able to do it again.

    Warriors are equipped with swords, and shields that can block attacks.

    -Warrior Descriptions, Cast of Characters, Myth TFL Manual

    "...since the end of the Great War the armies of The Province have served as a kind of policing body... from the Free Cities of the North to Forest Heart..."

    -Warrior Flavor Text, Myth II

    "Mauriac, ancient and honored, still speaks of his time with the Legion and their victory over Balor. Many of the great military minds of our day sharpened their skills under his command."

    -Warrior Flavor Text, Myth II

    The few living humans who could call themselves veterans of the Great War had staggered back to their cities and villages, hopeful that no similar threat would return to the land in their lifetime but determined to see that future generations would not suffer such losses if faced with a similar evil. Six decades later, their efforts have resulted in a military program which even commands the grudging respect of the mighty Trow.

    Warriors are equipped with swords and shields.

    -Warrior Description, Cast of Characters, Myth II Manual

    Notable individuals:

    Common Names:

    Mauriac, Adalard, Aethelwulf, Curran, Derek, Ajax, Avis, Barret, Esme, Kenway, Bevan, Bevis, Montago, Moliere, Billie, Brenainn, Calhoun, Casey, Cathal, Aldwyn, Allard, Chadwick, Farrell, Aethelweard, Garner, Cillian, Alyce, Conlan, Eadgar, Edmee, Beald, Brady, Cormac, Donagh, Bran, Brand, Duncan, Loring, Nealon, Ewan, Nels, Garwin, Kalevi, Kalwa, Neel, Kearney, Murrough, Niall, Bramwell, Mather, Malthus, Nola, Owen, Ramsay, Rand, Sigmund, Sloan, Thayer, Trahern, Ulrich, Vasya, Warner, Hector, Kay, Malory, Naram, Pelleas, Moore, Macaualy, Strephon, Tarquin, Alisander, Alexander, Berel the Unworthy, Clairemonde, Darras, Floridas, Gahalatine, Lucan, Melias, Tristram, Bors, Gareth, Kaherdin, Gaheris, Accolon, Sansloy, Kearney


  • Acer Malum Magnus

    "Is man to have an entry as well?"

    [ . . . ]

    These had been Acerus Malum Magnus' first words since I handed him Antero's petition nearly a month ago at the very fringes of the northern holdings at the start of my journey through these Trow haunted lands.

    -"Antero's Bestiary", Tales From Myth The Fallen Lords
  • Albrecht

    "Albrecht, the King of the Dwarves, having been presented with the latest invention of the famed Wehrfaktorie, is said to have replied "Such a thing would make war too terrible to wage."

    -Poacher Flavor Text, Myth II
  • Alric

    Of all the avatara in the Four Ages there is no doubt that Mazzarin was the most powerful and his death the most salient victory of the Dark during the Wind Age.

    -Avatara Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    " ... the seventh wave of Thrall stumbled and climbed over the slippery, piled dead and Mazzarin saw The Watcher with them and at last knew the number of his days."

    -Avatara Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    One of The Nine, former King of the Southern Provinces.

    -Alric Description, Glossary, Myth TFL Manual

    "...he drew from his robe one of the five Eblis Stones, and for a few moments it made him an equal of Balor. The rest of the Legion was sacrificed... to give us time to take Balor's head."

    -Alric (King) Flavor Text, Myth II

    "...we will go forth and strike down our enemies. And once they have been vanquished we will rebuild the Cath Bruig Empire to its former glory."

    -Alric (Emperor) Flavor Text, Myth II

    "Alric, then simply a wizard of immense power and not a King, plotting and fighting against the walking dead without so much as a scratch on his chin from Balor's rotting armies?"

    -Prologue, Myth II Manual

    "An Avatara of years past, Alric is the only surviving member of the Nine sorcerers who opposed the Fallen Lords during the Great War. Alric reclaimed his throne after defeating Balor. He has spent the last sixty years rebuilding the Province."

    -Alric Description, Glossary, Myth II Manual
  • Andir

    "Andir set out that evening in search of a monster ... "

    -Prologue, Myth II Manual
  • Andvari

    "He had been a mathematician and engineer before the Great War... when Stoneheim fell to the Ghols and the university was destroyed... these skills served him well in the years to come..."

    -Dwarven Hero Flavor Text, Myth II
  • Antero

    But Antero, my master and the greatest scholar of our day, did not despair as others did. He saw great opportunity in this tragic event...

    [ . . . ]

    And so it came to pass that my master petitioned the Trow for my safe passage into their lands, that I might observe their natures and record their habits for Antero's Bestiary.

    -"Antero's Bestiary", Tales From Myth The Fallen Lords
  • Bahl'al

    "Bahl'al descended to the flooded, rusting halls of Si'anwon and under the sea there took no breath for nine days, searching the ruined palaces and temples of the Trow for the dream of unlife."

    -Thrall Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    "...Bahl'al spurred his army onward with a blistering wind. Three full days before his army arrived... the citizens of Tyr knew their doom lumbered nearer with each passing hour..."

    -Thrall Flavor Text, Myth II
  • Balin

    Iri trekked for three days through Ghol haunted hills, eating as he walked, sleeping between footfalls; he ran for the last 5 hours, traversing the 26 mile wide corpse-filled morass ringing Covenant..."

    -Dwarven Pathfinder Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    "Where's Balin when you need him?"

    -Dwarf, Myth TFL, Level 15, "Heart of the Stone"

    "Led by their pathfinder, Balin, the dwarves landed in the midst of a sea of Ghols and laid waste to them with grenades and satchel charges."

    -Myth TFL, Level 18, "A Long Awaited Party"

    "...turning the godhead of the ghols into a monument to Balin's victory. Nothing else has done more to sustain the mutual hatred since the ghols raided the crypt at Myrgard for 'victuals'."

    -Dwarf Flavor Text, Myth II
  • Balor

    "Second Era tradition tells of a hero rising in the East, who loosened the bloodless grip of the wicked things which had dominated his land for time beyond memory ... "

    -Leveler Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    "On the day Muirthemne was razed, the sun rose to reveal an army that seemed to stretch across the horizon, and at its center stood Balor with his standard silhouetted against the morning sun."

    -Leveler Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    "Balor has been killed before," Alric told us after we raised the Myrkridian standard, "and each time it has only made him more powerful."

    -Myth TFL, Level 25, "The Great Devoid"

    Leader of the Fallen Lords.

    -Balor Description, Glossary, Myth TFL Manual

    "Although the hero of every age of light is different, every dark age is ushered in by the same beast - a transient divinity that seeks only conflict - The Leveler. And so Tireces returned as Moagim to end the Age of Reason - and Connacht, the great hero of the Wind Age, returned as Balor to lay waste to the greatest empire the world had ever known."

    -Myth II Epilogue

    "Balor himself, with a legion of creatures bound to him through sorcery and intimidation, unable to stop Alric from lopping off his head?"

    -Prologue, Myth II Manual

    "Once known as Connacht, great hero of the Wind Age, Balor returned wearing the mantle of the Leveller to lead the armies of the Dark during the Great War. Chief among the Fallen Lords, he fell in battle with Alric at his fortress in Rhi'anon, and his head was cast into the Great Devoid to ensure that he would never return."

    -Balor Description, Glossary, Myth II Manual

    Connacht and his lieutenants fell on us in our moment of weakeness but showed us mercy, instead of returning us to the One Dream, he entomded us in the vaults beneath Rhi'Anon.

    Then he finished the job that the Oghres has started, virtually erasing all evidence of our culture.

    And it came to pass that Connacht returned and freed us from our prison tombs. And even tough we recognized that he wore the Mantle of the Leveler, we owned him out existance, so we became allies.

    -"Antero's Bestiary", Tales From Myth The Fallen Lords
  • Baron Kildaer

    "The nearby villagers had taken to burying their dead as far from the Baron's domain as possible after seeing their recently deceased kin roaming the lands."

    -Baron Flavor Text, Myth II

    "The master of this castle is Baron Kildaer. We were joined at Tallow by reinforcements to attack the Baron's stronghold and put an end to his unwholesome trade in human remains."

    -Myth II, Level 4, "Into the Breach"

    "The Baron came to power ten years ago, appearing out of nowhere. With the aid of his brigand cohorts, he laid claim to Keep Kildaer and the surrounding lands. "

    -Baron Kildaer Description, Glossary, Myth II Manual
  • b'Y'laggo

    " ... little is known of the bre'Unor, a fir'Bolg word referring to the various head-cults of The Ermine, aside from their fanatical devotion to the profane elemental spirit, b'Y'laggo..."

    -bre'Unor Flavor Text, Myth II

    The aboriginal inhabitants of the Ermine, the bre'Unor are a violently secretive race. Their society seems to be structured around their belief that their god, who resides in the air, is strengthened by the escaping breath of the beings they sacrifice and will one day grow powerful enough to spirit away their enemies - most notably the fir'Bolg, with whom they have sparred for centuries.

    The bre'Unor have discovered that the bones of their largest sacrifices are excellent objects to hurl at new kills, and hoard them explicitly for that purpose. Tales abound of bre'Unor cunning and ferocity in battle, and some even say their vile deity has given them the ability to command wolves.

    -bre'Unor Description, Myth II Cast Of Characters

    "The bre'Unor name them the Children of b'Y'laggo and humans call them Changelings. The fir'Bolg, however, refuse to speak of them."

    -Changeling Flavor Text, "Boil and Bubble" PRASP Map
  • Chicken Berel

    "Once they ranged across The Province in the millions, but in five short years the man now known as Chicken Berel hunted them almost to extinction. Only a handful of these noble beasts remain."

    -Chicken Flavor Text, Myth II
  • Ceiscoran

    "Legend states that whoever wears the Ibis Crown has at his disposal truly staggering power. Such was the artifact's power that Ceiscoran, at fantastic expense, commissioned eleven ordinary copies of the thing to be made in order to make theft of the true crown more difficult."

    -Myth II, Level 16, "The Ibis Crown"
  • Clovis

    "In honor of their heroism, Connacht allowed the men of the North who had been slain defending Llancarfan to be buried in the Mausoleum of Clovis - the Royal Crypt of the Cath Bruig."

    -Berserk Ghost Flavor Text, Myth II

    "...the masons who built the mausoleum for Clovis, the first Emperor of the Cath Bruig, still haunt these ancient corridors, eager to destroy those who would plunder its sacred vaults..."

    -Dwarf Ghost Flavor Text, Myth II
  • Connacht

    "Connacht was the great hero of the Wind Age, who drove the evil Moagim from the earth..."

    -Myth TFL, Level 10, "Out of the Barrier"

    "In honor of their heroism, Connacht allowed the men of the North who had been slain defending Llancarfan to be buried in the Mausoleum of Clovis - the Royal Crypt of the Cath Bruig."

    -Berserk Ghost Flavor Text, Myth II

    "Although the hero of every age of light is different, every dark age is ushered in by the same beast - a transient divinity that seeks only conflict - The Leveler. And so Tireces returned as Moagim to end the Age of Reason - and Connacht, the great hero of the Wind Age, returned as Balor to lay waste to the greatest empire the world had ever known."

    -Myth II Epilogue

    "Great hero of the Wind Age, Connacht trapped the Myrkridia in the Tain and imprisoned the Trow. Ruling during a golden age of peace, Connacht disappeared from Muirthemne, and was thought to be dead. Centuries later, Connacht returned as Balor, the Leveller, to raze the continent and lead the Fallen."

    -Connacht Description, Glossary, Myth II Manual

    Connacht and his lieutenants fell on us in our moment of weakeness but showed us mercy, instead of returning us to the One Dream, he entomded us in the vaults beneath Rhi'Anon.

    Then he finished the job that the Oghres has started, virtually erasing all evidence of our culture.

    And it came to pass that Connacht returned and freed us from our prison tombs. And even tough we recognized that he wore the Mantle of the Leveler, we owned him out existance, so we became allies.

    -Acer Magnum Malus, "Antero's Bestiary", Tales From Myth The Fallen Lords
  • Cruniac

    "Cruniac, who seems to be more interested in political maneuvers than military ones ... "

    -Myth II, Level 1, "Willow Creek"

    "Cruniac is nothing if not full of surprises. No sooner had I touched pen to paper in praise of the man than he fell upon one of the captured guards, nearly strangling him to death. I was mortified, but when Cruniac released the fellow he seemed to awaken as if from a deep slumber. The commander had broken the enchantment that had bound the guard."

    -Myth II, Level 5, "The Baron"

    "Cruniac is dead. Our sergeant, Garrick, says he saw the commander and half of the color guard running like hell back through the lines ordering a general retreat. When Garrick caught up with him, Cruniac collapsed; he had been holding his guts in with his shield. Cruniac's last words were of the bravery of the color guard, who had given their lives trying to save him even as Soulblighter had delivered the killing blow."

    -Myth II, Level 7, "Beyond The Cloudspine"

    "An officer of the Legion. His father is the mayor of Shoal. He has political aspirations, and joined the Legion to distinguish himself."

    -Cruniac Description, Glossary, Myth II Manual
  • Cu Roi

    "Two of The Nine were killed, which makes them something like The Three now, if you also subtract Murgen and Cu Roi, who did not escape the destruction of the Tain, and the others who have died this year."

    -Myth TFL, Level 17, "Sons of Myrgard"

    "Two of the Nine are with us, Cu Roi and Murgen, trying to make contact with the forest giants who live in this place, to beg their help against the Dark."

    -Myth TFL, Level 14, "Forest Heart"

    One of The Nine.

    -Cu Roi Description, Glossary, Myth TFL Manual

    "One of the Nine. A powerful sorcerer who opposed Balor during the Great War. He was trapped in the Tain along with Murgen and the Legion, and died when the Tain was destroyed during their escape."

    -Cu Roi Description, Glossary, Myth II Manual
  • Damas

    The true name of Soulblighter.

  • Dari

    "Hey, we did it! Dari owes me twenty big ones!"

    -Dwarf, Myth II, Level 7, "Beyond the Cloudspine"
  • Deceiver, The

    "...the farmland surrounding Covenant was choked with the shattered remains of two armies and pregnant with diseases of the blood... It is from this fortress that he issued his commands."

    -Deceiver Flavor Text, Myth II

    "...The Watcher had been the second or third most powerful sorcerer in living memory... these two had it out after the battle for Tyr... The Watcher barely survived."

    -Deceiver Flavor Text, Myth II

    "[Alric] seeks Myrdred, an avatara of the Wolf Age whom Balor renamed "The Deceiver" after bending him to his will."

    -Myth II, Level 11, "Through The Ermine"

    "The Deceiver claims to be held in high regard by the Trow as a being of "furor poeticus"."

    -Myth II, Level 14, "With Friends Like These"

    "Deranged, arrogant, self-serving... none of these words can fully describe The Deceiver. No wonder his army has always been made up of bewitched men and the walking dead - no thinking being would willingly follow him."

    -Myth II, Level 20, "A Murder of Crows"

    "Ahhh, if it isn't Alric's lapdog. Will you bow to anyone who claims the Throne of the Cath Bruig?"

    -Shiver to The Deceiver, Myth II, Level 23, "Shiver"

    "One of the Fallen Lords who served Balor during the Great War. His rivalry with the other Fallen Lords led to his downfall. He disappeared after the Watcher decimated his army at Seven Gates."

    -Deceiver Description, Glossary, Myth II Manual
  • Durak

    "Twelve Motion Jeweled Skull says he was last here sixty years ago, fighting alongside the likes of Durak and Turgeis with Burning Steel. They caught The Deceiver and the remnants of his army in this very defile and here destroyed them."

    -Myth II, Level 12, "The Stair of Grief"
  • Egil

    "Though Egil and his men bristled with javelins their charge did not falter, and they fell upon the Hollow Men with such ferocity that even the Thrall seemed to be frozen with horror."

    -Berserk Flavor Text, Myth TFL
  • Eight Pride Stalking

    "...Eight Pride Stalking sped across the field of battle like a bolt of lightning... his swords flashing as his foes tumbled to the ground in lifeless heaps..."

    -Heron Guard Flavor Text, Myth II
  • "Even worse, we are not alone. Our scouts report seeing terrifying shapes lurking about, masked by the foul weather. Eitri and his men have been preparing ambush sites throughout the pass for the better part of the day."

    -Myth II, Level 12, "The Stair of Grief"
  • Ewan

    ... Antero, my master ...

    [ . . . ]

    ... Antero said unto me, and to what few of his other pupils that still lived ...

    [ . . . ]

    And so it came to pass that my master petitioned the Trow for my safe passage into their lands, that I might observe their natures and record their habits ...

    -"Antero's Bestiary", Tales From Myth The Fallen Lords
  • Fang-Grinder

    ...of all the foul and profane fiends who served the Dark, few were feared and hated more than Fang-Grinder! Dreaded Fang-Grinder, whose very name stuck fear into even those who rallied round him in battle! Called the "King of the Ghols" and "the Black Dog of the Hill Lands", he was the greatest and most terrible of his kind!

    [ . . . ]

    ... Fang-Grinder ruled as do all tyrants, through fear and brutality! It was well known that he feasted upon his victims, but few would scarcely guess that he was so depraved as to devour his own kind... But his depravity knew no bounds...

    -"Fang-Grinder", Tales From Myth The Fallen Lords
  • Five Motion Bloody Jaguar

    "Not a palm's breadth free of wounds on his body, Five Motion Bloody Jaguar knelt to kiss the earth and drawing strength from her rose to charge the thickest gathering of the enemy."

    -Journeyman Flavor Text, Myth TFL
  • Four Flint Motion Sun

    "Four Flint had to stifle a grin when word came that the brigand camp had been attacked by twelve to fifteen swordsmen, he remarked 'it's odd that I didn't see them, but I was rather busy.'"

    -Heron Guard Hero Flavor Text, Myth II
  • Forgall

    When Covenant fell and the Great University burned, we lost countless generations of accumulated knowledge - chief amongst the loss was the last surviving copy of Forgall's Bestiary.

    [ . . . ]

    Thus Antero said unto me, and to what few of his other pupils that still lived, "Even in Forgall's work some amount of speculation must have been neccesary to complete certain entries, but now, because of this terrible war, the beasts of myth walk the land once more!"

    -"Antero's Bestiary", Tales From Myth The Fallen Lords
  • Frankenstein Computer God

    "So, they've finally toppled the mad, deadly, world wide, gangster communist frankenstein computer god!"

    -Dwarf, Myth II, Level 7, "Beyond the Cloudspine"

    "So, they've finally thrown off the shackles of the mad, deadly, world wide, gangster communist radio earphone slavery!"

    -Dwarf, Myth II, Level 7, "Beyond the Cloudspine"

    "Place offering here you parrotting puppet."

    -Text on Frankenstein Computer God, Myth II, Level 7, "Beyond the Cloudspine"
  • Fulsom

    "Trahern dealt a terrible blow to Fulsom, taking his left arm and piling three score dead at his feet before the bandit gang finally broke into full route never to be heard from again..."

    -Berserk Hero Flavor Text, Myth II
  • Garrick

    "...he is a fighting man's leader... unswerving in his loyalty to the crown... though, he is Cruniac's right hand man, he is definitely more popular with the men of the Legion..."

    -Garrick Flavor Text, Myth II, Level 6, "Gonen's Bridge"
  • gr'Uman

    "A few men and I are leaving the main column in a few moments to discover the fate of a scouting party which has not returned. None of us expect to find them alive, but we must recover an artifact carried by their leader, gr'Uman, Lieutenant of Archers."

    -Myth TFL, Level 19, "The Road North"
  • Gywon

    "Though Gwyon and his brothers all died they had succeeded in breaking the momentum of the Ghols' charge... each scattering corpses until a step could not be taken without treading on one..."

    -Berserk Flavor Text, Myth II
  • Head, The

    "Apparently The Nine found the severed head of one of Balor's enemies from the old days, buried out in the desert under several tons of sand and rock, and managed to start talking to the thing."

    -Myth TFL, Level 4, "Homecoming"

    "They say that The Head had an old score to settle with Shiver, and told Rabican that her one weakness was vanity, and showed him how to exploit it."

    -Myth TFL, Level 4, "Homecoming"

    "They say Alric talked about The Head often, ridiculing The Nine's belief that it was one of the avatara of Connacht."

    -Myth TFL, Level 10, "Out of the Barrier"

    "Worst of all, what's left of the Nine had it out with The Head, which had apparently been double-crossing them ever since they pulled it out of the ground last summer."

    -Myth TFL, Level 17, "Sons of Myrgard"

    "A severed head that spoke, lies slipping through its lips to an audience that would soon be dead?"

    -Prologue, Myth II Manual

    A severed head animated by its own arcane magic, it was discovered buried under tons of sand and rock and claimed to be one of Balor's ancient enemies. Providing the Nine with dubious advice, this enigmatic being sowed strife among the Nine, resulting in their downfall before vanishing again into the mists of history.

    -Head Description, Glossary, Myth II Manual
  • Iri

    "Iri trekked for three days through Ghol haunted hills, eating as he walked, sleeping between footfalls; he ran for the last 5 hours, traversing the 26 mile wide corpse-filled morass ringing Covenant..."

    -Dwarven Pathfinder Flavor Text, Myth TFL
  • iu'Shee

    "Yesterday I saw iu'Shee, captain of archers, with a fist full of white arrows five feet long and tipped with fragments of bone. I lost track of who was carrying The Watcher's arm when we fled Silvermines, but I suspect its turned up again."

    -Myth TFL, Level 20, "Across the Gjol"
  • Jari

    "...then Cruniac called for the Dwarves... foremost amongst them was Jari, son of Balin and Uni, daughter of the Archon of Stoneheim; strong and wise... unsurpassed in bravery or daring..."

    -Dwarven Pathfinder Flavor Text, Myth II
  • Journal Writer, The

    "As we were breaking camp, Garrick handed me a journal he had recovered from Cruniac's belongings. The commander must have taken it from one of the Baron's libraries.

    What significance it may have had to Cruniac I do not know, other than it appears to have been written by a man who served in the Legion during the Great War."

    -Myth II, Level 7, "Beyond the Cloudspine"

    "I have chosen to follow the Emperor and his Heron Guard back to Muirthemne - there is nothing left for me in Strand, the place of my birth."

    -Myth II Epilogue
  • ki'Angsi

    "... but it was ki'Angsi alone that stood up to the challenge and strung the giant's bow; the great yew shaft that no two other men could bend."

    -Archer Hero Flavor Text, Myth TFL
  • Leveler, The

    "Second Era tradition tells of a hero rising in the East, who loosened the bloodless grip of the wicked things which had dominated his land for time beyond memory ... "

    -Leveler Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    "Although the hero of every age of light is different, every dark age is ushered in by the same beast - a transient divinity that seeks only conflict - The Leveler. And so Tireces returned as Moagim to end the Age of Reason - and Connacht, the great hero of the Wind Age, returned as Balor to lay waste to the greatest empire the world had ever known."

    -Myth II Epilogue

    "The Leveler was never killed. He was immobilized by sorcery, beheaded and burned at the stake in the Second Era. A thousand years later he was drawn and quartered on the plains before Ileum, the tireless horses dragging the pieces of his lifeless body to the four corners of the world. Again in the Fourth Era his body was destroyed by fire, his ashes mixed with salt and buried under the Mountains of Kor. Balor, Moagim and all those before them wore the Mantle of The Leveler."

    -Myth II Epilogue
  • Maeldun

    "Maeldun's only words on returning exhausted to Tyr from a long campaign in the East to find half the city burning after a raid by pirates from Leix were 'Show me the way to Leix.'"

    -Warrior Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    One of the Nine.

    -Maeldun Description, Glossary, Myth TFL Manual

    One of the Nine. He was severely wounded in battle at Bagrada near the end of the Great War.

    -Maeldun Description, Glossary, Myth II Manual
  • Murgen

    "Two of the Nine are with us, Cu Roi and Murgen, trying to make contact with the forest giants who live in this place, to beg their help against the Dark."

    -Myth TFL, Level 14, "Forest Heart"

    "Murgen believes us to be trapped inside the Tain, a relic forged by the Smiths of Muirthemne during the Wind Age."

    -Myth TFL, Level 15, "Heart of the Stone"

    "Two of The Nine were killed, which makes them something like The Three now, if you also subtract Murgen and Cu Roi, who did not escape the destruction of the Tain, and the others who have died this year."

    -Myth TFL, Level 17, "Sons of Myrgard"

    One of the Nine.

    -Murgen Description, Glossary, Myth TFL Manual

    One of the Nine. He was trapped in the Tain along with Cu Roi and the Legion. He did not survive the destruction of the Tain.

    -Murgen Description, Glossary, Myth II Manual

    "One of the Nine. A powerful sorcerer who opposed Balor during the Great War. He was trapped in the Tain along with Murgen and the Legion, and died when the Tain was destroyed during their escape."

    -Cu Roi Description, Glossary, Myth II Manual
  • Mauriac

    "Mauriac was prince regent [of Covenant] during King Alric's adolescence..."

    -Myth TFL, Level 5, "Flight From Covenant"

    "Mauriac, ancient and honored, still speaks of his time with the Legion and their victory over Balor. Many of the great military minds of our day sharpened their skills under his command."

    -Warrior Flavor Text, Myth II

    It was a moonlit autumn night at the Battle of Grimace Point that Mauriac of Madrigal saw his fellow perish, fallen by Fang-Grinder. His warrior's vows forgotten, he fled in terror, such was his guilt and shame!

    [ . . . ]

    As for Mauriac, lost and alone, he wandered the hill country for a time, an aimless rogue warrior, unable to come to terms with his disgraced honor.

    [ . . . ]

    ... many times before [Fang-Grinder] had been wounded unto the brink of death, but he had been re-stored, his power and malice exalted! But this such time was not to be, for between him and his masters now stood Mauriac of Madrigal!

    [ . . . ]

    Thus did Mauriac of Madrigal regain his lost honor and for this deed his fame spread far and wide.

    -"Fang Grinder", Tales From Myth The Fallen Lords
  • Mazzarin

    Of all the avatara in the Four Ages there is no doubt that Mazzarin was the most powerful and his death the most salient victory of the Dark during the Wind Age.

    -Avatara Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    " ... the seventh wave of Thrall stumbled and climbed over the slippery, piled dead and Mazzarin saw The Watcher with them and at last knew the number of his days."

    -Avatara Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    "Ah, Sinis! I thought you died when Mazzarin collapsed the Shrine of Nyx upon you."

    -Alric to Sinis, Myth TFL, Level 10, "Out of the Barrier"
  • Moagim

    A previous incarnation of The Leveler. Once was Tireces. Lead the Myrkridia. Was eventually defeated by Connacht.

    Passages From The Game:

    "Although the hero of every age of light is different, every dark age is ushered in by the same beast - a transient divinity that seeks only conflict - The Leveler. And so Tireces returned as Moagim to end the Age of Reason - and Connacht, the great hero of the Wind Age, returned as Balor to lay waste to the greatest empire the world had ever known."

    -Myth II Epilogue
  • Myrdred

    The true name of The Deceiver.
  • Nine Skull Crocodile

    "I have become fast friends with Nine Skull Crocodile, the man who has healed the many wounds I received during the assault on Tharsis. He is ancient, even by Heron standards, and speaking with him has given me some insight into what has happened to our world."

    -Myth II Epilogue
  • Nyx

    At the damn of time Nyx molded us out of stone and clay.

    [ . . . ]

    Every edifice... every shrine... every monument we erected we did so for the love of Nyx.

    -Acer Magnum Malus, "Antero's Bestiary", Tales From Myth The Fallen Lords
  • Oderic

    "In battle his bow sang like a lyre... by the time his first arrow was tearing through the heart of his enemy he had already loosed two more. Many a ghol has sworn a blood oath on his name."

    -Bowman Hero Flavor Text, Myth II
  • og'Un

    "When asked of his advice on how many men should be trained in the use of the bow og'Un remarked, 'One in twenty from each town. Go there, these men will make themselves known.'"

    -Bowman Flavor Text, Myth II
  • Oleg

    "We were glad to see Oleg when he finally returned to the grove, but when we saw that his pack was empty we all covered our ears... sizzling bits of Thrall came raining down for what felt like hours."

    -Dwarven Hero Flavor Text, Myth TFL
  • Pelleas

    "... and then Pelleas arose and asked of the Council of Lords, 'And if the Darkness strives further north, then what shall become of the peasantry?' And the Council answered, 'They shall die, just as we.'"

    -Villager Flavor Text, Myth TFL
  • Phelot

    "...those that Phelot deemed unsuitable for use as thrall... were given to the ghols, who hacked their limbs and chewed their flesh... this is how he dealt with the people of Avon's Grove."

    -Shade Flavor Text, Myth II

    "I have yet to mention our jailor. It is the devil Phelot, the shade who decimated Avon's Grove during the Great War. It is a wonder he has not yet sought vengeance upon us, as he was sorely injured by The Deceiver upon our arrival."

    -Myth II, Level 20, "A Murder of Crows"
  • Rabican

    "Shiver fell on the first night in a spectacular dream duel with Rabican, one of the Nine."

    -Myth TFL, Level 4, "Homecoming"

    "They say that The Head had an old score to settle with Shiver, and told Rabican that her one weakness was vanity, and showed him how to exploit it."

    -Myth TFL, Level 4, "Homecoming"

    One of The Nine.

    -Rabican Description, Glossary, Myth TFL Manual

    One of the Nine. During the War of the Fallen, Rabican faced Shiver in the battle for Madrigal, casting her down in a terrifying dream duel using secrets revealed to him by The Head.

    -Rabican Description, Glossary, Myth II Manual

    Rabican had heard tales of Shiver's powerfull sorcery and how quickly she had defeated those whom he considered his peers.

    -"Ground Zero", Tales From Myth The Fallen Lords
  • Ravanna

    The true name of Shiver.
  • Reiftyr

    "Still this accursed storm rages, killing as surely as a Thrall's ax or a Myrkridia's claws. Reiftyr's death brings our losses from the storm to three."

    -Myth II, Level 13, "The Deceiver"
  • Rurik

    "...well respected by his peers and admired by the townsfolk... he is the head of the town council... many think he will be the next mayor of Willow Creek."

    -Rurik Flavor Text, Myth II, Level 3, "Down A Broken Path"

    "As we hurried back to Willow Creek, Rurik, one of the village leaders, demanded to be taken to see the mayor of Tallow. When questioned, he offered us little, save that he had important information about the recent grave robberies. Rurik is well respected by the townspeople, so Cruniac chose not to press him further for information."

    -Myth II, Level 3, "Down A Broken Path"
  • Sciron

    "... and it was said of Sciron that his hatred for the living was so intense, his shadow would go out and kill while he slept and not return until next he awoke."

    -Shade Flavor Text, Myth TFL
  • Seanchaidh

    "...he had sacrificed much in pursuit of the Ultimate Truth... a permanent chair at the University of Covenant... a seat in the King's court... and, there was no denying it, his soul."

    -Warlock Hero Flavor Text, Myth II
  • Shiver

    "Shiver fell on the first night in a spectacular dream duel with Rabican, one of the Nine."

    -Myth TFL, Level 4, "Homecoming"

    "They say that The Head had an old score to settle with Shiver, and told Rabican that her one weakness was vanity, and showed him how to exploit it."

    -Myth TFL, Level 4, "Homecoming"

    One of the Fallen Lords.

    -Shiver Description, Glossary, Myth TFL Manual

    "...her spirit disconnected from her body, set adrift on the ether... gathered up by Soulblighter and... made corporeal with the terrible power of Tramist's Mirror."

    -Shiver Flavor Text, Myth II

    "Andir remembered stories of the Fallen Lord Shiver killing any tree she brushed as she and her army marched toward Madrigal.

    -Prologue, Myth II Manual

    Rabican had heard tales of Shiver's powerfull sorcery and how quickly she had defeated those whom he considered his peers.

    -"Ground Zero", Tales From Myth The Fallen Lords

    struggled to thought




    whisper weakness

    Peel the body...

    ...then pierce the soul.


    Rabican stood to fight another day...

    ...Shiver lingered in defeat.

    -"Ground Zero", Tales From Myth The Fallen Lords
  • Sinis

    "Ah, Sinis! I thought you died when Mazzarin collapsed the Shrine of Nyx upon you."

    -Alric to Sinis, Myth TFL, Level 10, "Out of the Barrier"
  • Soulblighter

    "... some believe that he is Damas, one of Connacht's lieutenants who, while campaigning in the east, learned how to indefinitely prolong his life with human sacrifices and ritual self-mutilation."

    -Twice Born Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    "... but he has disappeared into the 'Untamed Lands' before, often for years at a time; always returning with something more unspeakably evil or singularly malignant than the time before."

    -Twice Born Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    One of the Fallen Lords.

    -Soulblighter Description, Glossary, Myth TFL Manual

    "...failing to recover the head of Balor at the Great Devoid, Soulblighter fled to the east into the Untamed Lands... back to the hidden temple where he first studied the black arts..."

    -Soulblighter Flavor Text, Myth II

    " is arguable that Soulblighter was Balor's most brutal General... frequently killing those who begged him for mercy... he is the reason that Stöng no longer appears on any map..."

    -Soulblighter Flavor Text, Myth II

    "According to legend, Soulblighter was killed in the last battle of that war, when Balor's severed head was thrown into the Great Devoid and the armies of the dead collapsed."

    -Myth II, Level 7, "Beyond The Cloudspine"

    "Did Soulblighter plan to wash both the Legion and Shiver out to sea? Truly there is no end to the fiend's malfeasance."

    -Myth II, Level 23, "Shiver"

    "Soulblighter, like Balor before him, seeks not to conquer but to destroy; to be master of the unthinking dead and their blasted lands."

    -Myth II, Level 25, "The Forge"

    "And Soulblighter - the towering, mad thing who cut off his own face and tore out his own heart as part of a ritual too dark to speak of?

    None of it seemed especially believable, although the adults still spoke of Soulblighter in hushed tones; according to the stories, no one had ever discovered what became of him."

    -Prologue, Myth II Manual

    "Their leadership broken, most of the Fallen Lords were soon hunted down and destroyed by Alric's armies. With Balor's destruction, Soulblighter found himself defeated, but alive and free from Balor's service. He escaped into the wilderness, to bide his time and look for an opportunity to return to his former power, to achieve the ambition that was denied his master."

    -The Story Thus Far, Myth II Manual

    As Soulblighter's corrupting influence spread, many weak and unsavory soldiers were swayed to his banner with false promises.

    -Brigand And Dark Archer Description, Cast of Characters, Myth II Manual

    Balor's second in command during the Great War. Arguably the most dangerous of the Fallen Lords, his cruelty and ambition knew no bounds. Many think that he was once Damas, one of Connacht's lieutenants.

    -Soulblighter Description, Glossary, Myth II Manual
  • Source of the Five Hundred Poisons

    The Deceiver's surname.
  • Snorro

    "Vnarin, son of Snorro, best explained the character of the men of the elite mortar brigade when he said, 'It takes a certain kind of maniac to carry fire in his fist and death on his back.'"

    -Dwarven Mortar Flavor Text, Myth II
  • Summoner, The

    "Against my better judgment, I opened the Codex last night to a random page and read about the life of a man not yet born, who would resurrect the Myrkridia and visit horrors on the world without equal in history or myth."

    -Myth TFL, Level 5, "Flight from Covenant"

    "I opened the Codex... and read about the life of a man not yet born, who would resurrect the myrkridia and visit horrors on the world without equal in history or myth."

    -Summoner Flavor Text, Myth II

    "The Summoner has been inside the shattered artifact for five months now, slowly resurrecting their entire race."

    -Myth II, Level 19, "The Summoner"

    Legends tell of "a man not yet born who would resurrect the myrkridia and visit horrors on the world without equal in history or myth."

    -Summoner Description, Glossary, Myth II Manual
  • Ten Soaring White Eagle

    "...he hadn't slept in two days, but still he fought... his joints ached and his hands bled, but still he fought... on the dawn of the third day the Kithless fled from the pass in retreat."

    -Heron Guard Hero Flavor Text, Myth II
  • Tireces

    "Although the hero of every age of light is different, every dark age is ushered in by the same beast - a transient divinity that seeks only conflict - The Leveler. And so Tireces returned as Moagim to end the Age of Reason - and Connacht, the great hero of the Wind Age, returned as Balor to lay waste to the greatest empire the world had ever known."

    -Myth II Epilogue
  • Trahern with Fists like Iron

    "Trahern dealt a terrible blow to Fulsom, taking his left arm and piling three score dead at his feet before the bandit gang finally broke into full route never to be heard from again..."

    -Berserk Hero Flavor Text, Myth II
  • Truan of the Hundred Battles

    "When Alric sent word that a man was needed to pierce the corpse-city of Muirthemne to its dead heart, and obtain from it what might be the only hope for victory, Truan volunteered without hesitation."

    -Berserk Hero Flavor Text, Myth TFL
  • Turgeis with Burning Steel

    "... but Turgeis' attacks were so swift, and his blade bit so deeply, that his foe barely had time to recover from the first blow before he was slain by the last."

    -Berserk Hero Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    "Twelve Motion Jeweled Skull says he was last here sixty years ago, fighting alongside the likes of Durak and Turgeis with Burning Steel. They caught The Deceiver and the remnants of his army in this very defile and here destroyed them."

    -Myth II, Level 12, "The Stair of Grief"
  • Turquine

    "...Turquine so mistreated his subjects that even his personal guard abandoned him... he agreed to endure the indescribable tortures of the Fallen that he might have his revenge."

    -Shade Flavor Text, Myth II
  • Twelve Motion Jeweled Skull

    "The King has sent word to Twelve Motion Jeweled Skull, a Journeyman who served under him during his campaigns east of the Cloudspine, in hopes that he has some knowledge of what became of The Deceiver after Balor's destruction."

    -Myth II, Level 11, "Through The Ermine"

    "Twelve Motion Jeweled Skull says he was last here sixty years ago, fighting alongside the likes of Durak and Turgeis with Burning Steel. They caught The Deceiver and the remnants of his army in this very defile and here destroyed them."

    -Myth II, Level 12, "The Stair of Grief"
  • Twice Born

    Soulblighter's surname.
  • Tyrfing

    "Tyrfing just came running into camp bellowing that our scout's signal fire has gone out. That means trouble."

    -Myth TFL, Level 7, "Bagrada"
  • Uni

    "...then Cruniac called for the Dwarves... foremost amongst them was Jari, son of Balin and Uni, daughter of the Archon of Stoneheim; strong and wise... unsurpassed in bravery or daring..."

    -Dwarven Pathfinder Flavor Text, Myth II
  • Vnarin

    "Vnarin, son of Snorro, best explained the character of the men of the elite mortar brigade when he said, 'It takes a certain kind of maniac to carry fire in his fist and death on his back.'"

    -Dwarven Mortar Flavor Text, Myth II
  • Watcher, The

    " ... the seventh wave of Thrall stumbled and climbed over the slippery, piled dead and Mazzarin saw The Watcher with them and at last knew the number of his days."

    -Avatara Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    Imprisoned by Connacht during the Wind Age, The Watcher only escaped by tearing off his left arm at the elbow, like a wolf chewing through his leg to escape a snare.

    -Mad Goat of the Fens Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    "The old stories all tell that when Balor freed The Watcher from his prison under the Cloudspine, one arm was left trapped in his prison of solid rock."

    -Myth TFL, Level 11, "Silvermines"

    One of the Fallen.

    -Watcher Description, Glossary, Myth TFL Manual

    "...The Watcher had been the second or third most powerful sorcerer in living memory... these two had it out after the battle for Tyr... The Watcher barely survived."

    -Deceiver Flavor Text, Myth II
  • Wyrd

    "... we were standing knee deep in a lake made up of the corpses of spiders the size of very large dogs when 12 Moon remarked, 'Wyrd preserve us, these are all males!'"

    -Cave Spider Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    "...the fetch wear the skins of men out of necessity, for if the eye of Wyrd were to fall on them not so adorned He would recognize their alienness and smite them..."

    -Fetch Flavor Text, Myth II