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Events & Periods



  • Second-Era Leveller Killed

    Circa 570 HC. The Leveller is beheaded and burnt at the stake.

    The Leveler was never killed. He was immobilized by sorcery, beheaded and burned at the stake in the Second Era.

    -Myth II, Epilogue
  • Moagim Ends Age Of Reason

    431 AE. Tireces returns as Moagim to end the Age of Reason.

    And so Tireces returned as Moagim to end the Age of Reason...

    -Myth II, Epilogue
  • Moagim Killed

    431 AE. The Moagim is drawn and quartered on the plains before Ileum.

    A thousand years [after the Second Era, the Leveller] was drawn and quartered on the plains before Ileum, the tireless horses dragging the pieces of his lifeless body to the four corners of the world.

    -Myth II, Epilogue
  • Mazzarin Dies

    Between 431 and 1430 AE, during the Wind Age. The Watcher kills Mazzarin.

    Of all the avatara in the Four Ages there is no doubt that Mazzarin was the most powerful and his death the most salient victory of the Dark during the Wind Age.

    -Avatara Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    " ... the seventh wave of Thrall stumbled and climbed over the slippery, piled dead and Mazzarin saw The Watcher with them and at last knew the number of his days."

    -Thrall Flavor Text, Myth TFL
  • Tain Built

    Circa 1431 AE, during the Wind Age. Tain is built by the Smiths of Muirthemne.

    Murgen believes us to be trapped inside the Tain, a relic forged by the Smiths of Muirthemne during the Wind Age. Soon after its construction, the Tain was taken from Muirthemne by raiding barbarians from the south, and believed to be lost forever.

    -Myth II, Epilogue
  • Tharsis Erupts

    Circa 1431 AE. Tharsis erupts for the last time until Nov 12, 2480 AE.

    The enormous volcano overlooking Seven Gates is erupting for the first time in ten centuries. The tremors started late yesterday and since midnight there has been a constant rain of hot ash and fire. Even here, thirty miles away, it already feels like summer.

    -Myth TFL, Level 12, "Shadow of the Mountain"
  • Connacht Kills Moagim

    Circa 1431 AE. Connacht kills Moagim, destroying him by fire, mixing his ashes with salt, and burying him under the Mountains of Kor.

    Connacht was the great hero of the Wind Age, who drove the evil Moagim from the earth...

    -Myth TFL, Level 10, "Out of the Barrier"

    Again in the Fourth Era his body was destroyed by fire, his ashes mixed with salt and buried under the Mountains of Kor.

    -Myth II, Epilogue
  • Berserks Buried in Mausoleum of Clovis

    Circa 1431 AE. Connacht allows Berserks slain defending Llancarfan to be buried in the Mausoleum of Clovis.

    "In honor of their heroism, Connacht allowed the men of the North who had been slain defending Llancarfan to be buried in the Mausoleum of Clovis - the Royal Crypt of the Cath Bruig."

    -Berserk Ghost Flavor Text, Myth II

    Nearby Events:

  • Connacht Assails Shrine Of Smiths

    Between 1431 and 1462 AE. Connacht assails the shrines of the Spider-cult, the Smiths of Muirthemne, but finds no trace of them.

    "Connacht could no longer ignore the atrocities committed by the Spider-cult but when he assailed their shrines, no trace could be found of the Smiths of Muirthemne or their followers..."

    -Spider Flavor Text, Myth II
  • Balor Subborns Myrmidons

    Circa 2181 AE. The Myrmidons are subborned by Balor with the promise of power and immortality, so they leave their northern kin and become the Kithless.

    Desirous of power and immortality, the warrior race of the Myrmidons left their northern kin to join Balor and the Fallen Lords, and so they became known as The Kithless.

    -Myrmidon Flavor Text, Myth TFL
  • Muirthemne Sacked

    2431 AE. Muirthemne is sacked, burned, and buried under a mountain of rock and sand by Balor and the Fallen Lords.

    Fifty years ago the Fallen overcame the armies of the Cath Bruig, sacked Muirthemne and turned the empire East of the Cloudspine into desert (now called the Devoid).

    -Sack of Muirthemne, Fall of Cath Bruig Description, Glossary, Myth TFL Manual

    One hundred ten years ago, during the Wolf Age, Muirthemne was sacked, burned and all but buried under a mountain of rock and sand by Balor and the Fallen Lords. As I stood before the ruins of the Mausoleum of the Cath Bruig I could not help but wonder what we hoped to gain by owning it.

    -Myth II, Level 16, "The Ibis Crown"

    ...and Connacht, the great hero of the Wind Age, returned as Balor to lay waste to the greatest empire the world had ever known.

    -Myth II, Epilogue

    Nearby Events:

  • Herons Become Journeymen

    2431 AE. The Heron Guard return to Muirthemne and, finding it ruined, trade their armor for a wooly coat plated with heavy gold tiles, and their swords for the shovels of common laborors.

    "Returning to the ruin Muirthemne had become in their absence, the deathless Heron Guards each tore nine gold tiles from the palace wall, every one the weight of a grown man ... "

    -Journeyman Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    Nearby Events:

  • Dwarves At Stoneheim Collapse Barbican

    2431 AE. The Dwarves defending Stoneheim collapse the barbican.

    "Hours after the fall of Myrgard, the dwarves defending Stoneheim collapsed the barbican, entombing ten thousand of their number behind as many tons of shattered rock."

    -Dwarf Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    Nearby Events:

  • Maeldun Departs For Leix

    2458 AE. Maeldun returns to Tyr to find it ravaged by pirates, then departs to their home in Leix.

    "Maeldun's only words on returning exhausted to Tyr from a long campaign in the East to find half the city burning after a raid by pirates from Leix were 'Show me the way to Leix.'"

    -Warrior Flavor Text, Myth TFL
  • ou'Kahn And Caliban Forge Truce

    2467 AE. ou'Kahn and Caliban forge a truce between their respective peoples, fir'Bolg and Human.

    Long enemies of the civilized nations, the truce which brought the fir'Bolg and their famed bowmen into the Light was forged by ou'Kahn the Great King and Caliban during the Sword Age.

    -Archer Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    Nearby Events:

  • Priest Asks Forest Giants About Faith

    2468 AE. On the last day of the seige at Seven Gates, a priest inquires of the Forest Giants' faith.

    "On the last day of the siege at Seven Gates a priest asked the Giants present of their faith. A young one showered the man with chips of stone as he struck the ground, 'The Earth is our Faith.'"

    -Forest Giant Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    Nearby Events:

  • Soulblighter Levels Covenant; Royal Family Flees

    2468 AE. Soulblighter levels Covenant, and Prince Regent Mauriac and the royal family, including young prince Alric, flee through a hidden tunnel to Shoal.

    Mauriac was prince regent here during King Alric's adolescence, and knows of an underground tunnel just outside the city which leads to Shoal, a village four miles away down the coast. The King's family used it to escape Covenant when Soulblighter leveled the city twelve years ago, and today we hope it will help us elude The Watcher.

    -Myth TFL, Level 5, "Flight From Covenant"

    Nearby Events:

  • Iri Treks Around Covenant

    2468 AE. The Dwarf Iri treks for three days straight on his way to Covenant.

    "Iri trekked for three days through Ghol haunted hills, eating as he walked, sleeping between footfalls; he ran for the last 5 hours, traversing the 26 mile wide corpse-filled morass ringing Covenant..."

    -Dwarven Pathfinder Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    Nearby Events:

  • Armies Of The Province Break

    2468 AE. The armies of the Province break at Covenant, then scatter among the Free Cities of the North.

    After the armies of The Province were finally broken at Covenant, the survivors scattered among the free cities of the North, taking their arms with them.

    -Warrior Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    Nearby Events:

  • Bahl'al Approaches Tyr

    2468 AE, three days before Bahl'al's army reaches Tyr. An army of Thrall approaches Tyr.

    "...Bahl'al spurred his army onward with a blistering wind. Three full days before his army arrived... the citizens of Tyr knew their doom lumbered nearer with each passing hour..."

    -Thrall Flavor Text, Myth II

    Nearby Events:

  • Battle for Tyr, The

    2468 AE. The Watcher and the Deceiver both enter Tyr and begin to sack the old city, but then they encounter eachother and clash. The Deceiver bests the Watcher, who barely survives.

    I don't know why [The Watcher] attacked The Deceiver, unless somehow he found out what was going on in Silvermines. One of the veterans said that these two had it out after the battle for Tyr, twelve years ago, and that The Watcher barely survived. I have a feeling the real reasons for what happened today go back even farther than that.

    -Myth TFL, Level 13, "Seven Gates"

    Nearby Events:

  • Deceiver Digs Up Silvermines

    Summer, 2479 AE. The Deceiver begins digging up Silvermines, looking for the Watcher's arm.

    We know The Deceiver is looking for the arm too, and has been digging up Silvermines since last summer.

    -Myth TFL, Level 11, "Silvermines"
  • Avon's Grove Destroyed

    Circa 2480 AE. Phelot, a Shade, decimates Avon's Grove, turning its inhabitants into Thrall.

    "...those that Phelot deemed unsuitable for use as thrall... were given to the ghols, who hacked their limbs and chewed their flesh... this is how he dealt with the people of Avon's Grove."

    -Shade Flavor Text, Myth II

    I have yet to mention our jailor. It is the devil Phelot, the shade who decimated Avon's Grove during the Great War. It is a wonder he has not yet sought vengeance upon us, as he was sorely injured by The Deceiver upon our arrival.

    -Myth II, Level 20, "A Murder Of Crows"

    Nearby Events:

  • Shiver Begins Attacking Madrigal

    Monday August 1st, 2480 AE. Shiver begins attacking Madrigal.

    Shiver, one of the Fallen Lords, has been attacking the city for two days, but so far has been held back by its defenders. We all know the battle for Madrigal will decide the fate of all the Northern lands, and that if it falls we will soon have nowhere to retreat but the ocean.

    -Myth TFL, Level 1, "Crow's Bridge"

    Nearby Events:

  • Legion Defends Crow's Bridge

    Wednesday August 3, 2480 AE. Fifteen men from the Legion stay and defend Crow's Bridge.

    Fearing for their safety, the villagers here pleaded with us to remain when we broke camp this morning. None of them understand yet what is happening, but they have all seen the refugees from the south, and they are frightened.

    Our officers seemed unsympathetic until the people returned with nine young pigs and ten dozen loaves of bread. Fifteen of us are to stay now, perhaps to fight boredom instead of the Fallen Lords, and watch the bridge here for two days.

    -Myth TFL, Level 1, "Crow's Bridge"

    Nearby Events:

  • Legion Kills Mayor of Otter Ferry

    Tuesday August 5, 2480 AE. The Mayor of Otter Ferry plans a secret meeting with the Dark, but forward elements of the Legion asassinate him first.

    Having turned back the attack on Crow's Bridge, we headed south to rejoin the Legion in another small town called Otter Ferry. On our way we met a force of our own men hurrying in the opposite direction, who gave us ill news.

    The vanguard of our army, twenty thousand men, has been camped near Otter Ferry for two days now. The mayor of that village must have guessed our plan to cross the Scamander River behind the main enemy force, and to attack them by surprise.

    Perhaps in the cowardly hope that he would be spared when the Dark sacked Madrigal, the mayor intends to betray us to the enemy. A quick death will be too good for him, but we will have time for nothing else.

    One of the locals knows of the clearing where the mayor arranged his meeting with the Dark, and will lead us there.

    -Myth TFL, Level 2, "A Traitor's Grave"

    Nearby Events:

  • Legion Distracts Shiver's Forces

    Friday August 8, 2480 AE. The Legion stages a diversion for Shiver's forces in the small village of Comfort, while the rest of Madrigal's army fights off Shiver herself.

    Our vanguard has crossed the Scamander unchallenged and remains hidden on the southern bank of the river. Their assault will begin two hours after midnight against Shiver's right flank, at the same time the Madrigal garrison throws open the Gate of Storms and attacks her from the front.

    But I won't be anywhere near Madrigal when this happens. An hour before the main attack a small group of men and I will head in the opposite direction and strike at the enemy camp alone, hoping to divert forces and attention from the city before the real battle begins.

    The plan is to fight our way across a bridge and into the captured village of Comfort. From there we'll locate the enemy camp and create as much of a diversion as possible.

    Every thrall that remains in the camp to deal with us is one less that our main force must hack to pieces at Madrigal.

    -Myth TFL, Level 3, "The Seige of Madrigal"

    Nearby Events:

  • Shiver Killed

    Thursday Sept 11, 2480 AE. Shiver dies in a spectacular Dream Duel with Rabican.

    I believe I have read of this in the journal. Shiver was defeated at Madrigal by her own vanity, thanks to advice given by the still living head of one of the Fallen Lords' old enemies. I wonder where the head is now; we could certainly use the help.

    -Myth II, Level 10, "Landing At White Falls"

    The battle for Madrigal lasted four days without pause. Shiver fell on the first night in a spectacular dream duel with Rabican, one of the Nine. No one expected this. We have never before challenged one of The Fallen and won.

    -Myth TFL, Level 5, "Flight From Covenant"

    Nearby Events:

  • Legion Searches For Total Codex

    Monday September 15, 2480 AE. The Legion enters Covenant in search of the Total Codex, and runs into the Watcher's forces.

    The Head appears to know something about everything, and now it has us looking for an artifact called the Total Codex. Its been located in the ruined city of Covenant, but the first group sent to retrieve it has not returned.

    In a few minutes Rabican himself is going to send a few of us through a World Knot to Covenant, to bring back the Codex.

    -Myth TFL, Level 4, "Homecoming"

    Nearby Events:

  • Legion Flees Covenant

    Monday September 15, 2480 AE. The Legion, after retrieving the Total Codex, meets up with Maurican and his men, who then flee Covenant, the Watcher tailing them all the way.

    Mauriac is on his feet now, talking to the men. We met him and a few other survivors of the first expedition hiding in a collapsed cellar a few hundred feet away from the outer wall, and joined them for a brief rest until dawn.

    Mauriac was prince regent here during King Alric's adolescence, and knows of an underground tunnel just outside the city which leads to Shoal, a village four miles away down the coast. The King's family used it to escape Covenant when Soulblighter leveled the city twelve years ago, and today we hope it will help us elude The Watcher.

    -Myth TFL, Level 5, "Flight From Covenant"

    Nearby Events:

  • Legion Enters Shoal

    September 17, 2480 AE. The Legion exits the secret tunnel from Covenant into Shoal.

    We were two days in that tunnel out of Covenant, The Watcher crossing above us every few hours, shaking the ground in his fury and twice nearly burying us alive. Sometime on the second day the tremors grew less distinct, and we were relieved to find nothing but rats and mosquitoes waiting for us when we reached Shoal.

    -Myth TFL, Level 6, "Force Ten From Stoneheim"

    Nearby Events:

  • Legion Destroys World Knot

    Friday November 7, 2480 AE. The Legion destroys a World Knot just west of the Cloudspine, as the forces of the Dark have learned to use them.

    There is a World Knot west of the Cloudspine and The Head insists that the enemy has learned to travel through the Knots. If we don't destroy this portal we might hold the mountains only to be outflanked by forces emerging from the Knot behind us.

    -Myth TFL, Level 6, "Force Ten From Stoneheim"

    Nearby Events:

  • Legion Defends Bagrada

    Wednesday November 12, 2480 AE. The Legion defends Fool's Traverse in Bagrada from the forces of the Deceiver.

    We're up here in the mountains to stop The Deceiver from crossing into the west before winter closes the high passes. Its already started to snow pretty hard, so we shouldn't have to be here longer than a few more days.

    -Myth TFL, Level 7, "Bagrada"

    Nearby Events:

  • Dwarves Ambush Soulless In Bagrada

    Friday November 14, 2480 AE. The Dwarves among the Legion ambush a column of a hundred Soulless in Devil's Overlook, Bagrada.

    But not all of the enemy retired ahead of the snow. For the last two hours we've watched a column of a hundred soulless, separated from their masters and obviously lost, wandering the canyons below. The dwarves are running about like delirious children. It should be a spectacular ambush.

    -Myth TFL, Level 8, "Ambush At Devil's Overlook"

    Nearby Events:

  • Five Champions Rescue Alric

    Wednesday November 19, 2480 AE. The Five Champions rescue Alric from the Deceiver's camp in the Barrier.

    It all started when The Nine learned that Alric had been captured by The Deceiver, and his army decimated. I'm not certain how they figured this out, but I'll bet The Head told them (and this was back when the Head could do no wrong).

    At the behest of the Nine, our officers chose five champions from among the Legion. They were carried over the mountains by balloon and dropped at night in the rough desert twenty miles from The Deceiver's camp.

    Their instructions were to rescue Alric by any means available, and to return him to the west. I believe that The Nine were suspicious of the circumstances surrounding Alric's capture, and wished to discover why The Head had sent him over the mountains.

    -Myth TFL, Level 9, "The Five Champions"

    Alric was interrogated by Balor during his captivity, and he learned by chance that Balor had bound each of The Fallen to himself, to ensure their obedience to his will. The Fallen draw their power through these links, and were Balor to be killed they would all be powerless. The armies of the Dark would collapse.

    -Myth TFL, Level 19, "The Road North"

    Nearby Events:

  • Alric And Companions Leave The Barrier

    Wednesday November 19, 2480 AE. The Five Champions help Alric escape from the Barrier and learn of many odd things along the way.

    Alric babbled about a suit of armor so powerful that its wearer was invulnerable to attack and tireless in battle. He claimed that it was buried somewhere in the eastern desert, and that he had been sent by The Head to retrieve it.

    They say Alric talked about The Head often, ridiculing The Nine's belief that it was one of the avatara of Connacht. Connacht was the great hero of the Wind Age, who drove the evil Moagim from the earth, and The Head claims to have been one of Connacht's closest advisors during this time.

    Once Alric even spoke of The Head's defeat by Balor, where it lost its body. But I've begun to wonder how one of the avatara of the Wind Age outlived Connacht himself by hundreds of years, to fight Balor in a battle long before the West had even heard of The Fallen Lords.

    -Myth TFL, Level 10, "Out Of The Barrier"

    Nearby Events:

  • Legion Searches Silvermines For Watcher's Arm

    Wednesday November 19, 2480 AE. The Legion searches Silvermines for the Watcher's arm, as the Deceiver has been searching for it there for over a year and may have just uncovered it.

    The old stories all tell that when Balor freed The Watcher from his prison under the Cloudspine, one arm was left trapped in his prison of solid rock. Bound by a powerful confinement dream, it should have remained there forever. But it didn't.

    We're a hundred miles from Bagrada and two days ahead of the rest of the Legion today, outside a town called Silvermines, looking for The Watcher's arm.

    -Myth TFL, Level 11, "Silvermines"

    Nearby Events:

  • Legion Defends Standard

    Sunday November 30, 2480 AE. The Watcher and the Deceiver clash in Seven Gates, and the Legion sweeps in to clean up the survivors.

    But none of this concerns us. What remains of the Silvermines garrison is less than ten minutes behind us now, determined to claim the arm. We are all too exhausted to continue running, and our scouts have chosen a hill up ahead where we can make a stand.

    -Myth TFL, Level 12, "Shadow of the Mountain"

    Nearby Events:

  • Watcher and Deceiver Clash In Seven Gates

    Sunday December 7, 2480 AE. The Watcher and the Deceiver clash in Seven Gates, and the Legion sweeps in to clean up the survivors.

    The Watcher drove his army without rest through the fleeing remnants of Rabican's forces and into Seven Gates. We are there now, inside the pass, where he then clashed with The Deceiver on his way east. The bodies of the undead are everywhere, melted and broken. It seems inconceivable that anything could have survived.

    I don't know why he attacked The Deceiver, unless somehow he found out what was going on in Silvermines. One of the veterans said that these two had it out after the battle for Tyr, twelve years ago, and that The Watcher barely survived. I have a feeling the real reasons for what happened today go back even farther than that.

    Whatever the case, while the battle raged only a few miles away and we thought The Watcher was coming for us next, I was glad nobody had asked me to carry his damned arm.

    It looks like the volcano will keep Seven Gates open through the winter, so Maeldun is sending out patrols to retake the pass. The Legion's growing fame seems to draw danger like a bright candle attracts moths, and if any of the enemy survived the floods and fighting I'm sure we'll be the ones to find them.

    -Myth TFL, Level 13, "Seven Gates"

    Nearby Events:

  • Legion Enlists Forest Giants

    Tuesday May 19, 2481 AE. The Legion, with Murgen and Cu Roi, travel to Forest Heart to enlist the aid of the Forest Giants.

    The Legion is here alone, camped on the edge of Forest Heart and dangerously far into the territory of the enemy. Two of the Nine are with us, Cu Roi and Murgen, trying to make contact with the forest giants who live in this place, to beg their help against the Dark.

    -Myth TFL, Level 14, "Forest Heart"

    Nearby Events:

  • Legion Trapped In Tain

    Tuesday May 19, 2481 AE. Soulblighter traps the Legion in the Tain.

    I do not understand what has happened.

    Falling back before two myrmidons in Forest Heart, I was enveloped by a greenish haze which tore me from the earth. Now I find myself here, in a vast underground cavern with many of my comrades. We have been unable to find any way to the surface.

    Murgen believes us to be trapped inside the Tain, a relic forged by the Smiths of Muirthemne during the Wind Age. Soon after its construction, the Tain was taken from Muirthemne by raiding barbarians from the south, and believed to be lost forever.

    But they say that the darkest artifacts have the ability to bend men to their will. . .

    -Myth TFL, Level 15, "Heart of the Stone"

    Nearby Events:

  • Legion Escapes Tain

    Tuesday May 19, 2481 AE. The Legion finds a secret exit from the Tain.

    Murgen believes that we are close to finding a backdoor. A secret exit from the Tain added by its creators so they could escape the thing if it were ever used against them. It will be hidden, of course, and almost certainly protected by traps, but it is our only chance of escape.

    These caves are so vast that we've been able to locate less than fifty of the four thousand men we suspect are imprisoned with us. Murgen hopes that he can release the others after we have escaped, by destroying the Tain at the exit.

    -Myth TFL, Level 16, "Smiths Of Muirthemne"

    Nearby Events:

  • Head Involved In Civil War; Deceiver Crosses Cloudspine

    May 23, 2481 AE. The Legion learns that The Head and The Nine have become involved in a civil war in Magridal, Maeldun has lost Bagrada, and The Deceiver crossed the Cloudspine at the Stair of Grief.

    Messengers reached us today saying that Maeldun has lost Bagrada and that The Deceiver crossed the mountains at the Stair of Grief. Worst of all, what's left of the Nine had it out with The Head, which had apparently been double-crossing them ever since they pulled it out of the ground last summer.

    Something like a civil war erupted back west, too, as thousands of our own men unexpectedly rose to defend The Head. Two of The Nine were killed, which makes them something like The Three now, if you also subtract Murgen and Cu Roi, who did not escape the destruction of the Tain, and the others who have died this year.

    -Myth TFL, Level 17, "Sons of Myrgard"

    Nearby Events:

  • Dwarves Assault Myrgard

    Sunday May 23, 2481 AE. After escaping the Tain and fleeing east, the Dwarves among the Legion head into their Ghol-occupied capital of Myrgard

    This far east, the dwarves with us are closer to their occupied homelands than any of their race has been in fifty years. Not expecting to return, many of them have decided to give up their lives rather than abandon their country once again to the Ghols who have overrun it.

    -Myth TFL, Level 17, "Sons Of Myrgards"

    Nearby Events:

  • Dwarves Destroy Ghol Godhead

    Tuesday May 24, 2481 AE. Within Myrgard, the Dwarves led by Balin seek out and destroy the godhead of their ancient enemies, the Ghols.

    Led by their pathfinder, Balin, the dwarves landed in the midst of a sea of Ghols and laid waste to them with grenades and satchel charges. But the enemy boiled like ants from their burrows in the mountain, and each one that was killed seemed to be replaced by two others.

    Yet at last the attacks ceased, and the dwarves found themselves masters of the bloody patch of ground where they had taken their stand. Bodies and pieces of bodies lay everywhere.

    A swift council followed their unexpected victory, and the survivors resolved to locate the Ghol's ancestral stone godhead and blast it to fragments. The Ghols have worshipped this enormous piece of unworked stone since the birth of their race, rolling its hundred tons wherever their migrations have taken them.

    The continued presence of the Ghol's idol at Myrgard is a blasphemy, and to destroy it would be to spit in the face of their entire race.

    -Myth TFL, Level 18, "A Long Awaited Party"

    "...turning the godhead of the ghols into a monument to Balin's victory. Nothing else has done more to sustain the mutual hatred since the ghols raided the crypt at Myrgard for 'victuals'."

    -Dwarf Flavor Text, Myth II

    Nearby Events:

  • Legion Heads North

    Monday June 15, 2481 AE. Alric convinces the Legion that the west is lost, and the only hope of saving humanity is to head north to the Trow city of Rhi'Anon, to kill Balor.

    Back in Forest Heart, Alric convinced our officers that the west was lost. That our small force could contribute nothing to the hopeless battles that would soon be fought around Madrigal, Willow and Tandem. These cities would fall, he said, and all their people would die, whether we sacrificed ourselves or not.

    Then he told us what we could do instead.

    Alric was interrogated by Balor during his captivity, and he learned by chance that Balor had bound each of The Fallen to himself, to ensure their obedience to his will. The Fallen draw their power through these links, and were Balor to be killed they would all be powerless. The armies of the Dark would collapse.

    So Balor must fall. But today we are only at the edge of the Dire Marsh, nearly five hundred miles from his fortress, with The Watcher waiting in ambush ahead and Soulblighter shadowing us from behind. We have a long road before us.

    -Myth TFL, Level 19, "The Road North"

    Nearby Events:

  • Soulblighter Engages Legion's Rearguard

    June 22, eighteen years into the War in the West. Soulblighter begins attacking the Legion's rearguard.

    The Legion has reached the Gjol, the poisoned river which feeds the Dire Marsh. Soulblighter has been continuously engaging our rearguard for the last two days. Between this and The Watcher's many ambushes along the way, it seems as if the two Fallen are racing to see which can destroy us first.

    -Myth TFL, Level 20, "Across the Gjol"

    Nearby Events:

  • Soulblighter Held At Gjol

    Wednesday June 24, 2481 AE. The Legion springs their trap on the Watcher, turning him to stone by arrows made with bone from his own arm. Meanwhile, their rearguard holds off Soulblighter's persuing forces at the Gjol.

    The Legion has reached the Gjol, the poisoned river which feeds the Dire Marsh. Soulblighter has been continuously engaging our rearguard for the last two days. Between this and The Watcher's many ambushes along the way, it seems as if the two Fallen are racing to see which can destroy us first.

    We will cross the river at midnight, but leave a number of men in ambush for Soulblighter when he tries to follow. Alric intends to hit The Watcher while Soulblighter is delayed, and then flee north before either can force a decisive battle.

    -Myth TFL, Level 20, "Across The Gjol"

    After weeks of shadowing us, Soulblighter's army vanished after the battle on the Gjol. He's certain to show up again soon, but meanwhile its given us a welcome rest from fighting.

    -Myth TFL, Level 22, "River of Blood"

    Nearby Events:

  • Watcher Killed

    Thursday June 25, 2481 AE. The Watcher, having been turned to stone by arrows made with bone from his own arm, is shattered into fragments in his camp in the Dire Marsh by one hundred Berserks from the Legion.

    We held Soulblighter at the Gjol long enough to let Alric spring his trap on The Watcher. Turned out I was right about those arrows: Alric had been working on them since we entered the marsh two weeks ago, and they were tipped with fragments of bone from The Watcher's arm.

    I sure wouldn't have wanted to get stuck with one, but apparently they turned The Watcher into stone, leaving him paralyzed and helpless.

    But he didn't die. Thirty berserks chosen to accompany the archers tore through the enemy and piled the bodies of the dead at The Watcher's feet, but all were killed before they could deliver the final blow.

    Rather than leave such a dangerous enemy behind us to be rescued, a hundred men have volunteered to return and smash him to fragments before help can arrive.

    -Myth TFL, Level 21, "The Watcher"

    Nearby Events:

  • Legion Secures Bridge In Rhi'Anon

    Monday July 20, 2481 AE. The Legion enters Rhi'Anon and therein secures an important bridge. Alric recieves an Eblis Stone through a Berserk courier from Willow.

    Alric has been busy again, hardly sleeping I'm told, planning for the coming battle. A single berserk reached us yesterday, after having come all the way over the mountains from the city of Willow, fourteen hundred miles away. He delivered to Alric a single package the size of a man's fist, wrapped in rags, and refuses to talk with anyone about events in the west.

    A small group of us are going into the city ahead of the main force tomorrow, to secure a bridge which Alric fears the enemy would destroy if we attacked in force. Once it has been secured, the Legion will follow.

    -Myth TFL, Level 22, "River Of Blood"

    Nearby Events:

  • Legion Learns Madrigal Has Fallen

    July 21, 2481 AE. Alric informs the Legion that Madrigal has fallen.

    Before he left, Alric told us that Madrigal had fallen.

    -Myth TFL, Level 23, "Pools of Iron"

    Nearby Events:

  • Alric Approaches Fortress

    Tuesday July 21, 2481 AE. Alric opens a World Knot into Rhi'Anon and brings through a force to kill Balor, while the rest of the Legion prepares to assault the front of the fortress in an effort to distract Balor's army. The Journal Writer learns that Madrigal has fallen.

    In four hours, just after sunrise, the twenty-two hundred survivors of the Legion will attack Balor's fortress. Those men will surely die. There are perhaps half a million of the enemy between here and the stronghold.

    Alric left at dusk, alone. The old maps, he says, all show a World Knot in Rhi'anon, though it has never been used in our time. He intends to find it and bring through a hundred picked men to a point he believes will be almost on top of the fortress. From there we go after Balor.

    [ . . . ]

    Before he left, Alric told us that Madrigal had fallen.

    -Myth TFL, Level 23, "Pools Of Iron"

    Nearby Events:

  • Balor Killed

    Tuesday July 21, 2481 AE. The Legion escorts Alric to Balor's fortress, where he draws forth an Eblis Stone, allowing the surviving Berserks to lop off Balor's head.

    Alric's plan is a mad one.

    One of the many strange things we found while trapped inside the Tain was the shredded battle standard of that long dead race of evil creatures called the Myrkridia.

    [ . . . ]

    Alric intends to approach within a hundred yards of the fortress, and raise the Myrkridian standard. Because of Balor's old enmity toward the Myrkridia, Alric is certain that this will so enrage Balor that he will come to deal with us himself.

    -Myth TFL, Level 24, "The Last Battle"

    As Balor approached, Alric drew from his robe one of the five Eblis Stones, and for a few moments it made him an equal of Balor.

    -Myth TFL, Level 25, "The Great Devoid"

    "...he drew from his robe one of the five Eblis Stones, and for a few moments it made him an equal of Balor. The rest of the Legion was sacrificed... to give us time to take Balor's head."

    -Alric (King) Flavor Text, Myth II

    Nearby Events:

  • Balor's Head Thrown Into Great Devoid

    Tuesday July 21, 2481 AE. The Legion throws Balor's head into the Great Devoid.

    "Balor has been killed before," Alric told us after we raised the Myrkridian standard, "and each time it has only made him more powerful. Our best hope is to cut off his head, and hurl it into the Great Devoid. Only in this way will the world be rid of him forever."

    -Myth TFL, Level 25, "The Great Devoid"

    Nearby Events:

  • Soulblighter Flees To Untamed Lands

    Circa 2481 AE. Soulblighter, failing to recover Balor's head, flees into the Untamed Lands

    "...failing to recover the head of Balor at the Great Devoid, Soulblighter fled to the east into the Untamed Lands... back to the hidden temple where he first studied the black arts..."

    -Soulblighter Flavor Text, Myth II

    Nearby Events:

  • Deceiver Defeated

    Circa 2481 AE. Twelve Motion Jeweled Skull, Durak, Turgeis with Burning Steel, and others defeat the Deceiver and his army in Thyrmir's Gorge, in the Stair of Grief, plunging him into the Dramus River.

    Twelve Motion Jeweled Skull says he was last here sixty years ago, fighting alongside the likes of Durak and Turgeis with Burning Steel. They caught The Deceiver and the remnants of his army in this very defile and here destroyed them.

    -Myth II, Level 10, "Landing At White Falls"

    Nearby Events:

  • Dwarves Recapture Myrgard

    Circa 2482 AE. The Dwarves finish recapturing Myrgard from the Ghols.

    "Within a year of Balor's defeat, the dwarves had reclaimed Myrgard and its provinces. Most dwarves chose to return to their homeland and rebuild, but some built new lives in the West."

    -Dwarf Flavor Text, Myth II

    Nearby Events:

  • Berserks Return Home

    Circa 2481 AE. After the fall of Balor and his Fallen Lords, the Berserks return home to find their lands untouched.

    " ... returning home after the defeat of the Fallen Lords, the men of the North found their farms and villages virtually untouched by the Dark... a testament to the mettle of their homeguard."

    -Berserk Flavor Text, Myth II

    Nearby Events:

  • og'Un Questioned

    Between 2481 and 2540 AE. og'Un, a fir'Bolg, is questioned on the training of Bowmen.

    "When asked of his advice on how many men should be trained in the use of the bow og'Un remarked, 'One in twenty from each town. Go there, these men will make themselves known.'"

    -Bowman Flavor Text, Myth II
  • Trow Lands Last Visited

    Circa 2500 AE. The last visit by a sane man, prior to February 1st, sixty years after the War in the West, is made to the Trow lands.

    The Deceiver is deranged, of this I am absolutely convinced. He has brought us here, to The Twelve Duns, closer to the Trow demesne than any sane man has dared in two generations. We are a mere four hours march from the lost city of Rhi'ornin.

    -Myth II, Level 14, "With Friends Like These"
  • Soulblighter Confronts Trow

    Between 2481 and 2540 AE. Soulblighter confronts the Trow, demanding their continued service to him. The Trow refuse.

    "...when Soulblighter confronted the Trow, demanding their continued servitude, they replied 'Set iron to rest and choose you one from our number. Ask of his name and what he owes you.'"

    -Trow Flavor Text, Myth II

    Nearby Events:

  • Shiver Reincarnated

    Between 2481 and 2540 AE. Shiver, having been slain by Rabican during the Great War, is reincarnated by Soulblighter with the aid of Tramist's Mirror.

    "...her spirit disconnected from her body, set adrift on the ether... gathered up by Soulblighter and... made corporeal with the terrible power of Tramist's Mirror."

    -Shiver Flavor Text, Myth II

    Nearby Events:

  • Legion Begins Patrolling Wild River

    Thursday July 24, 2540 AE. The Legion begins patrolling the Wild River.

    It was only yesterday that we entered the town of Tallow seeking rest after a month spent patrolling the southern regions of the Wild River. But our respite was cut short when the mayor beseeched us to investigate reports of grave robbing around the villages just north of Forest Heart.

    -Myth II, Level 1, "Willow Creek"

    Nearby Events:

  • Legion Rests At Tallow

    Sunday August 24, 2540 AE. The Legion stops to rest at Tallow after a month of patrolling the Wild River.

    It was only yesterday that we entered the town of Tallow seeking rest after a month spent patrolling the southern regions of the Wild River. But our respite was cut short when the mayor beseeched us to investigate reports of grave robbing around the villages just north of Forest Heart.

    -Myth II, Level 1, "Willow Creek"

    Nearby Events:

  • Legion Saves Willow Creek

    Monday August 25, 2540 AE. The Legion approaches Willow Creek, and there saves it from hordes of walking undead Ghasts.

    I can hardly believe what I have just witnessed. As we approached the village of Willow Creek, we saw what appeared to be a band of ruffians terrorizing the peasantry. If only it had been so. We rushed to the fray and were able to save a handful of people from the wretched claws of the walking dead.

    -Myth II, Level 2, "Salvation"

    Nearby Events:

  • Legion Rescues Villagers

    Monday August 25, 2540 AE. The Legion, having saved Willow Creek from hordes of walking undead Ghasts rescue a number of villager from the clutches of some Brigands.

    One man said he was tending his livestock when he saw the [Ghasts] spill out from an overgrown trail that leads to an ancient nearby cemetery. Another villager, a small girl not yet old enough for the fields, said that she had seen brigands take her father and a few others in the direction of that trail.

    Cruniac immediately sent scouts to scour the area near the trail for the missing villagers. They returned just before sundown to tell us there were some men holding captives at the cemetery. Upon hearing the news, the survivors begged us to help free their kinsmen.

    -Myth II, Level 2, "Salvation"

    Nearby Events:

  • Legion Escorts Rurik To Tallow

    Tuesday August 26, 2540 AE. The Legion, having rescued a number of villages from their Brigand captors, escorts one of them, Rurik, to the city of Tallow, so they he may speak with their mayor.

    . . . Rurik, one of the village leaders, demanded to be taken to see the mayor of Tallow. When questioned, he offered us little, save that he had important information about the recent grave robberies. Rurik is well respected by the townspeople, so Cruniac chose not to press him further for information.

    -Myth II, Level 3, "Down A Broken Path"

    Nearby Events:

  • Legion Assaults Keep Kildaer

    September 2, 2540 AE. The Legion, having discovered the Baron's trade in human remains, assaults his Keep just outside Brayle, with the help of the Dwarven Pathfinder Jari. Meanwhile, a column of Thrall heads south to Tallow, and Cruniac sends a runner after them.

    The master of this castle is Baron Kildaer. We were joined at Tallow by reinforcements to attack the Baron's stronghold and put an end to his unwholesome trade in human remains.

    [ . . . ]

    We watched in helpless silence as a massive army of Thrall, ten abreast and a hundred deep, marched out of the main gate heading south. Cruniac fears their destination is Tallow and has sent a runner to warn the town.

    -Myth II, Level 4, "Into The Breach"

    Nearby Events:

  • Baron Killed

    Tuesday September 2, 2540 AE. The Legion enters Keep Kildaer and therin kills the Baron.

    The guard told us that a few years ago the Baron had several secret passages constructed so that he could make a quick escape if his safety was ever compromised. Cruniac has sent in a small group of men to hunt down the baron. He has positioned men at the main entrance to the keep in case the Baron manages to get past them. If the Baron tries to leave through this entrance he will be killed where he stands. Should he make it to one of the secret exits though, I doubt we would be able to find him in this wild land.

    -Myth II, Level 5, "The Baron"

    Nearby Events:

  • Legion Flees To Gonen

    Monday September 15, 2540 AE. The Legion crosses the Cloudspine and there repairs a World Knot. Cruniac is killed by Soulblighter, and the Journal Writer recovers the journal from the Great War.

    "Leave it for the torches, lads, and make haste for Gonen!"

    -Myth II, Level 6, "Gonen's Bridge"

    Nearby Events:

  • Legion Repairs World Knot

    Wednesday September 17, 2540 AE. The Legion crosses the Cloudspine and there repairs a World Knot. Cruniac is killed by Soulblighter, and the Journal Writer recovers the journal from the Great War.

    Cruniac's last words were of the bravery of the color guard, who had given their lives trying to save him even as Soulblighter had delivered the killing blow.

    [ . . . ]

    All of us agree we must reach Madrigal and King Alric soon. But it would take months to get to Madrigal on foot. Garrick believes there is a World Knot directly west of us on the other side of the Cloudspine. Although it was destroyed during the Great War, the Dwarves seem confident they will be able to repair it. This I will have to see for myself.

    As we were breaking camp, Garrick handed me a journal he had recovered from Cruniac's belongings. The commander must have taken it from one of the Baron's libraries.

    What significance it may have had to Cruniac I do not know, other than it appears to have been written by a man who served in the Legion during the Great War.

    -Myth II, Level 7, "Beyond The Cloudspine"

    Nearby Events:

  • Legion Arrives In Madrigal

    Tuesday September 23, 2540 AE. The Legion arrives at Madrigal through the World Knot from the Plain of Scales, and departs toward Covenant to recover the Total Codex. Meanwhile, Alric sends the Seventh Legion through the World Knot to Scales to put a stop to Soulblighter's army before it can grow any larger.

    As soon as Garrick was done, King Alric ordered the Seventh Legion through the World Knot to Scales. They have been instructed to seek out Soulblighter's army and destroy it now, before it grows any larger.

    [ . . . ]

    King Alric says we must travel through the World Knot to Covenant and retrieve the Total Codex from the newly rebuilt library. He says that with the Codex we may be able to find The Summoner before Soulblighter can.

    -Myth II, Level 8, "The Great Library"

    Nearby Events:

  • Alric Flees Madrigal

    Friday October 10, 2540 AE. Shiver attacks Madrigal. Alric sends the Legion north to Tandem, then flees to the ship Vigilance as Myrkridia overrun the city.

    Today [Alric] sent what is left of our army north to the city of Tandem. Their instructions were to gather as many able bodied men as they could along the way and wait for him in Tandem.

    King Alric is staying in Madrigal with a mere handful of men in order to make sure that no one is left behind. Only then will he withdraw from the city.

    -Myth II, Level 9, "Gate of Storms"

    Our deepest fears have been realized. Soulblighter has found The Summoner and through him has unleashed the Myrkridia on the world. They are nightmare made flesh. Even men hardened by combat cowered in miserable terror at first sight of them.

    We suffered appalling losses getting his majesty safely onboard the Vigilance. Not a single man from the outer guard made it to the ship.

    -Myth II, Level 10, "Landing At White Falls"

    Nearby Events:

  • Vigilance Arrives At White Falls

    Sunday November 30, 2540 AE. The Legion lands at White Falls to secure the fortress there in anticipation of an attack by Shiver against Tandem.

    We made haste toward Tandem, our rallying point. Tandem is the cornerstone of the free cities of the North, and the key to Tandem is White Falls. So we will sail up the Meander and secure the fortress there.

    -Myth II, Level 10, "Landing At White Falls"

    Nearby Events:

  • Legion Crosses The Ermine

    Sunday November 30, 2540 AE. The Legion crosses the Ermine in search of The Deceiver, and is ambushed by bre'Unor while camping.

    The King has decided to fight fire with fire. He seeks Myrdred, an avatara of the Wolf Age whom Balor renamed "The Deceiver" after bending him to his will. Although The Deceiver fought alongside Balor during the last war, he held no great love for the rest of The Fallen, nearly being killed by The Watcher in a legendary battle at Seven Gates.

    We have decided to go through the Ermine, the homeland of our fir'Bolg allies. Though the forest seems to be a continuous thicket, we have made good time.

    -Myth II, Level 11, "Through The Ermine"

    Nearby Events:

  • Summoner Enters Tain

    December, 2540 AE. The Summoner enters the Tain and begins ressurecting the Myrkridia.

    The Tain was supposed to be the final resting place of the Myrkridia, but The Summoner has been inside the shattered artifact for five months now, slowly resurrecting their entire race. To think of it makes me shudder, and even now the Myrkridia spread across the Province like fire across a dry field, leaving death and blackened ruins in their wake. We must stop him now.

    -Myth II, Level 19, "The Summoner"

    Nearby Events:

  • Deceiver's Scepter Recovered

    Monday December 22, 2540 AE. The Legion searches for The Deceiver's Scepter in the frozen Dramus River, while Soulblighter's forces pursue them.

    Even worse, we are not alone. Our scouts report seeing terrifying shapes lurking about, masked by the foul weather.

    Today the Dramus River is frozen solid, but back then it was a muddy torrent of melted snow and ice brought on by the eruption of Tharsis. The Deceiver was plunged into the river and swept far downstream, his scepter sinking to the bottom.

    -Myth II, Level 12, "The Stair Of Grief"

    Nearby Events:

  • Deceiver Freed

    Saturday January 10, 2541 AE. Having recovered his Scepter, the Legion goes to the Angurvadal Glacier to find and revive the Deceiver himself, having to first fight their way through the Warlocks guarding him.

    As soon as Twelve Motion Jeweled Skull pried The Deceiver's scepter from the Dramus' icy clutches, we fled the Stair of Grief and headed north in search of the man himself.

    -Myth II, Level 13, "The Deceiver"

    Nearby Events:

  • Trow Recruited

    Sunday February 1, 2541 AE. The Deceiver arranges a game between the Trow and the Legion on a battlefield in the Twelve Duns, to win the Trow to King Alric's cause against Soulblighter.

    The Deceiver claims to be held in high regard by the Trow as a being of "furor poeticus". He has told us of their battles against the Myrkridia and believes he can win the Trow to our cause.

    Apparently the Trow are not convinced that our race is worth fighting for, but they have agreed to do battle with Soulblighter for one year if we can defeat them in a game of their devising. The Trow have placed six flags on the field and, if we can control the majority at the end of a period of time that they deem fair, they will assist us. To wit, we shall send forth our best warriors to do battle with the Trow.

    -Myth II, Level 14, "With Friends Like These"

    Nearby Events:

  • Muirthemne Recaptured

    Friday February 27, 2541 AE. Forward element of the Legion, with Trow aid, attack the occupied city of Muirthemne and recapture it from the Dark.

    So the King has decided on a new course of action. The Legion must capture Muirthemne, though for what purpose we cannot tell, for the city holds no strategic benefits. King Alric himself plans to be here within the week, and we must capture the city before he arrives.

    Our scouts have returned from the city proper bearing grim news. The shade Herod and a great number of fetch and Myrkridia are occupying the old armory, just inside the city walls.

    Tomorrow we lay siege to Muirthemne with the aid of the Trow and a team of Dwarven Mortars. Breaching the massive wall that protects the old armory is foremost on our list of objectives. While that curtain stands, our infantry is but grist for the mill.

    -Myth II, Level 15, "Walls Of Muirthemne"

    Nearby Events:

  • Ibis Crown Retrived

    Friday February 27, 2541 AE. Alric arrives at Muirthemne, and sends a troop of volunteers into the Mausoleum of Clovis to recover the Ibis Crown.

    King Alric believes [The Ibis Crown] was secreted away in the catacombs below the Mausoleum of the Cath Bruig. Knowing that entering the haunted crypt is tantamount to a death sentence, the King has called for volunteers.

    -Myth II, Level 16, "The Ibis Crown"

    Nearby Events:

  • Heron Guard Defend Muirthemne Against Myrkridia

    Monday March 2, 2541 AE. King Alric is crowned Emperor of the Cath Bruig with the Ibis Crown. The Heron Guard are reborn. Myrkridia attack Muirthemne, but are held off.

    After the Ibis Crown was recovered from the ancient tomb below Muirthemne, a ceremony was held to coronate Alric as the new Emperor of the Cath Bruig Empire. The journeymen, after a hundred years of self-imposed penance for being absent during the fall of the city, threw down the gold tiles that hung around their necks and swore fealty to the new Emperor.

    The journeymen were no more; the Heron Guard were reborn.

    Hours later Muirthemne was overrun by Myrkridia and the Heron Guard were given their chance at redemption.

    -Myth II, Level 17, "Redemption"

    Nearby Events:

  • Deceiver Searches For Tain Shard

    Sunday April 12, 2541 AE. The Deceiver and co. begin searching for the Tain.

    We have been looking for almost a week now without luck. There are those among us who feel that we are wasting precious time and manpower - that it will never be found. The Deceiver has no such doubts. He says he can feel it calling to him.

    -Myth II, Level 18, "Relic"

    Nearby Events:

  • Deceiver Recovers Tain Shard

    Sunday April 19, 2541 AE. The Deceiver searches Forest Heart for the Tain, which he uses to teleport the Legion into the Summoner's lair.

    King Alric has sent us with The Deceiver to find a piece of the shattered Tain. Once found, The Deceiver will lead us through its broken passages to find The Summoner and cut off Soulblighter's access to the Myrkridia.

    We have been looking for almost a week now without luck. There are those among us who feel that we are wasting precious time and manpower - that it will never be found. The Deceiver has no such doubts. He says he can feel it calling to him.

    -Myth II, Level 18, "Relic"

    Nearby Events:

  • Summoner Killed

    Monday April 20, 2541 AE. The Deceiver and the Legion teleport into the Tain and therein kill the Summoner.

    The Deceiver has brought us here to kill The Summoner. The ruin he will bring about if allowed to remain alive is unconscionable. This alone dictates that he must die.

    -Myth II, Level 19, "The Summoner"

    Nearby Events:

  • Deceiver And Legion Escape Soulblighter's Camp

    Tuesday April 21, 2541 AE. The Deceiver teleports himself and the Legion out of the Tain and into Soulblighter's camp. The shade Phelot is bound to the Deceiver in the inital battle, and later helps free the Deceiver and his forces, capturing one of Soulblighter's crows in the process.

    The Deceiver dropped us in the middle of Soulblighter's camp, hoping to attack him by surprise. King Alric said nothing of a sneak attack before we left Muirthemne - it is obvious The Deceiver was acting on his own. We were captured instantly and thrown into rude cells with other prisoners from some unsung battle in the west. The Deceiver was caught in the claw of some elemental beast commanded by Soulblighter, but not before he had struck down more than a dozen of the enemy with his magic.

    [ . . . ]

    I have yet to mention our jailor. It is the devil Phelot, the shade who decimated Avon's Grove during the Great War. It is a wonder he has not yet sought vengeance upon us, as he was sorely injured by The Deceiver upon our arrival.

    -Myth II, Level 20, "A Murder Of Crows"

    Nearby Events:

  • Soulblighter's Munitions Dump Destroyed

    Tuesday April 21, 2541 AE. After escaping Soulblighter's camp, elements of the Legion stumble onto his munitions dump, and set out to destroy it.

    We are free but not out of danger. In the confusion of the prison break we stumbled upon some sort of assembly area. There are veritable mountains of satchel charges, sagging under their own weight, presumably brought down from Stoneheim. The putrid carcasses of wights, harvested for their baneful polyps and tumors, are strewn everywhere. Cleavers, axes and twisted bits of razor sharp metal fill barrel after barrel and litter the ground. I shudder to think of the destruction Soulblighter must have in mind.

    But now that destruction will be wrought on his own army.

    -Myth II, Level 21, "Limbs, Heads & Smoking Craters"

    Nearby Events:

  • Lesotho Dam Threatened

    Thursday April 23, 2541 AE While Alric and the Legion battle with Shiver down river, Soulblighter's forces attack the Lesotho Dam in an effort to drown them all.

    The scouts told us that Alric and nearly three thousand men from the Legion have come from Muirthemne to face Soulblighter. Unfortunately, they were met by Shiver and her army in the valley about two hours downstream from the dam. If the dam were destroyed, the resulting deluge would kill everything in its path for miles.

    -Myth II, Level 22, "The Wall"

    Nearby Events:

  • Legion Engages Soulblighter

    Thursday April 23, 2541 AE. The Legion engages Soulblighter's main force near the foot of Tharsis.

    The whole of the Legion has been steeling itself for this - the final confrontation with Soulblighter. He is cornered and desperate, making the fight that much more terrible. We engaged his main force two days ago and have been pushing it back toward the Cloudspine ever since. Our casualties number nearly half of our force, but it is certain that we have inflicted far greater damage than we received.

    -Myth II, Level 24, "Twice Born"

    Nearby Events:

  • Deceiver Kills Shiver

    Saturday April 25, 2541 AE. While Alric and the Legion confront Soulblighter at the foot of Tharsis, the Deceiver and five heros - Andvari, Oderic, Seanchaidh, Ten Soaring White Eagle, and Four Flint Motion Sun - smash through Shiver's lines and there proceed to kill her.

    Alric was able to repel Shiver's attack and push her all the way to the broken lands south of Silvermines, but there was never an opportunity to strike at her directly. We will resolve that within hours.

    The Deceiver has been screaming for Shiver's blood all day. Alric has chosen five men of unwavering courage to accompany The Deceiver into the labyrinth of ravines where she hides. There they will hunt her down and destroy her.

    -Myth II, Level 23, "Shiver"

    Nearby Events:

  • Alric Confronts Soulblighter

    Saturday April 25, 2541 AE. Alric and the Legion confront Soulblighter at the foot of Tharsis. With The Deceiver in possession of a part of his being, Soulblighter cannot flee, thus he must stand and fight.

    The whole of the Legion has been steeling itself for this - the final confrontation with Soulblighter. He is cornered and desperate, making the fight that much more terrible. We engaged his main force two days ago and have been pushing it back toward the Cloudspine ever since. Our casualties number nearly half of our force, but it is certain that we have inflicted far greater damage than we received.

    We have Soulblighter's army caught between the Cloudspine, the Ire River, and Tharsis - the legendary forge of the Trow. With The Deceiver in possession of part of his being, Soulblighter no longer has the ability to escape.

    -Myth II, Level 24, "Twice Born"

    Nearby Events:

  • Soulblighter Killed

    Monday April 27, 2541 AE. Alric and the Legion move into Tharsis, hunt down Soulblighter, and thrust him into the lava, killing him.

    Soulblighter has done the unthinkable. With his army scattered in disarray, he fled up through the Eye of Tharsis and into the very bowels of the earth. I can hardly blame him. The sight of Alric hacking his way through the enemy, Balmung flashing in his hand, caused many of our own men to stand aside in awe.

    If it were anyone other than Soulblighter, I am sure we would just wait outside the volcano until they had been roasted alive or had succumbed to the poisonous vapors. Unfortunately, he has survived worse, and we must follow him.

    -Myth II, Level 25, "The Forge"

    Nearby Events:

  • Legion Heads Toward Muirthemne

    Monday May 4, 2541 AE. The Legion heads back to Muirthemne after defeating Soulblighter. Nine Skull Crocodile explains the cycles to the Journal Writer.

    The Fallen Lords are dead and the Dark has fled the land. Now we return to the difficult task of rebuilding. It will take many years to restore our cities and recover our farmlands and this time, we will remain vigilant.

    I have chosen to follow the Emperor and his Heron Guard back to Muirthemne - there is nothing left for me in Strand, the place of my birth.

    I have become fast friends with Nine Skull Crocodile, the man who has healed the many wounds I received during the assault on Tharsis. He is ancient, even by Heron standards, and speaking with him has given me some insight into what has happened to our world.

    -Myth II Epilogue

    Nearby Events:

  • Trahern Deals Blow To Fulsom

    Date unknown. Trahern, a Berserk, deals a terrible blow to Fulsom.

    Trahern dealt a terrible blow to Fulsom, taking his left arm and piling three score dead at his feet before the bandit gang finally broke into full route never to be heard from again...

    -Berserk Hero Flavor Text, Myth II
  • Gywon, Brothers Die Battling Ghols

    Date unknown. Gywon and his brothers, all Berserks, die while attempting to break some Ghols' charge.

    "Though Gwyon and his brothers all died they had succeeded in breaking the momentum of the Ghols' charge... each scattering corpses until a step could not be taken without treading on one..."

    -Berserk Flavor Text, Myth II
  • Dwarves Sell Guns

    Date unknown. An unscrupulous group of Dwarves makes a deal with an unscrupulous group of Humans to corner the bullet-riddled meat market.

    It is said that an unscrupulous group of men made a deal with an equally unscrupulous group of Dwarves in order to corner the bullet-riddled meat market.

    -Poacher Flavor Text, Myth II
  • Dwarves Make Guns

    Date unknown. The famed Dwarven Wehrfaktorie produces powerfull new weaponry and presents it to Albrecht, who dissapproves.

    Albrecht, the King of the Dwarves, having been presented with the latest invention of the famed Wehrfaktorie, is said to have replied "Such a thing would make war too terrible to wage."

    -Poacher Flavor Text, Myth II
  • Berserk Derides Pork

    Date unknown. A Berserk at the Stair of Grief derides roast pig as coming from "filthy beasts".

    A berserk at Tandem, having been told of the extraordinary taste of roast pig, is said to have replied 'and Ghol may taste like haggis, but I will never know, as they are filthy beasts.'

    -Pig Flavor Text, Myth II
  • ki'Angsi Strings Giant's Bow

    Date unknown. ki'Angsi strings a giant's bow.

    "... but it was ki'Angsi alone that stood up to the challenge and strung the giant's bow; the great yew shaft that no two other men could bend."

    -Archer Hero Flavor Text, Myth TFL
  • Dwarves Face Wights Before Myrgard

    Date unknown. Some Dwarves before Myrgard face down Wights.

    " ... though the dwarves before Myrgard were unshaken by the wights opposite them, each knew the slow, bleeding death-fever which awaited those who survived the battle."

    -Wights Flavor Text, Myth TFL
  • The Watcher Escapes His Prison

    Date unknown. The Watcher escapes from his magic prison beneath the Cloudspine.

    Imprisoned by Connacht during the Wind Age, The Watcher only escaped by tearing off his left arm at the elbow, like a wolf chewing through his leg to escape a snare.

    -Mad Goat Of The Fens Flavor Text, Myth TFL

    The old stories all tell that when Balor freed The Watcher from his prison under the Cloudspine, one arm was left trapped in his prison of solid rock. Bound by a powerful confinement dream, it should have remained there forever. But it didn't.

    -Myth TFL, Level 11, "Silvermines"
  • Trow Recruit Ghols

    Date unknown. A Trow emissary demands the Ghols' servitude.

    "' ... or we will fell your people like a pine forest.' One Ghol asked why he had singled out pines. 'Once cut, pines never regrow.' spoke the Trow emissary, to which the Ghols had no answer save silence."

    -Trow Flavor Text, Myth TFL
  • Bahl'al Searches For Dream Of Unlife

    Date unknown. Bahl'al searches the sunken Trow city of Si'Anwon for the Dream of Unlife.

    "Bahl'al descended to the flooded, rusting halls of Si'anwon and under the sea there took no breath for nine days, searching the ruined palaces and temples of the Trow for the dream of unlife."

    -Thrall Flavor Text, Myth TFL
  • Ibis Crown Copied And Hidden

    Date unknown. Ceiscoran has eleven ordinary copies of the Ibis Crown made, and hides the original crown.

    Legend states that whoever wears the Ibis Crown has at his disposal truly staggering power. Such was the artifact's power that Ceiscoran, at fantastic expense, commissioned eleven ordinary copies of the thing to be made in order to make theft of the true crown more difficult. When Muirthemne fell to the Fallen Lords, the crown was nowhere to be found.

    -Myth II, Level 16, "The Ibis Crown"
  • Mazzarin Kills Sinis

    Date unknown. Mazzarin collapses the Shrine of Nyx upon Sinis, supposedly killing him.

    "Ah, Sinis! I thought you died when Mazzarin collapsed the Shrine of Nyx upon you."

    -Alric to Sinis, Myth TFL, Level 10, "Out of the Barrier"
  • Balor Decapitates The Head

    Date unknown. The Head loses his body to Balor.

    Once Alric even spoke of The Head's defeat by Balor, where it lost its body...

    -Myth TFL, Level 10, "Out of the Barrier"