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Archived Posts - November 1999

Nov 27th

Jinn Preview

  Vista Shows Off Jinn Trailer  - [ Pie-rat | 13:06 CDT ]

Although it seemed that the Jinn conversion for Myth II was lying dormant for a while, those boys over at Vista have yet again sparked my curiosity by releasing a Jinn trailer.

Yes indeedy, this one is not to be missed. Download the movie (as well as the Jinn soundtrack) here, or check out some screenshots. Have fun!

Nov 26th

Weird Unit Contest

  Tyr's Creature Corner Contest  - [ Pie-rat | 15:42 CDT ]

Saw this news item at bungie.net:

Tyr's Creature Corner is having a Weird Unit Contest...create a really weird unit and win the contest!

Check out the page here or submit your units here.

Nov 24th

CoD for PC

  Coming of the Dark for PC  - [ Pie-rat | 21:10 CDT ]

The Townhall reports that Coming of the Dark, a fabulously well-detailed scenario by the Creation group, is now fully functional for the PC version of Myth II (it was Mac-only for a while).

Download Coming of the Dark at the Mill here, or check out some background info and screenshots here.

The CoD scenario deals with some of the events that take place before the Great War of the TFL timeline, so if you are a story buff, make sure you go get it.

Nov 23rd


  News? Yeah, Aisle 7...  - [ Pie-rat | 22:14 CDT ]

It looks like the Myth commmunity has hit a temporary news slump. I guess everyone is busy playing Chimera. (If you aren't, start getting busy here.)

Just letting you all know we're not dead. Yet.

Nov 21st

GodzFire is Alive

  GodzFire Sends Out Map PR  - [ Pie-rat | 11:20 CDT ]

Somehow, this e-mail got lost. It's two days late, sorry...

Anyway, this is what GodzFire had to say:

...four new plugins that I've released at the Mill. All are in their final version, and two of them are units from Chimera. In the near future I will be releasing the Demon Lord, Krilla, and Fenris. It will also be available at the my map-making group's site, Anictolyte.
Sounds good to me. GodzFire also says that the Anictolyte site may be moving soon, but it should be working for the moment.

Check out the Mill here or Anictolyte here.

Nov 20th

Myth Master #1

  First "Perfect" Myth Master Film  - [ Pie-rat | 7:21 CDT ]

Forrest reports that Myth Master Central has received its first "perfect" film - one that complies with all seven laws of mythmastery.

Congrats to Marty "Blunderdog" Cortinas for his film, "Perfect Salvation".

Nov 17th

Codex Review

  Myth: The Total Codex Reviewed at CP  - [ Pie-rat | 9:39 CDT ]

Infininight of Clan Plaid has written a review of The Total Codex and has posted it here.

For more information about Myth: The Total Codex, check out codex.bungie.com.

Nov 15th

MMC Updated


  Myth Master Central Updated  - [ Pie-rat | 22:21 CDT ]

Forrest reports that submissions are steadily coming in to our Myth Master Central site.

Are you a true Myth king? Read the Seven Laws, then send in your films!

Myth II: Chimera Released!  - [ Pie-rat | 22:17 CDT ]

Yes! That is correct!

Chimera, Bungie's offical Myth II: Soulblighter add-on scenario, is finished and available for download. (Yes, it is free.)

Check out Bungie's Chimera page here. The Townhall has set up a list of download sites that you can choose from. Have fun!

Hopefully, this will add some juicy new plot twists to the Myth story. Go discuss them in The Asylum.

Nov 14th

Ghol Remains?

  Mythster BMF Finds Ghol Fossils  - [ Pie-rat | 20:57 CDT ]

In one of the most bizzare Myth pages I have ever seen, Mythster of BMF proudly displays his discovery: a fossilized ghol skull.

Yes-sir-ee-bob...this could be the real thing, folks. Check it out here and tell me what you think.

Saw this interesting tidbit at myther.com.

Nov 12th

Voodoo 3

Horsepants TC

  Myth II/Mac Voodoo 3 Compatiblity  - [ Pie-rat | 22:23 CDT ]

Harry (TomeOne) sends in a snippet of a MacCentral article concerning the compatibility of Myth II and Mac Voodoo 3 cards:

Matt Soell of Bungie Software recently provided details about a forthcoming patch to correct some compatibility issues that some users have reported between their best-selling realtime strategy game Myth II: Soulblighter and 3dfx Interactive's unsupported but constantly updated Mac drivers for its Voodoo3 cards.

"It's almost done," reports Soell. "Seriously. And our QA guy is exercising a great deal of internal pressure to get it out ASAP."

Sounds like good news to all of you Mac Voodoo 3 owners. (Sadly, this news doesn't affect me at all...sigh.)

Horsepants Announces Marathon TC  - [ Pie-rat | 9:10 CDT ]

Mythology has a PR from Horsepants Productions concerning a new Marathon Total Conversion in progress.

No information is currently available at their site, but there is a teaser you can read. If you were around back in the days of Marathon 1, I guarantee you this will send chills down your spine.

Check it out. (Saw this at Mythology.)

Nov 11th

Chimera Interview

  Interview With Chimera Project Leaders  - [ Pie-rat | 8:56 CDT ]

Trevor Covert, an MGL staffer and frequent poster to agm/agm2, has interviewed project leaders Christopher Barrett and James Trevett of Bungie's upcoming Chimera add-on.

In this interview (which is two pages long plus screenshots) casts a little light on the plot of Chimera, as well as some of the new multiplayer features. Check it out!

Warning: if you don't want to know any information about Chimera until it comes out, don't read this interview -- some of the plot details ARE discussed.

On the other hand, if you DO want more Chimera information, check out Bungie's Chimera site.

Nov 9th




  Chimera Also Gets Official Site  - [ Pie-rat | 8:25 CDT ]

Goodness gracious, I almost forgot Bungie's Chimera site!

Check out chimera.bungie.com and take a gander at what looks to be the heppest thing since Pathways Into Darkness. Wow!

(Thanks to KVLtv for bringing these new sites to my attention.)

Bungie's Total Codex Site  - [ Pie-rat | 8:17 CDT ]


'Nuff said.

Forrest Rebuffs Acrappa  - [ Pie-rat | 7:57 CDT ]

Forrest (Myth@Bungie.org's Senior VP of tru7h) sends in this wake-up call:

Acrappa says 'i have filmz' is the first film site since 40oz. Not true!

It's the first NET film site since 40oz. For entertaining, skillfull, and original Myth and Myth II (and Chimera when it's out) films, lets not forget Bungie.org's very own Myth Master Central.


Of course, if you have the IQ of a flaming bottle of dwarven liquor, you should realize that this is just a PR shamelessly disguised as an attack.

Seriously, though, we think that films sites are great and a great way to waste your time on a weekend. Keep up the good work, Acrappa and Forrest!

Nov 8th


  Acrappa Launches New Films Site  - [ Pie-rat | 7:17 CDT ]

Acrappa of myther.com sends us the following news to post:

Remember 40 oz Films? We haven't had a Myth films page like this ever since its demise... until now. In an effort to bring back the joy of sharing films, I've created "i have films", a page dedicated to Myth films. So far there are only a handful of films available, but there will be more as time goes on. Look for weekly updates of the craziest, funniest, and downright strangest Myth films around. What are you waiting for? Head over to http://network.myther.com/filmz/ right now! Go!
Mmm...40 oz. films...

Hey, sounds good to me! Head on over!

Nov 7th

MLM v2.0

Millenium Tourney

  Major League Myth Season 2  - [ Pie-rat | 21:34 CDT ]

Moridin writes concerning another tournament: the fabled Major League Myth tourney. Here is his PR:

Registration for MLM Season 2 is now open! MLM is a 32 team league for Myth 2: Soulblighter. All games are played on Friday nights, at 10:00pm Eastern.

If you have a group of 3 or more, then you have enough for a team. Registration will only remain open until the spots are filled, so don't delay!

Swing by the MLM website at http://townhall.clanplaid.net/presents/mlm to sign up. Also be sure to swing by our forum!

You heard the man. Go!

Rudnir Announces Millenium Tourney  - [ Pie-rat | 21:30 CDT ]

Rudnir MoG announces the Millenium Tourney:

...the Y2K Millennium 2000 Tournament! This tournament will decide which is the best order of the millennium! Show your order pride and enter now! Go to http://millennium.ancrik.com.
Lot of tourneys this season. If you're a tourney buff, sign up!

Nov 6th

Total Codex

  More Myth: The Total Codex Sightings  - [ Pie-rat | 16:29 CDT ]

Harry Al-Shakarchi (aka TomeOne) sends in another Myth: The Total Codex sighting, this one at The Mac Smith.

Hey, it's just 20 bucks, too! (Thank you, Harry.)

Nov 5th

YA-Press Release

Myth II Ladder

Myth II

  Day of the Beast Cancelled  - [ Pie-rat | 13:19 CDT ]

As you can see, our news is catching up. A day or two of downtime can do that for you. ;)

Those guys over at Horsepants send us this sad news:

Due to repeated problems with development, the current Horsepants project, "The Day of the Beast" has been cancelled.

The project encountered numerous problems in development which were causing the Myth II engine to either crash or loose synchronization with other network players. These problems were a direct opposition to our goal with this project: to create large armies, huge explosions, and giant units. Without these traits, the plug-in was not, in our minds, innovative enough to warrant further development. Therefore this project has been shelved indefinitely.

Although it is unlikely that this project will ever be completed, it is possible that, if enough interest is shown, a plug-in adding only the "Ultima" (beast) unit to the Myth II tags is possible.

Horsepants has, however, been working on another project since before the development of the beast. This project, a total conversion, is currently only in the conceptual stages. However, with the cancellation of "Day of the Beast", we have decided to begin development. We are sure this will please the Myth community even more than "the Beast" would have. However, to prevent confusion, we make no comment about the specifics of this plug-in. Information regarding it will be available "Soon?"

Check out the Horspants website here.

Carch's Myth II Ladder  - [ Pie-rat | 13:12 CDT ]

Carch sends us this (somewhat belated) PR:

The venerable internet gaming ladder, Case's Ladder, now has a new league for Myth 2 players. Carch's Myth 2 Ladder allows you to test your mettle against other Myth players in singles and doubles matches.

Case's Ladder uses a simple and time-tested ranking system. The Myth 2 Ladder offers players a new kind of head to head competition that bungie.net rank does not afford. Myth 2 Ladder players will also be able to compete in special co-op, singles and doubles tournaments.

Not only that, but Myth 2 Ladder members earn "ladderbux" just for participating. Just about everything you do as a Myth 2 Ladder member earns you ladderbux. Ladderbux can be redeemed at Case's Ladder store for games, accessories, and merchandise.

All you need to sign up is an email address and a burning desire to claw your way to the top of the Myth 2 Ladder! Bring it on!

You heard him! Bring it on!

Myth II Wins Best RTS in MW '99  - [ Pie-rat | 7:16 CDT ]

Myth II: Soulblighter won Macworld's yearly Game Hall of Fame awards for Best Real-Time Strategy Game.

That is all.

More news will follow. Thank you.

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Myth at Bungie.org is maintained by Forrest, Lophan, Gawyn, and Pie-rat; webpage design and original Nontoxic™ site is copyright (c) 1998 by Joshstar; no portion of this website may be reprinted without explicit permission from us.