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Archived Posts - August 2000

Aug 31st

New Map Site

  Cpt. Pringle's Maps Find Home  - [ Pie-rat | 0:34 CDT ]

Captain Pringle sends us word that his Myth maps site finally has a home on the web:

I finally have a website for my maps. It's got screenshots and other stuff. If you have time, please check it out. You can find it at http://fly.to/pringlemaps.
You heard the man. Check out the new site here.

Aug 27th

New Newsie


  Gawyn is hired  - [ Gawyn | 14:18 CDT ]

No one's told me if this is acceptable or not, so I'll post. Hello, I'm Gawyn (obviously), your new Myth@Bungie.Org Newsie.

Forrest dragged me kicking and screaming out of the unemployment line on the hl.bungie.org server to make me spend my waking (and sleeping) hours hunting to net for morsels of Myth news to keep you people happy. Now that I've introduced myself, I'll go do my job.

/me haz filmz  - [ Forrest | 0:19 CDT ]

Two new films from Asmodeus and Gollum, at Mythmaster Central

Aug 26th



  They Might Be Mapmakers New Home  - [ Pie-rat | 18:46 CDT ]

Just received the following message from Darth Maul, head of the They Might Be Mapmakers guild:

They Might Be Mapmakers is proud to announce a brand new site URL and look! Our new website is located at tmbm.8m.com.

This new site is much nicer and incredibly more stable than our last, and will be updated regularly. We also have two new members! Go check us out, and expect more fun stuff from TMBM soon!

Well, it's hard to go wrong with a URL containing so many m's as that one. Try saying that three times fast!

Seriously, check out the new TMBM site here and enjoy!

Third Party Map Thins  - [ Forrest | 0:59 CDT ]

From Clem of Creation:

We have heard alot of grumblings on forums & such about fans not being able to find 3rd Party Multiplayer games on BungieNet. We decided to take a shot at giving players some kind of structured system that "could" make finding games easier if people choose to participate.

The boys at Creation have put together a system of Weekly Rotating maps which they hope will help Fans of Multiplayer Gameplay overall have better luck finding games online. Note that the Creation Standard is NOT strictly Creation Maps. You will find a couple of theirs in each weeks selection along with a few Tourney standards & then a few lesser known "wildcard" maps much like Peace on the Ramparts was. "We have always liked playing alot of these maps & hope that we can get players to jump on board the weekly system so that more people will be more likely to have similar maps loaded when on BungieNet. This should make it alot easier to find or host a 3rd party game if a good sized group of players choose to participate in the system". The list of maps will be slightly revised & shuffled every month or two based on the response that's received.

You can find full details on how their system will work at the Creation Website.

The idea seems to be fairly straight forward & easy to manage if players can remember what week of the month they're currently in.

Sounds cool! If only I had the time to play...

Aug 25th

Son of the Archives

  MMC Film Archive Is Online!  - [ Forrest | 0:52 CDT ]

You heard right! A searchable, sortable hyperarchive of all films, past and present, showing all relevant information and allowing you to download any of them with a single click.

Check out Mythmaster Films!

Aug 20th



THins & stuff

  New Old Myth League  - [ Forrest | 23:31 CDT ]

From Rolling Rock:

As a blast from the past, the National Myth League is back. Run by Sam Stone, Rolling Rock, and Abaddon, the National Myth League will be 32 teams locked in grid-iron combat, in 4 different divisions of 8 teams a piece. With a 7 week regular season, the top 8 teams from each conference will play for the chance to play in the "big one," where little kids wish to play: the Mythbowl 2000.

Similar to last year, this tournament is one of those rare ones where the teams involved pick the maps. Scheduling is easy, the forum always fun (last year, over 3500 posts in 11 weeks), and the smack talk always loud.

Register your team for the National Myth League today. Remember: out of 32, only 1 will survive.

Check it out here!

Yay! Another Mythmaster Central Update  - [ Forrest | 17:47 CDT ]

While you contemplate the changes mentioned below, Mythmaster Central has received an update. Check it out!

Change Is Afoot...  - [ Forrest | 17:43 CDT ]

..or maybe it's a hand, but it doesn't really matter ;-)

You've no doubt noticed that this site has long since been on the slow road to stagnation. Gone are the days of daily news update and bi-weekly additions to Legends. Gone too are the days of semi-daily Mythmaster Central updates. This most noticably started with the Aquisition, but stems from a deeper source.

I have been terminally afflicted with RLS - Real Life Syndrome. The very same syndrome that drew away Nontoxic's founder Joshstar, and the cofounder of the Myth's Story Page, Orange. Both are now incorporated into this site, so I guess it must run in the family.

But fear not! A new age is dawning. New faces shall soon grace these pages, bringing news from the farthest corners of the community and filling the gaping holes in the long-outdated Legends section with fresh material and stable theories from the still-active Asylum forum.

But wait! That's not all! A film hyperarchive is coming soon to Mythmaster Central, which I will still run of course; and on the horizon is the promise of an entirely new section which may someday grace the navbar above us.

Stay tuned...

Aug 10th

HL2 Preview

  Creation Previews Homelands II  - [ Forrest | 1:34 CDT ]

From Ares of Creation:

Creation has released a preview of Homeland II, the ambitious sequel to your favorite third-party winter solo. With six new units (three never before seen, three from the original Homeland), a great story, a great mesh, new artwork, and more, Homeland II will more than meet the standards set by the original. The preview can be found at Creation's site.
Very cool stuff, or so my inside sources (read: me) say :)

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Myth at Bungie.org is maintained by Forrest, Lophan, Gawyn, and Pie-rat; webpage design and original Nontoxic™ site is copyright (c) 1998 by Joshstar; no portion of this website may be reprinted without explicit permission from us.